They Called Me Weak

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There are heroes and press everywhere once we arrive at the hospital. It looks impossible to get through the mass of people. I tilt the hat on my head more to cover my face, Fuyumi, and Rei do the same. Fuyumi has a tight hold on her mother and Natsuo keeps his arm around me.

"Did you know about your brother?" Someone asks from beside Natsuo as we move our way through the crowd.

"When is Endeavor going to come out and answer our questions?" Another asks.

"Does the villain Flare have some connection to your family? Why was she never caught with the other villains?"

Natsuo's grip tightens on my shoulder but we finally squeeze through the crowd, emerging at the front door of the hospital. 

"I think me being here is a bad idea. One of these heroes or even bystanders is sure to recognize me. What is Shoto going to do when he sees me?" I whisper to Natsuo.

"Just calm down. Everything is going to be fine, trust me," he whispers back. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

We get inside where it is a lot calmer. A doctor greets us, he looks at the four of ur, and his eyes narrow at me.

"I need to speak with the direct family," he says.

"She's my girlfriend," Natsuo says.

"Sorry only direct family because of everything that's been going on." He says.

I pat Natsuo's shoulder. "It's okay, I need to find a nurse for my possible little problem," I tell him. "Just call me when you're finished."

"Call if anything happens," he whispers.

I nod and slip away from the family, keeping my head down as I head over to the front desk. The lady glances up at me and I use my best professional voice.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if there is a nurse available."

The lady types away on the computer. "Of course. Do you mind me asking it what it might be concerning?"

I lean forward a little more, keeping my voice down low. "I think I might be pregnant,"

She nods. "Take a seat and someone will be with you soon,"

I sit down and my leg starts jumping. A few people give me side glances but nothing that worries them. I pull my phone out and start typing a message to Dabi. I've heard nothing from him.

Your dumbass better be alive. I'm going to see your brother now. It's not like they can throw me in prison with what happened overnight. Don't do anything else stupid.

A woman stops in front of me. "Excuse me, miss." I look up and it's a nurse. She flashes me a smile. "You're waiting on a nurse?"

I nod. "I am,"

"Follow me then,"

We walk into a small room and she sits down. I go through my symptoms with her and also mention I've been under a lot of stress lately and this could be to do with that but I just need to know.

She gives me a small container and shows me to the bathroom. I follow her instructions and I walk back into the office with my pee. I cringe at the warm feeling in my hand.

"This might take a few moments. You're with the Todoroki Family, correct?"

"I am. I'm one of the brother's girlfriends."

"Hopefully not the one that aired all the family's dirty laundry to the world." she jokes lightly.

I laugh a little and put on my best fake smile. "Imagine the scandal in that,"

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