Chapter 127: The Festive Witch

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29th October, 2024 - 9 days before Floor 75 was cleared.

Sanya: "I must beseech that you allow myself to thank you once more for your accompanying my person into this dungeon at such short notice."

Y/N: "You really don't need to thank me so much, or so politely either! It's not like its putting me out to accompany you after all!"

Sanya: "Hmmm... I suppose. But it was certainly fortuitous that we would stumble upon each other in the manner that we did. I fear that this dungeon may have been too much for me to handle alone within a reasonable pace."

Y/N: "I suppose it was quite the coincidence that we would run into each other out here, wasn't it! And as for this dungeon... this wasn't here last week, was it? I don't remember it being here at least..."

Sanya: "I do not believe so, no. If the sources are to be believed, this is one of the three dungeons that have been added for the festive week. One on each of the quartile Floors: 25, 50 and of course the one we're at currently, Floor 75."

Y/N: "Hmmm... And have you been to those other two dungeons already then?"

Sanya: "That is correct. Of course, due to my level, they were but a minor nuisance to navigate alone. The monsters that preside within them were far below my abilities after all! However..."

Y/N: "Hmm? However...? Was there another problem with these dungeons?"

Sanya: "Well... they are themed after the Halloween festivities, you have heard of them, yes?"

Y/N: "Of Halloween? Of course! Why do you ask?"

Sanya: "Well... from the country I am from, we do not really celebrate it in the same way that others may... most actively ignore it as a tradition actually... sigh"

Y/N: "Hmmm...Well, I suppose that Aincrad isn't the country you're from, so you can celebrate it freely here. Right?"

Sanya: "Indeed. What you say is true. And I do intend to partake in such frivolities myself as much as I can today, Koharu and Sachi even volunteered to assist Sasha in her duties at the Orphanage today so as to allow me partake the day off to truly enjoy myself. But still... these dungeons are... difficult to navigate alone."

Y/N: "Difficult to navigate? How do you mean, exactly?"

Sanya: "...m-must you make me speak such humiliating things!?"

Y/N: "Huh? I'm... sorry...? I guess? I don't-... I don't really understand..."

Sanya: "sigh... I suppose it is unfair of me to chastise and complain when I have left you in the dark like so..."

Y/N: "... Don't feel pressured to, unless of course, if it's important and might put your life at risk."

Sanya: "Hmmm... Well, I suppose it could prove inhibiting at an inopportune moment... but this tragic secret of mine can not be ascertained to anybody else. Ever."

Y/N: "You... want me to keep a secret, right? That's what you're asking? Sure! I promise!"

Sanya: "sigh ... I may have... potentially been somewhat-... hindered during my efforts to clear the event dungeons on the lower Floors because... w-well, because they contain many fearful elements that can cause surprise if they catch you unawares... i-i- I'm afraid I can say no more on the subject, for the sake of my dignity!"

Y/N: "Soooo... these dungeons have some spooky jumpscares then? That's what you're saying, right? That you've been caught flat-footed a couple of times and ended up getting scared inside these dungeons?"

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