If I Knew It All Then

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Jeanist and Hawks open the door and I stand just behind them. It is taking everything in me right now not to set Hawks up in flames. But I know there is a time and place for that, and here and now is not it.

Natsuo's eyes grow wide at the sight of me no longer wearing my glasses or my hat. "Don't arrest her, we need her," he says.

I push past the two heroes. "Don't worry, they've got nowhere to actually hold me at the moment. Plus neither of them are in any condition to fight me."

Natsuo visibly relaxes but Fuyumi still looks tense. I start to move over to the Todoroki family only for a hand to stop me. I look back over my shoulder to see Hawks holding onto me. My eyes narrow.

"If you don't remove that tainted backstabbing hand of yours, I will melt it off," I sneer.

Jeanist raises his hands getting defensive. "How dare you speak to him like that? Someone ought to teach you some manners,"

"It's fine, Jeanist." Hawks's electronic voice comes through his speaker. "We can work together on this,"

I pull my arm away from his grip. "Correct me if I'm wrong but last time you worked with me, you ended up stabbing and killing my friend. The worst part about all of that was that Twice thought of you as his friend and you killed him," I spit.

He sighs. "I told him to come peacefully but he refused and then your boyfriend decided to interfere."

"Because he knew better than to trust you,"

Natsuo takes my hand and gently pulls me over to the rest of the family. Fuyumi interlocks her arm with mine.

"Sorry, we were listening in," Hawks says ignoring what I just said. "Can we join in on helping?"

Rei moves forward and gets down on the floor bowing to the two heroes. "I apologize for what my son has done," he says.

"Rei," I whisper.

"Please, that's not why we're here," Hawks says.

"We wanted to ask you some questions about Dabi," Jeanist says helping her off the floor.

"Questions?" I ask. 

"We are wanting to know more about how he survived and turned into Dabi," Jeanist explains.

"You're kidding, right? He explained it all on live television." I say starting to get defensive.

"But how did he survive? Did he ever tell you?"

I blink a couple of times as I can't think of anything smart to say back. "I don't actually know. He never told me what happened after that day and I never asked."

"She was busy doing other things," Nastuo whispers to Fuyumi.

She gives him a sharp elbow to the side followed by a dark look.

Hawks walks closer to Endeavor. "I remember watching your videos when I was younger, who would've thought your tenaciousness would snowball into this." he leans closer to Shoto. "Is that how Shoto go his burn, too?"

"No," Rei says. "It was me,"

"Mom," Shoto says.

"He still called me Mom after that and he found it in himself to forgive me," she explains.

Hawks stares at Shoto for a moment. "You're so cool," he walks over to the window. "It's hell outside, Endeavor. Dabi, Toga, Spinner, Shigaraki, and 132 escaped Liberation Front Members. Not to mention the seven high-end nomu. No one knows their whereabouts."

"Well 131, we have (y/n) right here." Shoto corrects him.

"That's one, plus there are all of those who escaped Tartatos. All free to do who knows what on society."

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