And If I'm Being Honest

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"A master? I thought you were the boss around here." Bakugou says.

"Kurogiri, Compress, it's time to put him back to sleep." Shigaraki demands.

"If you want me to listen, get on your knees and beg!" Bakugou yells.

Mr. Compress doesn't seem phased by him as he walks closer to the boy. A knock suddenly comes at the door. Everyone stops what they're doing and looks towards the door. Silence falls upon the room.

"Hello, I've got a pizza delivery here." A voice comes from the other side.

The wall next to Spinner crashes in, revealing All Might. Dabi gives me a harsh push backward and I stumble onto a nearby couch. 

"Kurogiri, gate!" Shigaraki demands.

A hero swings in and restrains the other villains. I lift myself off the couch, getting ready to fight. Dabi shakes his head, shooting me a dark look.

"Run!" He snaps.

"Dabi-" I begin.

Gran Tarino flies through the hole in the wall, kicking Dabi in the side of the face. He falls unconscious. Gran Tarino makes eye contact with me.

I throw open a nearby door and sprint down a dark passageway. There is no way I can outrun that man, he may be older but he's a lot faster. 

I don't look back as I take twists and turns, basically flying down a staircase. I don't want to leave him behind but there is no way I can take on that many pro heroes at once, especially All Might and Gran Tarino.

I burst out onto the street, barely able to control my breathing. I rest my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. As I glance up I realize that the street is filled with police cars, officers, and pro-heroes. 

I freeze on the spot, eyes wide as I realize Endeavor is staring straight at me. His eyes narrow and he unfolds his arms from his chest. This isn't good.

"Look over there!" A police officer shouts, pointing at me. "One of the villains escaped."

I quickly activate my quirk, plasma drips from my hands as I get ready to fight. The officers stand no chance against me but Endeavor is the major threat to me.

A nomu appears out of a swirling black hole, crash-landing on a nearby police vehicle. All of a sudden more of these portals appear and more nomu's drop down onto unexpecting officers.

Endeavor becomes distracted as they start to attack him. A loud commotion comes from above and there is a large hole in the side of the bar. 

Black goo explodes from my mouth, similar to what the nomu's came out of. Endeavor's eyes grow wide and I give him a smug grin as I wave him goodbye. He shoves the nomu off him and starts racing toward me. My body is sucked into the portal.

"(y/n)!" He yells out to me.

"Bye, bye Endeavor." I choke as I am consumed by the goo.

I fall from the black portal, landing on my knees. I cough up the rest of the black goo. It tastes absolutely awful. The other villains from the league are around me recovering from their little portal journeys. Dabi is lying not far from me, unconscious.

I jump to my feet and rush to his side. I drop down beside him, quickly checking for a pulse.

"He's okay, just unconscious." Twice says. "He got knocked the fuck out."

A man in a mask approaches Shigaraki. I keep a watchful eye on him.

"You failed once more, Tomura. Don't be discouraged, you will try once again. Start over as many times as you need. I will help, this is all for you." He says.

"Dabi," I whisper, giving him a small shake. "Come on, wake up."

"Ah, there you are." The man says.

My head snaps up just in time to see All Might attack him.

"I'll have you return my student, All for One." All Might says.

A blast comes from both of them colliding. I use my body to protect Dabi, holding tightly onto him. We are thrown backward from the shockwave. Twice runs over to us, Dabi is still out. I place my hand on the side of his face.

"Come on, wake up. You big dumb idiot." I whisper to him.

Twice gently takes a hold of my arm and lifts me off the ground. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm just worried about him. That's all."

All for One shoots out some weird-looking arms and stabs Kurogiri with them. I cringe at the sight but watch with intrigue.

A portal appears behind Kurogiri. All for One managed to activate his quirk without him being awake. A cold shiver runs down my spine. This guy is definitely bad news.

Mr. Compress touches Dabi's shoulder and he turns into a little blue marble. He places it in his pocket and gives me a small nod.

"I'll keep him safe." He comments. "Shigaraki, claim your prize." He motions to Bakugou.

All eyes turn to Bakugou. Toga doesn't waste a second, she runs at the boy, knife ready and poised to attack. The rest soon follow.

All of One turns his head for a moment. He is staring straight at me and even though he has no visible eyes, I can't help but feel uncomfortable. He returns back to his battle with his All Might.

"Hurry up and help, (y/n)." Twice says.

Bakugou gives me a quick look up and down. "Bring it on. I've always wanted to take down a teacher."

I activate my quirk and plasma flows from my hands. Its core is black as night. Bakugou lets out a large explosion as he dodges an attack. My plasma suddenly flares up and I'm distracted for a moment.

"I can see why you failed as a hero," Bakugou yells coming straight at me.

I manage to jump out of the way just in time. He fires off another explosion. This one connects with me and knocks me off my feet.

He stops and stares at me in shock. "My attack did nothing."

I get to my feet, wiping the dirt off me. "Surprise. I'm heat resistant. Perks of my quirk." The plasma grows bigger in my hand. "Are you ready?"

A large crash comes from behind me. I look back over my shoulder and see a large icicle sticking out of the ground. Three figures are basically flying up it. I squint my eyes trying to see who it is.

"Come on," Someone shouts from above.

Shigaraki lunges at Bakugou but is too slow. He lets out a huge explosion and flies after them. 

Mount Lady appears out of nowhere stopping Mr.Compress from chasing after the kids. Gran Tarino comes flying in, taking down Spinner, Magne, and Twice with a single kick.

He stops in front of me, a look of determination on his face. "You're not escaping me this time, Flare." He says before landing a hard kick to my face.

I collapse to the ground, barely conscious. I spit up some blood. My body starts floating and the next thing I know I'm being dragged into Kurogiri's portal. Everything goes black.

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