I See You With Me

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I lean against the wall on the opposite side of the room watching quietly as Hawks and Dabi discuss a few matters. Every now and then I catch Hawks shooting me a look like he's trying to communicate with me without actually saying anything.

"Do we have a deal?" Dabi asks.

Hawks gives a sharp nod. "Sure."

Dabi follows his eyes around to me, he raises an eyebrow at me. I give off a casual shrug.

"Why did you bring her along again? I thought these meetings would be just us." Hawks asks.

"Do you have a problem with me being here? Does my presences make you uncomfortable?" I ask.

His eyes stayed fixed on me. "I just thought Dabi was the work alone type."

"I think I'm making him uncomfortable." I push myself off the wall and walk over to them. I stop beside Dabi. "You don't trust me, do you?"

"I didn't say that." He defends himself.

Dabi rests his arm on top of my shoulder. "She goes wherever I go. Do you have a problem with that?"

"From a hero to a lapdog, I understand now." Hawks says.

I activate my quirk and Dabi steps away from me. A plasma balls illuminates the space between Hawks and I.

"I'm nobody's lapdog. Dabi and I have a mutual understanding. You can't treat me like shit anymore hero."

He puts his hands up and gives me a smile. "Got it."

"At least I'm not as much of a traitor as you are. The heroes knew where I was headed but you, their beloved number two hero."

His eyes soften. "I never thought that about you. I thought you were more down to earth than any of the other heroes."

My brows furrow and I shake my head. "That seems highly unlikely," I say quietly, looking away from him. "If you two are finished, can we leave?"

Dabi puts his arm around my shoulders. "I think we're done here. I'll be in contact, bird brain."

Darkness surrounds us. I stick close to Dabi's side. I can barely distinguish who else is in the room with us apart from the league members who came along. Laptops sit in front of everyone, including myself but I still can't exactly see people's faces.

"Who would've thought we would have an ex-UA teacher and a pro hero helping our cause." A voice emerges from the darkness.

"It's already falling apart out there. It's only a matter of time before it all crumbles before us." Another voice chimes in.

A door opens, allowing some light to flood in. Hawks strolls in with his hands in his pockets. He's relaxed as ever. I narrow my eyes at him. This doesn't seem right, there is something off about him being here with the villains.

"It's a little dark in here, don't you think?" He jokes, looking around.

No one responds.

His eyes find mine for a moment before looking away. Dabi leans back in his chair and puts his arm over the back of mine, keeping his focus on Hawks though.

"Glad you could make it, number two hero." A voice says. "We are needing a report from you regarding what is happening."

"Ah, right a status report. Gotcha." He smiles. "I've been spreading the good liberation word of course."

A man further down the table holds up a book. "We have noticed that you've been giving this out to heroes."

A moment of silence falls between Hawks and the man.

"It seems not only have you read it but you understand Destro. You're someone who gets us."

"Hey, thanks."

The rest of the people around the table start chattering and I take this time to turn to Dabi.

"Do you really think we can trust him?" I whisper. I mentally kick myself after doing so.

Hawks glances over at the both of us with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. He heard that. I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest.

Dabi looks between Hawks and me. "We'll discuss this later."

Hawks holds up his hands. "As far as I'm aware, we aren't even on the commission's radar yet. They are too focused on the league's involvement with the Daega city incident." He explains.

Bored of what Hawks is currently explaining, I look over Toga's shoulder as she scrolls through the information we've been given. A photo pops up and she jumps scaring me half to death.

"It's Izuku." She yells out.

I move back to my own laptop and bring up the picture. I look over it, Endeavor is in it. I glance over at Dabi who is grinning down at his own laptop.

"From what I can see, the UA students haven't grown all that much," he comments.

Hawks snorts. "You are talking about a bunch of high schoolers after all."

"Excellent work, Hawks. You're dismissed."

He smiles and leaves the room. I fully turn my attention to Dabi but something still doesn't feel right with Hawks joining with the league. It doesn't seem like something he would do but then again, I don't know.

"Spinner are things going to plan?" Someone asks.

I shut my mouth and decide I'll speak with Dabi later. When it's just the two of us alone.

"Yeah, just have to stick with the plan."

"The fun is gonna start pretty soon. In four months, boom. Tomura is going to ruin this world." Toga laughs.

Dabi stands up from the table. "We have to get going." He says coldly.

I look up at him. "Why?"

He turns and starts walking toward the exit. I get up from my seat and follow him. We step outside but Dabi stops me from fully closing the door. He places a single finger over my lips.

"Please explain why we trust her less than the pro hero," someone whispers.

My brows furrow and I look into Dabi's eyes while listening to what is said in the other room.

"She's apart of league that's why." Toga pipes up.

"But really, she worked at UA but hasn't spilled any of there secrets. Kind of suspicious if you ask me." Another voice says.

"That Dabi guy seems fond of her. This won't interfere with that plan will it." Another voice says.

"They're fucking," Twice pipes up.

Dabi and I roll our eyes but continue to listen.

"Didn't really pick either of them for the couple type. Let's hope they don't get distracted by this silly little romance." A man's voice says.

I place my hand on Dabi's chest and push him away a little. "I think I've heard enough for now. Let's get out of here."

He nods and we walk down a hallway. We step out into the sunlight and I hold my hand up above my eyes.

"The sun feels so nice on my skin." I sigh.

"How do you feel about what they said?"

I give a shrug and lean against one of the pillars. "I shouldn't be surprised. The heroes don't want me and the villains are now heading in the same direction." I give off a sarcastic laugh. "I'm one bad day from ditching this whole society and becoming a hermit."

"Looks like I'm the only one who wants you around," he smirks.

"I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted."

"Take it however you want but we should leave this place for now."

"You don't trust them around me?"

"I think I trust bird brain more than I trust those other pieces of shit."

I push off the pillar and come to stand beside me. "Let's go."

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