You're No Longer My Concern

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I cling to the back of my mother's shirt as she knocks on the front door of our neighbor's house. 

"Do we have to be here?" I ask quietly.

"You need to learn to be more social with other kids. You'll never make any friends with an attitude like that." My mother scolds me.

I sigh and let go of the back of her shirt. The door opens to reveal a heavily pregnant woman with snow-white hair and a young child on her hip. A couple of children hide behind her. She gives a warm smile.

"You must be our new neighbors." She says happily. "I would've come over but this one's getting ready to pop." She places her hand over her stomach.

My mother puts on a fake smile. "Oh, that's perfectly understandable. I thought it would be good for our children to meet each other." 

She shoves me forward and I take a step backward backing into my mother. The woman in front offers a warm smile. A red-haired boy moves out from behind his mother with his hands on his hips. He narrows his eyes at me.

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm Rei." She then pushes the red-haired boy forward a little. "This is Touya, my oldest. Fuyumi, my oldest girl, and this little one is Natsuo." 

"What a cute little family. I'm (m/n) and this is (y/n)." My mother says in that fake nice tone of hers. 

"If you want, (y/n) can stay for the afternoon and spend time with my children." Rei offers.

"That sounds like an excellent idea." My mother says.

I go to open my mouth when I feel a sharp pinch in the middle of my back. A warning to keep my mouth shut. 

"Wonderful," Rei claps her hands together.

"I'll come to collect her later. Have fun, (y/n)." She is already walking away before I can say anything.

"Mom," I call out to her but she ignores me.

A hand touches my shoulder gently and I look up at Rei. "Come inside with the others. She'll be back later."

I give a nod and Fuyumi latches onto my hand, pulling me inside. Rei giggles to herself as she closes the door.

Fuyumi pulls me through the house. "How old are you? I'm six."

"I'm seven," I answer quietly.

She stops abruptly in her tracks and grabs ahold of my other hand. She stares intensely into my eyes. "My brother Touya is seven, too." She says proudly. "Come and meet him."

She suddenly pulls me out to the backyard where the red-haired boy is. He pulls a face when he sees me. He looks me up and down as he crosses his arms.

"What's your quirk?" He questions.

"Touya, be nice."

My eyebrow twitches. "What's your quirk?" I fire back placing my hands on my hips.

He raises an eyebrow at my sudden mood change. "I asked you first."

"Fire," I lie.

His eyes widen. "Really?"

I avoid his eye and I nod my head. "Well, it's kind of like fire."

Touya creates a flame in his hands and my eyes grow with fascination. I take a step closer and he pulls back a little. Fuyumi lets go of my hand.

"Be careful, I might burn you." He says.

I wave him off. "You can't burn me," I say.

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Now, I know you're lying. Fire burns everything."

I give off a small shrug. "Well everything apart from me."

He lets the flame go out. "How do you know that?"

"I just know," I say a little harshly.

"Prove it then." 

"No, don't be silly," Fuyumi says.

I give her a brief look before looking back at Touya. "Okay, if you want to see it so badly."

Touya walks towards me, he takes a hold of my hand. I can't help but blush a little. This is the first time a boy has held my hand. He stares into my eyes.

"Is this a good idea?" He asks.

"You can't hurt me with fire," I say.

"If you're so sure," 

"Touya, no!" Fuyumi screams.

Flames erupt from Touya's hand. He keeps his eyes fixed on me as I carry on to hold his hand. The flames curl around my arm but I don't feel anything but tingling heat. The flames start to burn my shirt. I gently pat them out.

Rei comes running outside as fast as she can with her heavily pregnant stomach.  

"Touya!" She raises her voice a little. "Stop."

The boy stops and takes a step away from me. There is interest in his eyes as he stares at me. Rei kneels down in front of me, checking over my arm.

"Are you okay?" She twists my arm over, looking for burn marks.

"I'm okay. Flames don't burn me." I say.

Her eyes find mine and she looks a little shocked. "Really? So Touya's flames didn't burn you at all?" 

I shake my head. "No, they didn't hurt."

"Do your parents know about this?" She asks.

"They do. I'm not meant to tell anyone about it though. It's meant to be our little secret."

She lets go of my arm and stands back up with Fuyumi's help. There is a smile on her face. "I understand." She looks over at Touya. "Don't go doing that anymore though."

He pouts and crosses his arms as Rei walks back inside. Touya looks at me.

"I told you so," I say.

"How can you do that?" He walks closer to me.

I give a small shrug. "I don't know, it might have something to do with my quirk. My parents don't like to talk about it or me talking about it."

"Why?" He sits down on the grass and pats the spot next to him.

I take a seat next to him. "I don't know. They want me to be normal."

"My dad is training me to be the number one hero." He says with a proud smile.

"I want to be a hero, I don't know if I could be number one though." 

He laughs. "Of course, you won't be. I will be the number one hero."

I give him a small push and he returns it. "Do you think you could teach me what you know? I'm not allowed to use my quirk at home."

"Sure, I'll make you the number two hero!" He exclaims.

My cheeks flush pink a little and I smile at him. The door to the backyard suddenly opens and a tall man stands staring at us both. His eyes stop on me.

"So you're the girl that can resist my son's flames." He says.

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