I Got Everything I Wanted

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"You're hot when you're angry." Dabi comments.

My eye twitches.

"I don't think that's what you're meant to say to an angry woman, Dabi." Twice comments from beside us. "But he has a point." His voice changes.

I let go of Dabi. "I'm surrounded by idiots." I snap a finger back at his face. "You still have some explaining to do."

He gives off a casual shrug. "I will explain later in private."

I drop my hand and take a step back. Twice puts his arm around my shoulders and starts swaying.

"Are you going to help us burn some trees now that you're here?" He asks. "I think Dabi has done plenty by himself." His voice changes. "Well, there can always be more."

Dabi walks ahead of us, taking a moment to set a couple of more trees alight. Twice and I follow after him. A voice comes over our radios. It's Mr. Compress' voice. He's captured the target. A UA student. A little bit of guilt drips into me.

This explains why I've been kept out of meetings lately. Dabi knew. He knew how I would feel about this. He knew I wouldn't have been able to hold my tongue. 

"Dabi, did you hear that?" Twice pipes up. "Mr. Compress totally got the job done." Twice's voice changes once again and he lets go of me. "He certainly took his time. I was starting to get bored."

"Don't be a pain," Dabi comments. "He did a job, we now just have to wait for everyone to regroup."

"You're the pain." Twice calls Dabi out. "Forgive me." His other voice quickly follows up.

"For once I actually agree with Twice," I say.

Dabi looks back over his shoulder at both of us. He lets out a sigh. "I have no idea how I'm managing the both of you right now."

We carry on walking through the forest. Dabi moves his head from side to side, looking around.

"No one should've been able to get through the wall of flames and the gas. Looks like they did though." He comments.

He stops, Twice and I do the same. Twice puts his hands on his hips and starts swaying side to side as though someone is playing music. He can't stay still for even a moment.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask, coming to stand beside him.

"Those kids did a good job, I thought that gas guy was gonna be a little harder to take down. I was mistaken." He says. "Guess you made a better teacher than you thought."

I roll my eyes. "I barely even taught them how to be heroes. Do you really think they would've left me in charge of doing that?"

He pauses, his eyes become fixed on something and he starts to move forward.

"Hey Dabi, totally not important, but what about that nomu." Twice says breaking Dabi's concentration.

"Oh, that's right. I did forget that I let it out on the students."

"You what?" I yell.

He gives me a look of irritation. "Shigaraki designed a nomu for me. Why? What's the matter now?"

"They're children." I snap.

He gives off a small shrug. "And, I've been given a job to do."

I start walking ahead of him. "Good to see that you're still on track with your plan. I should start referring to you as Shigaraki's lapdog from now on."

Dabi doesn't say anything as we head to our meeting spot. Toga is already standing there waiting for us.

"Hey, crazy." Dabi greets. "How much blood did you get?"

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