I Let It Burn

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"I'll be back later. I need to speak with Giran." Dabi says as he walks toward the door.

"Can't I come with you? I'll wear a disguise." I say.

He stares at the wall with a look of contemplation on his face. "I want to say yes but I think it's still a good idea to keep a low profile in the meantime. You'll have your freedom soon enough."

I let out an annoyed sigh. "Can you at least bring back something decent to eat? Like something sweet."

A smile pulls at the corners of his lips. "I'll see what I can manage."

"You mean you'll see what you can steal." 

He chuckles to himself before walking out the door. The room is silent as I stare at the door he just walked out of. I give off a quiet sigh and walk back over to my spot on the couch. There is a small indent where I have been sitting every day.

I lean on the window sill and gaze out the gap in the wooden boards. I have been slowly chipping away at them, wanting to see more of the outside world. A hooded figure captures my attention. It's Dabi.

He walks down the street, blending into the crowd. A couple of heroes pass him without a single glance in his direction. It's so unfair but I guess this is what I asked for.

I activate my quirk and play with a small plasma ball as I continue to watch the people below. I spot people I see every day, mother's with their children, and couples holding hands. 

"Mom, look up there." A child suddenly yells.

I freeze in my spot as my eyes try desperately try to locate where the child is. I spot a small boy pointing at the building across from mine. There are two heroes standing on the rooftop. Relief washes over me as I realize I haven't been spotted.

The two heroes wave down at the child with big fake smiles on their faces. I cringe at the sight and it makes me a little sick to the stomach thinking I wanted to be just like them. 

"Bastards," I mutter.

One of the hero's heads snaps in my direction and we make eye contact. His eyes widen and before he even has a chance to say anything, I'm running through the apartment. I snatch the duffle bag from Dabi's room. I start throwing everything we need might need.

Heavy footsteps thump up the stairs drawing closer to the apartment. My heart is racing like crazy as I fumble through my drawers. 

A loud bang comes from the front door making me jump. I throw my bedroom window open and peer down the side of the building. There is an old fire escape but it looks like it has seen better days. Parts of it have rusted away. 

I turn back and do a quick scan of the room. The photo of Touya and me when we were younger sits next to the bed. I quickly grab it. I pull my hood over my head.

The front door suddenly crashes in. I slip out the window and carefully start climbing down the fire escape. Voices flood the apartment.

"Hey, you! Stop." Someone calls from above.

I ignore the voice and keep climbing down. I keep my focus on getting to the ground in one piece.

"She's going down to the alley." The voice above comes.

"Shit," I mumble to myself as I pick up my pace.

I place my foot on a bar and it snaps. My whole body slips from the fire escape and I land badly on my feet. A sharp pain shoots up my leg from my right foot. I don't stop to think about it as I limp from the alleyway.

I pull my phone from my pocket and move as quickly as I can down a side street.

"I've been gone for like 10 minutes." Dabi answers.

"Apparently that's all it took for me to get into trouble," I say huffing.

"What have you done?"

"I was sitting in my spot by the window and I was watching some heroes showing off. I mumbled something to myself and he must've heard me."

"Then what? Where are you?"

"They broke into the apartment. I'm currently running down the road." I say.

"Send me your location and keep moving. I'll catch up with you." 

"Okay, please hurry."

He hangs up the call and I quickly send him my location. I slip down another alley wall and hide behind a dumpster. I slide down the wall relieving the pressure on my foot.

Within minutes a figure appears out of the corner of my eye. I flinch only to find Dabi standing over me. 

"I can't leave you alone for 10 minutes." He grumbles as he crouches down.

"Hey, I was minding my own business. He was the one that decided to chase after me."

He lets out a sigh. "Whatever you say. Let's get out of here. I think I passed them when I was looking for you."

A scratch my arm and look down at my foot. "I might need a little bit of help. I slipped when I was escaping. I don't know if I can walk by myself."

He lets out an annoyed noise. "Typical." 

"I can wait here until dark and then make my way-" I stop and realize we can't go back to the apartment.

"I guess I don't have any other option now but to take you with me to meet with Giran." 

"Where were you going to meet him?"

"Where we went the other night. He thinks it would be better for the three of us to speak together."

"I can walk there later."

He shakes his head. "I'm not leaving you here." he holds his hand out to me. 

"I'll only slow you down and what happens if those heroes catch up with us."

A smirk grows on his face. "There are two of us and it's your foot, not your hands. I think we'll be fine."

I take his hand and he pulls me up in one swift motion, catching me. He turns around and crouches down low.

"Jump on," he says.

"You're gonna piggyback me?" I question.

"Hurry up before I change my mind." 

I swing the duffle bag so it rests behind me and climb onto his back. His hands find my thighs and he grips them tightly. I feel my cheeks flush and I'm grateful that he can't see my face right now. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Hold on," he stands back up.

We step out onto the street and a couple of people give us strange looks. I keep my head close to his out of comfort and in an attempt to keep some of my face hidden.

"I don't like all of this attention," I mumble to him.

"You'll get over it." He says.

"Hey, you two!" A voice comes from behind us.

Dabi ignores it and keeps walking. "Don't look back, hopefully, they are talking about someone else."

A heavy hand slams down on my shoulder, stopping us. I turn around and the hero from earlier is standing behind us. I go to open my mouth and Dabi spins around, flames erupting from his hand. 

A large firewall stands between the hero and us. Dabi wastes no time in fleeing. He holds onto me tightly as he sprints down the street and out of sight.

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