Was I Stupid To Love You...

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Night creeps out from the shadows meaning I can as well. I throw on a hooded jacket and meet Dabi outside. He is leaning against the building, flicking a small blue flame through his fingers while a cigarette hangs from his lips.

"About time. What took you so long?" He grumbles pushing off the wall.

"I had to put on my heat resist clothes. The last thing I want to be doing is fighting naked."

He raises an eyebrow as he looks me up and down. "You might have a chance of actually winning a fight then."

I backhand his arm before walking off down the street. "Hurry up."

"You're going the wrong way." He comments.

I spin on my heel and walk back over to him. There is a lop-sided grin on his face. "Don't know why you're in such a hurry. Thought you'd be loving the freedom of being outside."

"I'm just concerned about someone seeing me," I comment as I fall into step with him. "Who is this guy we are meeting?"

"Just some lackey of mine." 

I give a small nod. "Are you even that well known to have lackeys?" I question.

He pauses, shooting me a sharp look. "You don't need to be well known for people to do your bidding."

"Right... you threatened him, didn't you?"

He turns away from me and carries on. "Who haven't I threatened?"

"That's a good point."

"Apparently, this guy actually helped that Shigaraki guy break into UA not long ago." He explains. "That's what he told me anyway."

"I was there for that but got distracted by those low-level villains Shigaraki dragged in there with him."

"Melt a couple of them, did you?" 

"I would be in a jail cell if I had. You know they watched me like a hawk. I just had to fight them off the best I could do without melting anyone. My main job was to protect the students."

"They never let you have any fun with that quirk of yours."

"I can have all the fun in the world with it now." I give off a small laugh.

We walk around the corner and instantly spot two heroes walking down the street in our direction. Dabi quickly grabs me and yanks me back around the corner.

"We aren't going to fight?" I ask.

He shakes his head, obviously annoyed at the question. "No. I don't feel like drawing too much attention to myself at the moment."

I give off a small nod. "So, what are we going to do then?"

Dabi presses a finger against my mouth basically telling me to shut up. He used to do this when we were children as well. An annoying habit that would usually end with me chasing after him, threatening to melt him.

His eyes rapidly move up and down the street, looking for something. "That alleyway, it will be a bit of a shortcut."

He latches onto my arm and drags me after him. We slip back into the darkness of the alley, pausing for a moment to watch as the two heroes continue down the street. Dabi keeps a tight hold on me like I'm going to run away.

"To think we could've been like these two," he whispers to me.

Goosebumps prickle over my skin as he breathes on my neck. "Now look at us," I respond.

"Just a couple of villains living their lives." He says. "We should get going. It's best not to keep this guy waiting."

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