Now You'll Never See Me Cry

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Touya and I lie in the grass as the wind blows around us. His snow-white hair gently moves with it. There is a soft smile on his face as he looks deeply into my eyes. There are no signs of scars on his face or that slightly deranged glint in his eyes that I've gotten used to.

"Do you remember when we used to come up here as children?" He asks.

I give a slight nod. "How could I forget. We used to spend most of our day's training here and getting in trouble from Endeavor for slacking off."

He lets out a light chuckle. "I never knew who he was angrier at, me or you."

"What happened to you?" I ask out of the blue.

He rolls his head to look up at the sky. "That isn't a question I can answer. You need to talk to Dabi about it."

"But you are Dabi or well at least, he's you." 

"He was me but I never was him. Hurts to think that you thought I could be like that." He jokes.

I reach out to touch him and my hand falls straight through him. "Touya?"

His body starts to fade. "Yes."

"Why did this have to happen to us? Were we always destined to be miserable?"

His hand moves to find mine as he continues to fade away. "You haven't been this free and happy in a long time regardless of what is happening right now. I don't think you're miserable anymore." He whispers. "Everything happens for a reason, remember."

"Can't you stay a little longer?"

"Not this time but Dabi will be there when you wake up."

"But it's not the same."

"Of course, it isn't the same. Your memory of me was from when we were children. Dabi and you are adults now. People change."

My body slams forward in my bed, sweat dripping down my forehead, the heat taking over my whole body. The smell of smoke hits me and I realize my hands are burning the blankets. I quickly deactivate my quirk and kick the burnt blankets from the bed.

I let out a sigh mixed between frustration and confusion. I bury my face into my hands to relieve some of the emotions. All I want to scream.

"So stupid, it was just a dream," I mumble to myself.

"Well, you don't have to make it my nightmare." A voice comes from beside me.

Dabi is lying down beside me with one eye open glaring up at me. 

"What are you doing in my bed?" I ask.

"You were crying out in your sleep, thought I'd come and check on you." He says. "You latched onto me when I got a little too close and basically sobbed into my chest."

I place a hand over his face. "No more words from you. Let's forget that happened." I say.

He peels my hand away from his face. "Lie down and go back to sleep then." He sneers.

I drop back down onto the bed and stare up at the ceiling. "Did I say anything in my sleep?" I ask.

"I thought you said no more words from me." He laughs.

I nudge his shoulder with mine. "You can answer that question."

"Of course, your royal highness." Dabi snides. "You were mumbling a few things but nothing I could really make out."

"Probably for the best." 

"So, what were you dreaming about? You seemed pretty distressed when I walked in."

"Nothing important. Just one of those strange dreams you have that make no sense."

He props himself up on one arm so he can look down at me. "That's a lie. So, I'm gonna ask you again?"

I roll over so my back is facing him. "Just drop it. It's nothing that concerns you."

He places his hand on my shoulder and pushes me back onto my back. He moves so he is hovering over me. His eyes are narrowed.

"It concerns me because you're the one that woke me up, dragged me into your bed, and sobbed into my chest." He says. "So, tell me (y/n). What were you dreaming about?"

"It's stupid." I look away from him.

"Spit it out so we can both go back to sleep." 

I sigh and look him in the eye. "I was dreaming about Touya but him at this age," I say.

Dabi's face doesn't move or change. "What else?"

"We were in that field we used to train in, just lying in the grass talking," I explain. 

His face softens and he drops back down onto the bed. "I remember that field. I used to wipe the floor with you when it came to training."

"I won a couple of times." I defend myself.

He snorts. "Barely. Endeavor used to call you my punching bag."

"Asshole," I mumble.

He lets out a deep chuckle. "He hated the influence you had on me."

I sit up a little so I can look at him. "I had an influence on you?" 

He gives off a shrug. "A bad influence. I was a good child before you came along."

I smack his arm playfully. "Whatever,"

He smiles at me. "What do you think about following chapped lips?" He changes the subject.

I lie back down. "Is that what you're gonna call him from now on? Because you saw how sensitive he was."

"He called me patchwork."

"You two are going to become the best of friends. I can just feel in it my bones." I laugh.

"All joking aside, should we join him?"

"I don't think it would be a bad idea. You know, power in numbers." I say. "I'm saying that we aren't strong enough with the two of us. There's just no harm in having more power, you know what I mean?"

"I agree with you. He's unstable along with blondie but having them as allies could be beneficial for us. Plus that Kurogiri seems to have his head screwed on."

"He doesn't really have a head though." I correct him.

"I'm aware of that." He says. "We will wait until he comes back to us. I'll get in contact with Giran, let him know we are interested."

"You make it sound like we are some kind of package deal."

"I'd say we are. I'm sure they are smart enough not to turn one of us away. Two fire-based quirk users, now that's a bonus for them."

"Good point," A yawn escapes me. "I guess that's a sign for me to go back to sleep."

"Finally, you've been talking my ear off since you dragged me into this bed."

I shake my head. "Don't say it like that. It sounds like I wanted you in here with me."

He raises an eyebrow. "I don't see you kicking me out."

I roll onto my side and face away from him, letting my eyes close. "Keep talking and I just might."

"All talk," He says quietly. 

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