You Wouldn't Wonder Why

435 19 8

Fuyumi comes running into my room, red-faced, and with a look of terror on her face. I instantly jump to my feet and activate my quirk.

She catches her breath. "You need to see this," she says.

I follow her into the living room where Natsuo's attention is basically glued to the TV. He pats the spot next to him. I deactivate my quirk and sit down beside him.

"What's going on?" I ask, looking from him to the TV.

"The heroes made their attack," he says quietly.

I remain silent as I watch the news. Buildings are destroyed, and civilians have been evacuated. It's all live. I desperately search the faces of people trying to see anyone, one of those faces that helped me.


"Where are they?" I whisper.

Natsuo takes a hold of my hand and Fuyumi wraps her arm around me. They both hold onto me tightly. I should be there, not here. I should be fighting the fight that I wanted. 

"I should be there," I say.

"Are you stupid?" Natsuo asks finally peeling his eyes away from the screen.

"I know it sounds it but that is where I'm meant to be. This is my fight."

"You'll be killed," Natsuo says. "Your boyfriend or whatever the hell he is to you said the villains no longer trusted you either."

I suck in a deep breath trying to fight back the tears. The lump in my throat makes it hard for me to swallow and keep myself composed.

"They're not all like that. Some of them are good people, I'm not talking about Shigaraki but there are a select few who were served the wrong end of the stick,"

"They chose that life," Natsuo says.

I shake my head. "Not quite, society rejected them and molded them to be who they are. I chose that life because I felt cornered."

"I wish you had come to us before that happened. We could've helped in some way," Fuyumi says.

"I think it was meant to happen," I whisper as I continue to watch the screen.

News drones continue to film as the battles carry on. A large wall of ice can be seen along with Mt Lady. All these heroes fighting, young and old. And then there is me being hidden away not being able to do a single thing to help anyone.

"Do you need me to stay back from school today?" Natsuo asks.

I shake my head. "I think I'll be okay. I'll just watch this and keep myself up to date with what's happening."

"I can always stay home from work," Fuyumi says.

"You two have lives to live, don't let me stop you."

They share a look with each other. I know exactly what they're thinking. I squeeze their hands and give them a smile.

"I promise you I won't leave. I'm going to stay put and keep myself safe." I reassure them.

Natsuo sighs closing his eyes for a moment. "I really hope you do. I don't know what I'll do if I lose you again. You're important to us."

"He had the biggest crush on you when we were children," Fuyumi whispers to me.

My eyes grow big as I stare at Natsuo who looks very unimpressed with what his sister just told me.

"Is that true?" I try to hold back my laughter.

He gives a small nod, turning his head a little to hide his blush. "You were always around and you were nice to me. I was just a kid, I couldn't help those feelings."

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