I Tried To Scream

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Fuyumi bursts through the front door and finds me still sitting in front of the TV with a blank look on my face. She grabs me by the shoulders making me look into her eyes. They're red from crying.

"Did you know?" She asks.

I give a small nod. "I knew,"

"How long?"

"When he found me in an alleyway months ago. I took one look at him and I knew it was him." I whisper. "I'm sorry for not telling you," I break eye contact.

She suddenly embraces me, holding me tightly. "Is that why you didn't want to leave him? Is that why you joined the League of Villains?"

I nod my head. "I didn't want to lose him again. I'm sorry,"

She continues to hold me close. "There are so many emotions I'm going through right now but I can't bring myself to be angry at you."

"You should be. I lied more or less. I didn't tell you he was alive."

She pulls back. "Touya and you always had this unbreakable bond. You stood beside him through thick and thin."

"I shouldn't have this time. I should've told Natsuo and you once I found out. Maybe we could've stopped all of this."

"This is bigger than Touya. I saw the pain in his eyes. The same look he had as a child. You were the only one that made him feel safe."

"Now I can't even do that now. He tossed me aside."

"He saved you," she whispers. 

The front door slams open once again and it's Natsuo. His face is bright red and he's out of breath. He looks directly at me.

"You!" he snaps.

Fuyumi instantly stands up blocking his path to me. "Leave her alone,"

"No," he yells. "She knew all along that our brother was alive and now is some homicidal maniac and she didn't bother to tell us."

I get to my feet but my legs still feel weak. I gently move Fuyumi aside and face Natsuo. I don't want to look him in the eyes but I have to. I broke their trust.

"You have every right to be angry at me. I know it was stupid of me to keep this from you. He's your brother after all. I can apologize all I want but I feel as though nothing can make this right."

He narrows his eyes at me. "You were protecting him, right?"

I nod. "Every chance I got. His quirk has been slowly eating away at his body. I hate watching him using it but he hates himself so much that he doesn't care anymore. It was and still is painful to look at him. To be constantly reminded of what Endeavor did to him in the end."

"How long have you known he was alive?" Natsuo questions.

"Since just before the UA sports festival. He cornered me down an alleyway one night while I was chasing down a villain. I was just as shocked as I realized it was him. I thought he'd run away and I'd never see him again but he came to my place. He started hanging around and eventually talked me into leaving the hero society behind." I explain.

Nastuo sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "I want to know if our brother is still in there. Behind all those scars."

"Deep, deep down he is. Every now and then I saw a glimpse of it. He'd started to drop his guard with me and it sometimes felt as though I was with the old Touya again."

He suddenly embraces me, squeezing me tightly. "I want my brother back but we have to stop him before it's too late." 

"I don't know what else can be done. He's still got Touya's hard head. Even I found it hard to convince him to do things."

Natsuo pulls back from me, there are tears brimming along the edges of his eyes. "He said he loved you on the phone to me that day, I think you have a lot more influence on him than you think you do. He removed you from this war so you'd be safe. I don't think it had anything to do with the villains turning against you. I think he honestly wanted to keep you safe. That's what the old Touya would've done."

"I know, I just don't know what I can do. He's changed a lot." I sigh. 

Images of Hawks attacking Twice suddenly flash across the screen and I'm brought back to the reality that he's no longer here. My legs start to shake a little and I grab onto Natsuo, steadying myself.

"(y/n) are you okay?" He asks lowering me to the ground.

I shake my head. "I know you guys don't really understand my relationship with the league of villains but the villain Hawks killed was my friend." I swallow the lump in my throat.

"The man in the black and grey suit?" Fuyumi asks.

"His name was Jin but we called him Twice. He had a tough time with society because he was a little different and had some issues with his quirk. He had multiple personalities but he was always so sweet." I whisper watching the screen. "Even when Dabi was being cold to me he would always be there to make me feel better."

I wrap my arms around myself trying my best not to cry. I can only imagine what his last moments were like. He was probably so scared. The thought makes me break down. I lean into Natsuo for support and holds onto me tightly.

"You really cared for him, didn't you?" he asks softly.

"I did. It was hard to believe he was a villain sometimes because he was always joking around and calling us his friends. He loved being with us because he felt accepted for the first time in his life and then that winged bastard took it all away from him." I sneer. "If I ever see him,"

"Calm down," he whispers rubbing my back. "I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sorry you have to go through this."

I sniff. "I should be the one that's sorry. You came in here angry with me and now you're comforting me. It's not right."

He smiles at me. "You did what you had to do. You did all you could to keep him safe and that's all I could ask for but in the meantime, we need to figure out how to stop him."

Fuyumi stands up. "I need to call mom, she's probably seen what's happened."

Natsuo nods and stays with me.

"If I can go back and change everything, I would."

"Then you'd probably be married to Touya now." Natsuo jokes.

"He'd be the number one hero and hopefully he would be happy."

"Was he ever happy when he was with you?"

A small smile comes to my face. "He was from time to time. He loved annoying me so that brought him a lot of joy. When I first went with him, he wouldn't stop flirting with me and would even smile."

"This whole time I was so worried about you hanging around this big bad villain only for it to be my older brother."

"Dabi isn't big and bad. He's just annoying and dangerous."

"Kind of like yourself." Natsuo jokes.

My stomach turns and I'm up running to the bathroom before Natsuo can respond. My head is in the toilet and I feel like death has entered me. My breathing is hard as I try to catch my breath.

"Are you okay? What's happening?" Fuyumi asks, holding her hand over the speaker.

"I don't know. I've just been feeling sick all day. Probably just nerves about everything that's happening."

"Or you're pregnant," Natsuo says coming to lean on the door frame.

My mouth drops open and Fuyumi's eyes grow big.

"Natsuo," Fuyumi hisses.

"You don't go joking about that kind of thing," I say.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even think. It just kind of came out."

I look from Natsuo to Fuyumi. "Maybe I should get a test just in case."

Natsuo gives me a slightly disgusted look. "Out of all the men in the world, you sleep with the walking corpse."

Fuyumi gives her brother a hard hit on the arm. "This is no time for your jokes,"

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