Was I Reckless To Help

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I sit in my usual spot by the boarded-up window, watching the people walk around freely below. The days I have spent cramped up inside this broken-down building are starting to get to me. I thought my new life would be filled with more freedom but I'm being more cautious than I ever was before.

I still feel trapped.

Dabi walks out of his room and throws a duffle bag at me. It lands on my lap and I let out an uncomfortable groan. It's heavy.

"What's in here?" I ask, zipping it open.

"Everything we need."

"Need for what?"

He raises an eyebrow at me. "Have you forgotten already?"

"Hosu?" I question.

He claps his hands in a mocking way as he walks over to the kitchen. "We are leaving once the sun sets."

"Finally, I get some kind of freedom," I mutter under my breath.

"You've been free this whole time, don't complain."

I push the bag off my lap and it lands with a heavy thud. "I haven't been free. You've been basically watching me this whole time, making sure I don't sneak outside."

He leans against the broken counter as his empty eyes stare at me. "If the heroes spot you, they aren't going to exactly stop to ask questions."

I sigh. "I guess you have a point. It's just so boring being locked up all day. You must at least understand my frustration."

He pushes away from the counter and saunters over to me. He crouches down in front of me. "You've done barely two weeks. How many years did you believe I was dead and gone? How many years did I go without being seen?" He spits. "Think before you speak."

I lean forward matching his energy. "Sorry, I just thought I'd have a touch more freedom as I am no longer under the watchful eye of countless heroes."

"Did you know how badly I wanted to find you for a little bit of familiar company? At least you have me. I was alone for so long."

I'm taken aback by his honesty. "Why didn't you?" I whisper.

"We were on different paths in life. I wanted revenge and you wanted to be the number one hero. Well, that's until they all turned against you."

"I would've understood," I say staring into his eyes.

He shakes his head, standing up. "I know you would've. You've always been too trusting." He grumbles staring at the wall.

"And, you've always been a cold asshole when it comes to emotions."

He gives off a short snort before moving his gaze back to me. There is a slight smile on his scarred face. "I guess neither of us has changed over the years then."

"Both lost children," I comment.

"Abandoned by the ones we looked up to." He holds a hand down towards me. "Let's go to Hosu."

I give a small nod before dropping my hand into his.

Dabi and I stayed huddled tightly in the corner of the train, avoiding all interactions with people. The lights have been dimmed for travel so blending into the background isn't too hard. We keep masks over the lower parts of our faces, hiding any identifying features.

A light snore comes from Dabi. I peer down at him and he's fast asleep. He looks so peaceful, carefully tucked into the crook of my neck.

"Next stop, Hosu City." A voice comes over the loudspeaker.

A few people stir in their seats, collecting bags and getting ready to disembark the train. I gently place my hand on Dabi's shoulder and shake him. His eyes flutter open and his bright blue eyes come to look at me.

"We're nearly there," I whisper to him.

He sits up, stretching out his arm and letting out a yawn. "I didn't expect to fall asleep."

"You've been busy looking after my dumbass. I'm not surprised you fell asleep."

The train starts to slow down, Dabi gets to his feet, pulling the duffle down from the overhead apartment. He slings it over his shoulder before holding his hand out to me.

"Come on, we have things we need to do Inferno." He states.

I take it. "Inferno?"

He pulls me up onto my feet but doesn't let go of me. "Can't go by Flare anymore. She's dead remember." He whispers in my ear.

"So, you came up with Inferno?"

"I could always call you hot stuff." He suggests as he leads me down the aisle.

"If I'm hot stuff, you're hotshot."

He cringes at the name, shooting a dark look over his shoulder. "I'd rather turn myself into the heroes before I let anyone call me that."

I snigger as we slip off the train unnoticed. We stick to the shadows the best we can. Once we are far enough away from the main civilian areas, Dabi finds an abandoned house to break into.

"You really like broken and abandoned things, don't you?"

"That's why I hang out with you." He retorts.

I cross my arms over my chest. "Thanks for that little compliment."

He stops what he's doing, looking over his shoulder at me. "You're welcome."

I roll my eyes and watch as he attempts to break a lock. His hand lights up blue and he blasts his flames at it. The lock clatters to the concrete and he kicks the door open.

"So much for sneaking around," I mumble.

"I got sick of you standing behind me, judging me." He says walking inside.

"You were taking too long." I follow after him.

He gives off a short snort as he scopes out the building. We find a broken bed and a couch to match it. He throws the duffle bag on the ground and flops back onto the bed. Dust and who knows what else rises into the air.

"I guess I'm not sleeping tonight," I say, walking out of the room to check out the rest of the house.

"You can always sleep with me," Dabi calls after me.

"I'd rather sleep outside in the gutter," I call back to him as I step into another room.

There is an old futon on the ground which looks in much better condition than the bed Dabi just claimed. I pick it up, giving it a good shake to get rid of the dust that had settled on it.

I choke on the smell as I turn my head away. I lay it back down on the ground, satisfied with my find.

"Looks like there is room for two on it." He comments.

"In your dreams."

He comes up behind me, resting his hands on my waist. "Oh, we do more than sleep in my dreams."

"I'm not even surprised that came out of your mouth."

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