...Is The Blood You Owe

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A dim light illuminates the darkness as my eyes begin to flutter open. My body is propped up into a slight sitting position. I look around the room and find a figure sitting at the end of my bed.

"That must have been one hard hit you got. It knocked you out cold." Dabi comments.

"I asked for it," I say, trying to come out of my groggy state.

"Who'd you piss off?"

"I didn't piss off anyone. I ran into Stain, a hero saw us talking so I simply asked for him to hit me."

Dabi turns to face me. "Stain, the hero killer?"

"Is there another villain that goes by that name?"

Dabi face drops. "You're not exactly in a state to be smart towards me."

I raise an eyebrow. "What are you gonna do? Burn me?"

His eye twitches a little. "You haven't changed. You're still annoying."

I swing my feet over the side of the bed, steadying myself. "You've changed though," I state before walking out of the room.

The rest of the house is cold. Dabi follows after me.

"So, what did Stain want with you?" He asks, throwing himself down on my couch.

"He just wanted to talk," I answer as I grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Just talk? That sounds like a lie to me."

I turn, leaning against the fridge."It's not. He was going about my incident at the Sports Festival when I was a student. He told me I'll be joining the villains soon."

He snorts. "It will happen. Even you know that, right?"

I sigh. "I do," I whisper quietly. "I always wanted to be the number one hero, to fight villains."

"You and me both," Dabi responds.

"Do you want to talk about that day that Touya died?"

He glares at me. "No," he answers shortly.

"Thought that would be the case. How'd I get back here anyways?"

"Some heroes dropped you off outside your door."

"How considerate of them not to leave me in the alleyway," I comment. "So, what brings you here? Bored, miss me?" I smirk.

"You're not as annoying as some of the other villains."

I push his feet off the end of the couch and sit down. My body is exhausted as I let myself relax. I carefully rub the side of my jaw where I was hit. There is going to be a bruise there tomorrow.

"You look tired." Dabi comments.

"Are you saying I look like shit?" I ask.

He gives a small nod. "Basically. Probably why you got topped by Stain so easily."

I roll my eyes. "You can leave now."

He groans. "Are you sulking? Like you used to."

"No, Dabi. I'm just tired and sore. I've had a long twenty-four hours and just want to sleep." I close my eyes relaxing more on the couch.

"Have you made your decision yet?" He asks.

I open one eye and look directly at him. "Are you serious right now?"

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

I let out a loud sigh as I get up off the couch. "My head hurts, I'm going back to bed. Night, Dabi." I walk back into my room and close the door behind me.

I crawl back into my bed, switching the light off. I wrap my arms around myself. I still don't know how I should be feeling about him being alive. But the more I see him, the more I want to be close to him and never let him leave me again.

I close my eyes only to hear my bedroom door open. It was stupid of me to think that Dabi would just leave. Even as children, Touya never listened to me but then again I never listened to him.

He doesn't say a word as he lies down on the bed beside me. I ignore his presence as I let sleep take over me.

A heavyweight on my body wakes me up. Dabi is starfished over my bed, unfortunately crushing me in the process. I give him a hard nudge in the shoulder and he doesn't move.

His face is buried in the pillows and he is barely breathing. I roll my eyes as I try to squirm out from underneath him.

My phone starts ringing. I reach out for it, seeing Present Mic's name on the screen. I glance at the time and realize that I'm late for work.

"Sorry, I slept in. I will be down there in ten minutes." I say answering the phone.

"Hey, don't worry about it. All Might and Midnight will cover your classes today." Mic says.

"Will they be okay with that? I can come in later."

"Nah, they will be fine. Midnight wants to do some extra work with a few of your classes today anyway. Take the day off and rest. You need it."

"Do you have to be so loud in the morning?" Dabi pipes up from beside me.

My whole body freezes as I wait for an answer from Mic. He snickers down the phone and I relax a little.

"Seems like you're already relaxing." He comments. "We will see you tomorrow for the Sports Festival."

"Thank you. See you tomorrow." I hang up quickly before Dabi can say anything else.

I turn my attention to him, he is already staring at me with one eye open. "Did you have to say anything while I was on the phone?"

He gives me a lazy smirk. "Now he thinks you have a boyfriend."

I use all my power and shove him off me. "Thanks, another problem I have to deal with." I get out of bed. "Hopefully they will be too distracted by the Sports Festival to ask me about the mysterious man in my bed."

"I'm sure they will be delighted to hear that there is a villain in your bed. Can you imagine the mountain of paperwork you'd get for that?"

I shake my head as I walk out of the room and into the kitchen. I turn on the kettle, needing a coffee to wake myself up.

Dabi leans on the door frame, looking down at his hands. "I found your journals from middle school last night while I was snooping through your house."

"You read them, didn't you?" I ask.

"I couldn't help myself. I felt like reminiscing about the good ole days with you. I found more than I expected to though."

I spin around with my coffee. "What did you exactly find?"

A smirk grows on his face as he moves over to me. He stops inches from me, looking into my eyes. "Mrs (y/n) Todoroki." He whispers.

My eyes grow wide. "No."

"Oh, yes. Seems like you forgot about that."

"You shouldn't go through people's personal journals," I growl, narrowing my eyes at him.

"So, tell me are you still in love with Touya?"

"Touya is dead. You said so yourself." I push past him. "I can't love someone who is dead."

I walk out onto my balcony and breath in the fresh crisp air. For once Dabi doesn't follow after me.

A couple walks down the street hand in hand, giving each other longing looks. My hand tightens around my cup. Dabi isn't Touya I tell myself. He isn't the same person. I could never love him like I loved Touya.

Heat radiates from my hand and the cup shatters, splattering hot coffee everywhere. I let out an annoyed sigh, wiping my hands on my sweatpants.

Dabi hands me his cup and stands with me in silence.

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