Nobody Cried

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My legs burn with exhaustion and over-excursion as I run as fast as I can. Smoke fills the air and I choke as I get closer to the source. Heroes flood the area, trying to control the flames that burn away at everything in their path. I manage to dart around a few of them only to be greeted with Endeavor.

I come to stand beside him, silence as we stare at the same spot where a charred jaw bone lies amongst the destruction. My legs give way underneath me and I crumple to the ground. My hands make fists on the hot earth as my whole body trembles.

Loud sobs spill from me as I stare in disbelief at what remains of my best friend. I shake my head trying to rack my brain of every possible scenario of what happened.

"Touya, no," I choke. "Please," I plead. "Please,"

Voices talk around me but it doesn't make any sense to me. It's like they're speaking another language. My head starts to spin, confusion sets in and my chest grows tight. The blood pounds in my ears and my heart can't seem to keep a steady rate.

My breathing feels as though it's one way and I start searching around me for something or someone. Endeavor crouches down placing a hand on my shoulder, all I see is fire. The air gets trapped in my lungs and I push back from him.

"Y-you," I stutter out. "Your -your f-fault,"

He says something, his mouth is moving but I can't hear him. I push back further from him shaking my head.

"T-T-T-Tou-ya," my chest is palpitating as I look around frantically.

Someone places a hand on my shoulder but my eyes become fixed on the jawbone once again. Everything goes black.

A shiver runs down my spine as I walk down the hallway. Dabi is ahead of me. We walk into a rundown room where Shigaraki is sitting, waiting for us.

"About time you two showed up," Shigarak says.

Dabi lets out a grunt as he sits down on an old bed frame while I sit on the back of a couch. I cross my arms over my chest.

"So, what do you need us for?" I ask.

Shigaraki turns his attention to me. "I need a favor from the two of you."

"You're not going to make us help that pathetic yakuza leader, are you?" Dabi pipes up.

Shigaraki shakes his head. "No, but it is something to do with him. I'm sure the two of you will be perfect for the job. Spinner and Compress will join us. also"

"Go on," I say.

The inside of the truck is hot even for me. I tug on the neck of my shirt trying to get some kind of ventilation.

"How long are we going to be in here?" I groan.

"It's strange for you to be complaining of the heat." Dabi comments.

"It's these stupid fire-resistant clothes. The maker didn't make them very breathable and now I'm suffering."

"You could always take them off," He raises an eyebrow at me, scanning over my body.

"Can you two keep it PG? Somethings are better left a mystery." Compress butts in.

"Thank you, Compress. I couldn't have said it better."

A loud thump comes from above and Compress opens up the doors of the truck. The wind billows in and relieves me of the heat. Compress quickly calls Toga.

"Go for the king, right?" Shigaraki says from above.

"I don't think it's going to be that easy," Dabi says.

"Thanks for the information," Compress tells Toga. "This is the fastest route to the villain hospital."

"I'm going to enjoy ending this sick bastard," I say rubbing my hands together.

"Hey lizard," Dabi suddenly yells. "Stop weaving I get motion sick."

Dabi looks down at me, a smirk grows on his face. "Are you ready?"

I activate my quirk and create a plasma ball in my hand. "Always,"

Dabi raises his hand and I move mine up to match his. "Let's go."

Blue flames shoot from his hands and my plasma mixes in with them. We aim for the police car in front. Both the flames and the plasma hit the target, at least we think so.

"What's this?" Dabi questions.

Our attack is cast aside and a hero is leaning out of the police car. Shigaraki mumbles something to himself.

"Spinner slow down." He calls back to the driver.

The truck slows down and the police car has no trouble catching up. Shigaraki jumps off the roof toward the hero only to be caught by the sand. Compress pulls a blue marble from his pocket and flicks it from his pocket.

It rolls under the car and a large rock appears, it flips through the air. Shigaraki jumps onto the front of the van. Dabi gives me a quick glance before shoving his hands in his pockets and jumping from the moving truck. Compress follows after him. I join both the guys.

The van flips and I watch from a distance. Compress and Dabi do their thing. The sand hero tries to fight against Dabi only to be turned into one of Compress' little blue marbles.

"That got pretty intense. You know sand doesn't burn, right?" Compress comments.

"Only his top half can turn into sand so he's probably dead."

I walk over to both of them with my arms crossed. "Maybe we should change your name to the hero killer." I joke.

His eyes slip over to me and he shakes his head. "Let's see if Shigaraki's got Overhaul."

Shigaraki is standing over him as we get closer. Compress pulls another blue marble from his pocket. He drops it onto one of Overhaul's arms, sucking it into the blue orb.

"For the arm," Compress says with a smile.

Shigaraki flashes a red box. "I'll be taking both of these."

"That's mine," Overhaul has the balls to say in his state.

"You know what Overhaul? Someone so obsessed with taking quirks shouldn't have one at all." Shigaraki leans down and takes a hold of his arm.

We all watch as Overhaul's arm turns to dust. There is something satisfying about watching this sad excuse for a yakuza leader get what he deserves.

"If we don't cut that off, your whole body will turn to dust." Shigaraki pulls a knife from his jacket. "Let me fix that for you."

I step forward before Shigaraki can do anything. "Please allow me."

Shigaraki hesitates for a moment. "Just don't kill him."

I nod and place my hand on his bicep. "This is going to hurt... a lot," I whisper to him.

My plasma melts right through his arm and he lets out a gargled scream. I stand back up straight and place my hands on my hips.

"You deserve more for hurting that poor innocent girl," I hiss. "If I ever see your face again, there will be no mercy from me."

I walk back over to Dabi's side as Shigaraki starts talking to Overhaul. Dabi puts a lazy arm around my shoulders. Spinner honks the horn of the truck.

"Hurry up, backup is coming." He yells.

Shigaraki walks ahead of us and we follow after. A yell comes from Overhaul as he finally comes to terms with what was just done to him.

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