When Did I Become So Numb?

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The cool evening breeze blows through my hair as I stand at the top of a cliff. It overlooks a thick forest. Dabi is standing beside me, his hands jammed in his pockets. I bet he thinks he looks so cool right now. 

We haven't really spoken about what we are to one another right now but I feel as though nothing has changed. Apart from now having sex with each other.

Other villains come to join us as we look down on a building in the forest. The UA students are currently there. I cross my arms over my chest and narrow my eyes.

I don't agree with going after students but to stay on Shigaraki's good side and not be turned into dust particles, I kept my mouth shut.

"Is this all of us?" I ask, not turning to acknowledge any of the villains behind us.

"There will be three more joining us soon but in the meantime, this will be enough." Dabi answers.

"Let's settle somewhere for the night and make a plan from there." Someone comments from behind us.

I give a small nod and turn around. The others are already walking away at this stage. I go to follow after them but Dabi catches me by the arm. He looks down at me with dark eyes.

"I don't want you here." He says coldly.

I give a small shrug and pull my arm away from him. "Not your choice anymore, Dabi."

I walk away from him but he follows closely behind, not wanting me to leave his sight. We meet up with the others, and a couple of them raise their eyebrows but no one dares to ask what is going on between us.

Dabi and I walk through the forest together. Our plan is already in motion. He had been very persuasive to the others that he needed me with him because of my quirk. We both know that's a lie. He just doesn't want me to be by myself.

He stops and places his hand against a tree. "Are you ready?"

I sigh and create a plasma ball in my hand. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"There's no turning back now." Blue flames start to burn away at the tree, soon catching the whole thing alight.

I do the same. We walk further, spreading the fire even more. A light catches our attention as we get closer I can see it is a building. I squint trying to get a better look at it.

"So, what am I supposed to do? You didn't really fill me in last night." I say.

Dabi keeps his attention fixed ahead. "Stay out of sight. That's the best thing you can do at the moment."

I stop dead in my tracks before we can walk out into the open. "I'm sorry, did I just hear you correctly?"

He gives off an irritated sigh. "You heard me. Shigaraki doesn't want you involved in this."

"He doesn't want me here or you don't want me here?" I ask. "You've been pretty adamant about keeping me away from this all even though it was your idea for us to both join the League of Villains."

"This is neither the time nor place to be discussing this. Follow orders for once in your life." He says, his back still to me.

"Or what? Why are you so against me being here? At least tell me that."

He looks back over his shoulder at me. His eyes are narrowed. "If those heroes catch you, that's it. Do you think for a moment that they will stop and ask questions? They will throw your dumbass in jail or kill you."

Silence is shared between us.

"That's what I thought. Now stay here." He walks off ahead before I can argue back.

Dabi walks out of the forest and into the shadows of the building. As he does a figure comes running outside. They must know about the attack by now.

It's Aizawa. I take a step forward and Dabi jumps out of the shadows and attacks him. My eyes grow wide. I guess I'm not as mentally prepared for this as I thought I had been.

My head drops forward and I'm left staring at the ground. For some reason, I feel heavy. My whole body feels as though it's made of cement. Is this what I wanted?

"Don't worry, we aren't after you pro heroes," Dabi tells Aizawa.

My blood runs cold. That's not what I was told. I was told we were going after the pro heroes. Going to show the students what heroes are really like.

The sound of groaning makes my head snap up and I see Aizawa has Dabi pinned to the ground. His head is turned away from me. He must've used his quirk on him and it would be dumb of me to walk out there now.

A couple of Aizawa's students coming running nearby. I duck down and keep myself hidden. Dabi gets to his feet and Aizawa pulls at his scarf and I watch in horror as Dabi turns to slush. Then it suddenly clicks in my head.

"Fucken Twice," I grumble to myself.

I get to my feet and head straight toward where the fires are still burning. He must've made the double and used it to distract me.

Why did he do that? What was the point of that?  I run through the forest when a smaller figure crosses my path. Green hair catches in the moonlight and I'm stopped in my tracks. The figure stops and gives me a weary look. 

It's Midoriya, one of the students from Class A. He blinks a couple of times, he's badly injured and barely looks alive.

"Flare?" He mumbles.

My eyes are wide as I stare back at him, unable to think of anything to say. Who did this to him? I take a step forward and he is off running again. 

I can't believe these villains are attacking students. Children who have barely started their hero training. It took three of them to take down Stain but still. Who attacks children? The pro heroes should be the main priority.

I start running through the forest, following the glow of blue flames. My lungs burn from the anger and pressure on my lungs.

A blue flame suddenly shoots over my head and I grab Dabi by the front of his shirt, bringing his face to mine. There is a lazy smirk on his face.

"About time you joined us." He says.

"You have some explaining to do!" I snap.

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