But You Can Learn To

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My body shivers and I find myself curling up into a ball while one hand searches for him. I pat the space beside me and I feel a strange texture under my hand. I run my fingers through it, this isn't the bed.

My eyes fly open and I find myself outside, lying in the grass. I sit up searching around me to find nothing but some stranger's backyard and my bag beside me.

A drop of rain lands on the end of my nose and everything comes crumbling down on me. He did it. He actually went through with it. My body starts to tremble and I can't decide if it's from the anger or the sadness

The lights in the house suddenly turn on and footsteps catch my attention. I glance up from the grass and over to the house. I hear a door open but I don't see anyone. Something drops down in front of me. My eyes slowly move to where it has landed.

A single white and yellow narcissus. The flower Twice gave me. I gently pick it up.

The back door flies open and I see Natsuo and Fuyumi standing there. Shock and relief are written all over their faces. Natsuo is the first to move, he rushes to me. He slides down in front of me and embraces me tightly.

"We're so glad you're safe," he whispers, squeezing half the life out of me.

"Where is he?" I mumble, my eyes already starting to water.

He pulls back and takes my face in his hands. "You're safe now."

Fuyumi approaches us with slight hesitation. "Is that really you?" she asks.

I look up at her. "Fuyumi," I whisper.

She drops down beside her brother and pulls me into a tight embrace. Silence is shared among the three of us for a moment as they continue to hold onto me as though I might fly away.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I don't know but there was a note saying you were here after someone knocked."

I shoot up out of their grasp and sprint through the house and out the front door. I search up and down the street, looking everywhere.

"Dabi," I yell out. "Dabi, where are you?"

The rain starts to pour down as I stand in the middle of the street.

"Please, don't leave me again. I don't need protection. We can make this work, we can take them on." I plead into the darkness. "It's meant to be us against the world like we planned from the very start!"

The wind is the only response. Natsuo comes out and puts his jacket around my shoulders, trying to keep me warm and protected from the rain.

"Come inside, he's probably long gone now." He whispers.

I instantly coil into Natsuo, letting him hold me. "He left me again," I break down. "I thought this time would be different."

He brushes my hair back as he gently leads me back to the house. "It's going to be okay. This is for the best."

"I just want us to be happy again like we used to be."

"Maybe one day," he assures me. "But for now we need to get you inside."

I nod but give one look down the street only to see the darkness. I let Natsuo lead me inside. Fuyumi quickly attends to me, removing the rain-soaked clothes and drawing me a hot bath. This is where I sat for the next couple of hours.

I toss and turn all night, restless from having an empty space beside me. I should've taken him more seriously when he said he agreed with Natsuo. I was stupid but it would be even more stupid to go after him right now.

I sit cross-legged outside on the porch as I watch the sun come up. The hot cup of tea burns at the skin on my hands but it makes me feel something that isn't emotional pain.

The door behind me opens but I don't turn to see who it is. They take a seat beside me.

"He wanted a place that looked like home for us," she says.

"I have to hand it to him, he did a good job," I say still staring out over the yard.

"I'm glad to have you back in our lives. We've all missed you so much."

"I wish I could say the same but I feel as though my being here could drag the two of you into more danger." I sigh. "Villains now know where you two live and Natsuo gave up the information too easily."

She places a hand on my shoulder. "We both made that decision. We'll keep you safe."

I shake my head and clench the teacup. "I'm an enemy to both sides now." I hiss. "If stupid Shigaraki hadn't been busy then he could've pursued them not to see me as the enemy."

Fuyumi drops her hand away from my shoulder. "Why did you choose to turn your back on the heroes?"

"Because they turned their back on me a long time ago. I felt cornered, I didn't want to be framed or blamed for something I didn't do."

"What do you mean?"

"Dabi, the villain who has been helping me, found out they were planning on pinning the USJ villain attack on me. He gave me an offer I couldn't turn down and did everything he could to keep me safe."

"How did you know you could trust him though? Wasn't he just some low-class villain?"

I laugh a little. "That's what I thought at first as well but then I realized he was actually an old friend of mine. One I trusted a lot."

"Do you love him?" She asks.

I give a small nod. "I do and he knows it. He even admitted to Natsuo that he loved me back but now I'm scared we'll never have the chance to be together."

I wipe the tear away before it has a chance to fall. Fuyumi takes my hand and squeezes it tightly.

"Maybe there is still a chance for the two of you,"

"I don't think so. There is a war coming and it's not going to end well for a lot of people."

"Can we do anything to stop it?"

I shake my head and look up into the sky. "It's too late, everything is already in place."

"He'll be back for you, don't you worry about that." A voice comes from behind us.

Natsuo stands looking out over the yard. I look up at him and our eyes meet for a brief moment.

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