Nobody Even Noticed

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A large creature emerges from the darkness, it saunters toward us. I keep my guard up as I stand beside Dabi. His eyes are fixed on the thing before us.

"This thing is quite impressive. I didn't think he would actually pull through on my demands."

"You asked for this thing?"

"I did. Do you want one as well?"

I shake my head. "I'll pass. These things give me nightmares."

He leans down a little. "So do I apparently."

I roll my eyes. "Why do you need this thing anyway?"

A grin pulls on his face. "You'll see."

The nomu before us smiles. "Hello, master."

My mouth falls open. "It can talk."

"You know how these are made, right?"

A shiver runs down my spine. "Please don't remind me." I turn on my heel. "I need to talk to Twice about something so I'll leave it to you."

He snatches my arm, looking back over to his shoulder. "I'm going to take it for a test drive later. Want to join?"

I pull my arm free. "I have nothing better to do at the moment." And with that, I walk out of the building.

With my arms crossed over my chest, I watch with amazement as Endeavor takes down the nomu with the last little bit of energy he has left. They both come crashing down, shaking the building Dabi and I are standing in. He quietly mutters something to himself before turning his attention to me.

"Come on, let's go." He demands.

I push off the pillar I was leaning on and follow after him. We walk back down onto the street. Being out during the daylight still makes me extremely uncomfortable but it will be dark soon.

Dabi walks down the middle of the street toward where the fight ended. Low and behold as the dust starts to settle, I see Hawks helping a very injured Endeavor.

A snort comes from Dabi. "I wasn't expecting to find you here," he says a little too happily.

Blue flames shoot from his hands, surrounding all four of us. Hawk's eyes narrow at the sight of me. I keep myself close to Dabi's side.

"Dabi, Flare," Endeavor sneers. "You killed Snatch. He was a good hero."

Dabi looks at him with a bored expression. "Never heard of him before. But, while we are here, let's have a friendly chat. Who knows when we will get another chance."

I raise my hands. "It wasn't my flames that killed him."

"Never thought you'd turn on us like this," Hawks says.

I roll my eyes. "You heroes were just waiting for me to become the villain."

Endeavor goes to stand only to collapse back down. Hawks grabs onto him.

"Just recover. I'll take on these two. I only have small feathers left but I'm sure that will buy us some time."

"Don't worry about us, we're just here to recover the nomu. There is no way we could win this fight, right?" Dabi launches himself at the two of them before I even have time to react. "Unless the top two heroes were already beaten and bloody already."

Pro hero Mirko comes crashing down between Dabi and Endeavor. The pressure from her kick blows out Dabi's flames. He steps back as the dust settles, and he wraps his arm around my waist.

"So, you're with the league now, Flare?" She says. "I thought you were better than this."

"It was you heroes that did this to me. I felt like I had no choice in the end. I wanted freedom and now I have that I'm going to show the world what you are all truly like."

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