Chapter 38: Farewell For Now

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I was worried I'd be a little late to the meeting spot, but it seems I wasn't the one who'd have to worry about that, I'm sure they're fine- they can handle themselves and have the game sense to know when to retreat if they needed to-

Asuna: "Hey U/N! Sorry we were late, Kirito got distracted hunting monsters! We should start heading to our destination, we can walk and talk."

Kirito: "Hmm, I seem to remember you competing to see who'd-"

Asuna: "-That's because I need exp too, I can't let you hoard it all!"

The two of them continue to argue with each other as you drop back to leave them to it, whilst their third NPC party member catches up to and approaches you.

Kizmel: "They certainly are strong warriors those two, even more so when they fight together... How fare you U/N? Did you manage to track down that damnable monster?"

Y/N: "I did, sorry I didn't come find you right away... I uh- had some other issues to deal with"

Kizmel: "Ah, yes. Word came from our scouts of that rescue of yours, our sympathies for those that didn't make it out..."

Kirito: "Rescue?"

Asuna: "Who didn't make it out? It wasn't someone we know, was it?"

Y/N: "It was Lisbeth, the blacksmith, her party- they overextended and they..."

Asuna: "Lisbeth is... gone?"

Y/N: "No, she's alive... I managed to get to her in time, but the others..."

Kizmel: "If I may, from what our scouts reported there was nothing you could have done, you already had your arms full carrying the survivor"

Kirito: "Carrying?"

Kizmel: "Indeed, the number of wolves were too many to deal with and yet U/N was able to carry his charge all the way back to that Human settlement of yours... I am glad to see your injuries have healed."

. . . This conversation is getting a little much, and we're meant to be 

Y/N: "Thanks Kizmel, and I uh- think I have something of yours."

Kizmel: "Oh?"

Y/N: "I found this dagger lodged in the beast's wing, it looks like an Elven blade. Could it be your sister's?"

I pull the dagger I found out of my inventory and hand it to Kizmel, she remains quiet for a moment until...

Kizmel: "Tilnel... this was her blade. I thank you greatly for this deed, now we can bury her with her blade as is Elven tradition... "

. . .

Kizmel: "You have my utmost thanks, when you reach the Dark Elf Fortress please come and find me again."

Y/N: "Glad to be of help, but we're at the mouth of the Labyrinth now... that's it there."

Kirito: "That was fast, I guess Argo wasn't lying when she said the town was right next to the Labyrinth, should make the Boss Raid a little easier on us... of course that's implying that you're not gonna solo it again U/N!"

Asuna: "Kirito!"

Kirito: "j-Just a joke!"

Asuna: "And you! U/N. You better not be thinking about it!"

Y/N: "i-I wasn't, too early to think about that and I have other plans tomorrow anyways.."

Asuna: "And if you do start thinking about it you better invite some of us to help, you're not going in to anymore boss fights alone if we have anything to say about it!"

Y/N: "Okay. Okay!"

Kirito: "So, what are your plans tomorrow? A cool quest or something?"

Y/N: "A small party of people asked if I'd give them some tips and training, nothing too exciting."

Asuna: "That's unexpected of you... but I'm glad you've been spending more time with the players in this world and less with the monsters!"

Kizmel: "Indeed, a warrior who does not spend time with those whom they wish to protect are sure to lose their way and collapse from within over time."

Y/N: "I'll uh- keep that in mind"

Kirito: "Anyone we'd know? The group you're training I mean."

Y/N: "I'm not sure, probably not- they call themselves the Moonlight Black Cats but they haven't done the quest to officially form a Guild yet, they're just a party of friends I think."

Asuna: "Well, I think it's very good of you to offer help to these lower level players, it can only do them good and improve their chances of getting out of this world alive."

Kizmel: "Indeed, a most just and noble act it is to train those in need, I believe you humans have a proverb about feeding a man a fish being only good for one day whilst teaching a man to fish for himself will feed him forever?"

Kirito: "Right, it's really amazing how much detail was put into this world... uh- I mean how much of the Human culture has made an impact on these lands."

I've noticed that Kirito seems to have an odd compulsion to speak in a non-lore breaking way around these NPC's as if he was protecting them from realising they are but code in a fake reality.

Kizmel: "ahem, quite. But alas, it is time that I part from this party and make my way to the Dark Elf Fortress. I thank you for safely accompanying me this far and I hope to see you all in the near-future- especially you U/N, so I can attempt to repay you for avenging Tilnel and bringing back her blade to me."

Asuna: "Bu-bye Kizmel! We'll all see you soon!"

Kirito: "Right, we just have to finish preparing for our fight with the boss- uh, gatekeeper of this Labyrinth... you wouldn't happen to have any intel that may aid our quest?"

Kizmel: "I am afraid that all I know is that within that Labyrinth resides an Evil Treant, Nerius it is called. I know that my Commander will know more about it and they still reside in the camp if you would like to know more. But for now, this will be farewell for now fair adventurers."

With Kizmel having teleported away it left the three of us at the mouth of the Labyrinth without a real aim but to return to the Dark Elf Commander to officially complete this quest step and to get info on the Floor Boss.

Asuna: "Well, we've no rush to see the Dark Elf Commander, we won't be dealing with the boss for a couple more days at least... right U/N?"

Y/N: "uh- yeah. right."

Kirito: "Well, it's getting kinda late, the darkness combined with the mist would be a needless risk to try grinding mobs now, so what now?"

Asuna: "Oooh! Are you up for that cooking lesson you promised me U/N? I managed to get a good amount of fish on my last day off like you asked!"

Y/N: "Oh right, sure that sounds good to me- I need to make some base ingredients anyways... I guess we'll head back to my inn room for the dedicated kitchen?"

Asuna: "Sounds good to me! Come on, let's go!"

Asuna then takes you by the arm with hers and begins to lead you in the direction of the town with a newly found spring in her step and an excited grin on her face, and with her arm still linked around yours she was dragging you along behind her!

Kirito: "H-Hey wait! You'll need a taste-tester right? Right?!"

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