I Should've Known...

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"Someone restrain her!" A male voice comes from the other side of the arena.

My head snaps in his direction. Black plasma leaks from my body as people slowly back away from me. The crowd is stunned silent.

I put my hands up in defense. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt anyone. I have it under control."

A couple of pro heroes draw closer to me, restraints in their hands. I take a step back, my hands shaking as I try my best to control my quirk under pressure.

"Tell that to the student you nearly killed." One snaps at me.

"He came at me with the same force. I was just protecting myself." I say.

"Control your quirk or you will end up as a villain." Another adds in.

Someone clamps down on my wrist, I instantly try to break free. More pro heroes surround me like I'm already a villain like I am some kind of threat.

"Contain her before she does any more damage." Someone yells.

My whole body is trembling as I try to pull free but they easily overpower me. My hands are cuffed. I shake my head.

"I'm sorry, please. I was just trying to stand up for myself." I plead with them.

My pleas are ignored as I stand cuffed and muzzled like a dangerous animal. I'm dragged from the arena but I know all cameras and eyes are on me.

9 years later...

I suck in a deep breath as I stroll down the street in the dark. The air is a little chilly but it doesn't phase me. People rush past quickly, a couple of strangers nudge my shoulder but no one stops to apologize. Guess it's all part and parcel of being the least popular pro hero.

I pull my jacket closer to me, more out of comfort than actually being cold. I keep my head low as I make my way down the street. Dim lights flicker above me.

There has been a rise in villain attacks after sundown over the last couple of months so a lot of civilians have been avoiding the dark. I find something calming in it even though it's not exactly safe but I had the overwhelming urge to be outside tonight.

Like something was beckoning me to join the night. I guess it's the peace I gain from being away from the watchful eyes of other heroes.

A loud explosion comes from a couple of streets over, shattering my momentary peace. I lift my head to see smoke rising above the buildings. A small sigh leaves me, maybe I should've just stayed home.

Screams of people fill the air as I sprint down the street. The hero part of me wants to help people, to prove that I'm still good.

My feet skid to a halt as I assess the damage. Smoke is billowing out a bank's windows while civilians watch on. Flames leap from shattered windows and the heat licks at my skin.

"Hey, Flare." Another hero, already on site, yells at me. "Don't just stand there. The villains who did this, are still here. Be active." He snaps.

"Everyone has been evacuated." Another hero pipes up.

I give a small nod, discarding my jacket. My eyes scan the area as more heroes come to help. I feel so useless being here. I can't control the flames and I can't manage them with my quirk.

I check nearby buildings for any signs of break-ins. Everything looks fine. A little too fine to be honest. My eyebrows furrow. Whoever did this, must still be nearby.

I creep down an alleyway on the other side of the bank. Smoke is thick in the air, making it harder for me to see. I squint through the haze when I'm suddenly grabbed by the throat and slammed into a wall. The air is knocked from my lungs and I gasp for air.

A bright blue flame lights a path through the smoke and haze, revealing a man with a heavily scarred face. His gaze is intimidating and it feels as though he is looking right into my soul.

"I'd highly advise you to shut up and I might let you leave in one piece." He threatens.

Air floods my lungs and I choke back the smoke that I inhaled. Coughing, I hold his intense stare. Though the longer I keep eye contact, I can't help but feel as though something seems a little familiar about him.

"Do you understand?" He snaps, bringing the flame closer to my face.

The heat radiates off it but I know it won't do any damage if it touches my skin. I give him a small nod, knowing the consequences if I try to fight back and get caught. It's better for me to be seen like this, than the other way around.

He moves his face a little closer as though inspecting me and my mind starts to wander to the worse possibilities. I push down the urge to embed my fist into this thing's face.

They wouldn't hesitate to throw me in a cell then.

"You're not scared of me?" He asks.

I give a small shrug. "Should I be?"

He gives off a dark laugh before making the flame grow bigger. "A little cocky from someone who was trapped so easily. I could end your pitiful life, little hero."

"Just my bad luck, I guess," I say, there is something that is so familiar to me and it's driving me crazy. "Have we met before?" I ask.

He cocks his head to the side and gives me a confused look. His flame dies down a little and the shadows illuminate his facial features more. My eyes grow wide and my legs grow weak. I stare at this man before me like I've seen a ghost. I know this face.

My body moves forward against his hold as I try to get a closer look at his face. Those beautiful blue eyes, the curve of his jaw, and that nose. Some things don't change much with age.

"Touya?" I whisper.

His grip tightens and he brings his face right up to mine. Our noses are touching and I feel the heat pulsate from his body. An unpleasant smell lingers off him and I can't help but flinch away from it. He smells like burnt skin.

"Touya is dead. Long gone. I go by Dabi now." He sneers.

He raises his hand, opening his palm. Blue flames engulf me and I continue to stare at him. I feel the flames prickle over my skin like fresh rain. Goosebumps raise over every inch of my body. It's been a while since someone's tried to burn me.

His hand drops from my neck and he takes a step back. There is confusion and anger plastered all over his face as he takes a moment to himself. I rub at my neck where he had me pinned.

"If you were my old friend, Touya, then you would've known that your flames have no effect on me. Sorry, Dabi." I say.

He tries again and nothing happens. A group of heroes suddenly appear at the end of the alley. All eyes fixated on us, the ground is scorched where I stand. Dabi's eyes flick me one last glance before taking off.

I make no attempt to chase after him but the other heroes do. One stays behind and gives me a disapproving look.

"You know there is a no-kill policy? You're aware of that right?" He asks.

I drop my arms to my side and look away, back up the alley towards the street. "I am aware of it. Hence why I did not engage in battle. He attacked me."

The hero gives me a once-over. "Sure, whatever you say. The scorch marks say otherwise. You will need to report that with the officials."

"I gathered as much," I mumble as I move back toward the street where more heroes are.

It's going to be a long evening of staring at a blank wall and being asked the same questions over and over again until someone believes me.

At least I have something to think about... Touya is alive and he tried to kill me.

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