I Had A Dream

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Touya chases me around the backyard, a flame in his hand. I giggle as I try to keep him away from me. Fuyumi and Natsuo watch in fascination as their brother's flames don't do any damage to me.

"Be careful please," Rei says.

Touya stops and puffs out his cheeks at his mother. "I'm always careful." He says. "(y/n) doesn't get hurt."

"I know that but still please be careful. She's your only friend." His mother smiles.

I sling my arm around his neck, dragging him down a little. He does the same back with a huge grin on his face. 

"She's not my friend. She's my sidekick." He says proudly.

I punch him hard in the stomach and put my hands on my hips. He drops to the ground, holding where I hit him.

"If anyone is going to be a sidekick, it's going to be you."

He glares up at me. "Am not. My dad is going to make me the number one hero. I'm going to beat All Might. Just watch and see."

I hold my hand down to him. "The day that happens, I'll marry you." I laugh.

He turns his head away from me. "Gross, I would never want to marry you."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "I never said I wanted to marry you. I'm just saying no one can beat All Might."

He slowly turns his head back to look at me. A cheeky glint flashes in his before he tackles me over. Natsuo cheers on his older brother as Fuyumi backs me up.

Rei hobbles over to us and pulls us apart. Touya sticks out his tongue at me and I cross my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes at him.  Rei lets out a small giggle. My eyes flash up at her.

"Please, don't tell my parents I've been fighting," I say quietly.

She lets go of me and brushes my messy hair away from my face. "I would never. Your training is our family secret as well."

A huge smile grows on my face. "Thank you. I want to surprise them one day when I become the number one hero."

Touya snorts across from me. I grab his hand and he jumps at the sudden contact. I pull him in closer to me.

"Let's get some training in before my mom comes to get me," I say.

"Something we can agree on." He replies.

Touya and I get into our fighting stance. Our eyes narrow at the sight of each other. Endeavor had shown me a few moves that I could use against Touya. They never worked though. He has been training a lot longer than I have.

He runs at me, a flame appearing in his hand. I quickly dodge his attack and manage to push him backward. He catches himself before he falls backward. A smirk comes to his face.

"Finally you're giving me a challenge." He laughs.

A knock at the front door makes us both stop. Touya takes his chance as I'm distracted. He lands a hard punch straight in the face. I wobble backward and land on my butt. Tears start to brim on the edge of my eyes and Fuyumi comes running over to me. She helps me stand up.

"(y/n) your mom is here," Rei calls out from the front door.

My bottom lip wobbles a little as I look back at Touya who has guilt all over his face but hasn't said anything yet.

"Big brother you need to apologize," Fuyumi demands.

"We were fighting. She needs to be on her guard." He says looking away from the two of us.

Rei walks out the back to find me nearly in tears and a guilty-looking Touya. Her eyes grow wide.

"What happened here?" She whispers.

"Touya punched (y/n)," Fuyumi says.

Rei pulls me in close to her and looks me dead in the eye. "Are you okay?" She gently places her hand over my eye and activates her quirk. "This will help with the swelling. We will tell your mom you had been playing around with Touya and he accidentally elbowed you." 

I wipe a tear away from my cheek and nod my head. I look over at Touya. "I will see you tomorrow, Touya."

He looks at me with surprise. He half raises his hand to wave. "See you tomorrow."

Rei walks me to the front door where my mother is waiting impatiently. She taps her foot and gives Rei a forced smile. As soon as I'm within reach my mother grabs me by the hand.

"Thanks for looking after her Rei, I'll drop her by tomorrow same time. Have a good night." She says already pulling me away from the Todoroki residences. 

She pushes me inside the house before finally noticing the darkening around my eye. I shrink a little under her gaze. She crouches down to get a better look.

"What happened to you?" She asks sharply.

"Touya and I were playing and he accidentally elbowed me. I'm okay. It was just an accident." I say.

Her eyes narrow. "You haven't been playing hero with that boy, have you?" 

I shake my head. "No, we were playing tag."

She rolls her eyes. "You shouldn't waste your time playing such childish games. Go wash up, your father will be home soon."

I nod and quickly run off. I hide away in the bathroom and stare at myself in my mirror. The skin around my eye is starting to change color. I carefully touch it and wince as my finger comes in contact with me.

A small smile comes to my face. I'm going to get him back for this.

That was the last day everything was normal. My father was on trial for the attempted murder of my mother and me. There had been a gas leak in the house that night and with him having a gas-based quirk he was taken into questioning. My mother and I were okay but she was never the same again after that. Even more distant from me. 

With all of the commotion, I barely got to see the Todoroki's. My mother forced me to stand and watch every court case and be there in every lawyer meeting. Not something a child should be subjected to. 

A couple of days later Rei gave birth to a baby boy, Shoto. And, that's when I started to see the change in Touya's personality...

Abandoned by his father.

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