But When I Wake Up

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Twice's doubles run with me as we try to find Dabi. They take care of any of those annoying so-called warriors that have been so desperately trying to kill us.

Ice rises into the sky soon followed by a loud explosion and blue flames. We take a sharp turn down an alleyway and out onto a street. Dabi is there with the ice guy.

"Stay back," Dabi warns. "This is my fight."

A large explosion comes from the other side of the city. The ice guy takes off after it. Dabi sighs out of aggravation.

"Really looks like your fight," I say walking over to him.

He looks at me, his eyebrow raises a little. "Are those burn marks?"

I look down at my arms to see them covered with small burn marks. "I boiled some water freak guess I'm not immune to boiling water."

"Something the kid and you have in common."

"Not funny,"

Dabi motions to his body. "I think I can make these comments."

I take a hold of his arm and examine it. The burns have spread even further. His quirk is literally destroying him.

"You need to stop,"

"You know I won't."

"Well can you at least take it easy? You'll be a pile of dust if you continue doing this."

Mr. Compress walks over to us. "How are you two holding up?"

"Alright, not too much damage," I say.

"I've been better,"

"Great it looks like he woke up early," Compress motions toward Gigantomachia.

"Crappy timing. I was about to melt that ice bastard."

I place my hands on my hips and watch him with interest. He destroys everything in his path.

"He's pretty big,"

Compress looks at me. "That he is. He's been nothing but a pain for us though." He places a hand on the side of his head. "Doctor, you're listening yes? Get us out of here, he's woken up."

The doctor and Compress go back and forth. I let go of Dabi's arm.

"Pity I can't do anything to help this."

He gives off a casual shrug. "Doesn't matter."

"It does. You're going to look like a walking corpse soon."

He leans in a little, getting closer to my face. "You'll still love this burnt ass of mine though,"

I smack his arm. "Not if that smell of yours gets any worse."

The ground starts shaking, Dabi grabs me and starts running. Compress quickly follows after us.

"We need to get out of here," Compress yells.

The ground starts cracking and buildings crumble down around us. This must be the work of Shigaraki.

I lounge on the softest couch I've been on in months. I let out a sigh of relief, feeling refreshed and comfortable after all of that commotion. I rest my legs over Dabi's and he sits there with a grumpy look on his face.

"Aren't you at least going to eat?" I say as I drop a grape into my mouth.

He gives me a side glance. "Is it nice to be back in the lap of luxury?"

I choke a little. "I was never in the lap of luxury when I was a hero. You saw my apartment, I was barely getting by."

"Don't heroes get paid well?" Spinner asks.

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