Are You Death Or Paradise?

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The darkness has fallen over the city meaning I'm free of my prison for the time being. Dabi and I keep a low profile as we walk down the street. The streets have been quieter in the evenings lately. It's been really nice and peaceful.

"I've been thinking about meeting this Shigaraki guy all afternoon," I say breaking the silence between us.

Dabi raises an eyebrow. "You moved on pretty quickly."

I punch him in the arm. "That's not what I meant. I meant do you think this is what we need?"

He gives a small shrug. "There's only one way to find out. No point in wondering."

I give off a sigh. "I guess you're right."

He slings his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close to him as we walk. "Of course I'm right. Always have been and always will be."

I let out a snort and push him away. "I think you have too much hot air stored up in that head of yours. Maybe I pull one of those staples out, you might deflate a little."

"You touch any of them and I will give you matching ones." He threatens.

The white-haired man with glasses from earlier is leaning against a wall with a cigarette between his fingers. A younger blonde girl is standing beside him. Her eyes light up as she sees us approaching them.

She starts waving out to us.

"Do you know her?" I whisper to Dabi.

He shakes his head. "I have no idea who she is. I've never seen her before in my life."

"Doesn't seem like your typical villain."

"Maybe Shigaraki is desperate."

"I think you just insulted the both of us." I laugh.

"We could be insulting ourselves just by being here." He says.

We come to a stop in front of them both. The blonde girl takes a step closer to me, inspecting me. She looks like a high school student. Dabi takes a step towards me, blocking half of me off from the girl.

"Where is he?" Dabi asks impatiently.

"Follow me," The man says as he pushes off the wall.

He walks down the street a little, coming to stop at a dented metal door. There is an old bar sign hanging above it. I give Dabi a skeptical look as the man holds the door open for us. The girl runs in first with no hesitation. Dabi and I walk in and look around. The room is dark. The man walks up a staircase and we follow after him.

"Wait here for a moment." The man says before opening a door.

"We're going to die here," I whisper to Dabi.

He shakes his head but remains silent. A few moments later the man motions for us to follow him. We step into a dim-lit room that looks like a bar. There are two people in the room, one behind the bar while the other is seated at the bar.

The man at the bar looks over at us and I find myself making eye contact with none other than Shigaraki. His eyes narrow at the sight of us. I shift my weight from one leg to the other, hiding myself a little behind Dabi.

I probably look like a scared child right now but I know what he is capable of doing.

"Ah, it's really you. I've seen your face in pictures but I have to say it's way more disgusting in person." Dabi pipes up.

"Let me join the league. I want to be in your group." The blond girl beside us says happily.

"These are three that I've recruited so far." The man explains gesturing towards us.

"Kurogiri, get rid of them. They are nothing but trash." Shigaraki says. "A brat, a guy with no manners, and an ex UA teacher."

"Give them a chance. That man is well respected in the underworld, he wouldn't bring us them if they weren't any good."

"Let me introduce them to you before I go. First, we have this one. She looks like an adorable high school student but she's the suspect in the murder of a bunch of people who bleed out."

"I'm Toga," she says leaning forward with a little too much enthusiasm. "Please let me join your league of villains, Mr. Handyman."

"You have to be kidding me, is she crazy?" Shigaraki asks.

That's ripe coming from him. The last time I saw him, he was basically a bumbling idiot bent on killing All Might.

"She can hold a conversation." The man says. "Now, for these two. As you already know, she's the ex-teacher from UA who apparently died in that fire. If you check her track record she has an extensive list of misconducts during her time as a hero."

"They are all lies made up by heroes who have nothing better to do with their time." I huff.

"She's quite fiery. And, as for this guy, he hasn't committed any flashy crimes but he has taken Stain's ideologies to heart."

"I don't like this. The league doesn't seem that dedicated to Stain's mission." Dabi says. "Especially if you're letting in little psychos like her." He motions over to Toga.

"Don't be a child. She may be a little psycho but at least she isn't rude. What are your names anyway?" Shigaraki says.

"I go by Dabi."

"No, what's your real name?"

"I will tell you when the time is right." Dabi states. "Anyhow, my new purpose is to carry out the hero killer's mission."

"That's not what I asked you, patchwork," Shigaraki says. "And, I'm getting really sick of hearing about Stain. Every damn day, it's really pissing me off."

He lifts himself off his seat. Dabi shoves me backward and I watch as Toga and him rush at Shigaraki. Kurogiri makes a couple of portals before anyone can get injured.

"Please calm yourself. We need to increase our numbers, please be more accepting." Kurogiri says to Shigaraki.

"I'm out of here." He snaps before storming out of the bar, slamming the door behind him.

Dabi moves over to my side. "That guy makes me want to vomit."

I give a small nod in agreement. "He's got a temper on him."

"Please forgive him. We will get back to you about recruitment at a later time as our leader needs some time. I believe he will be able to give you a better answer once he has cleared his mind." Kurogiri says.

"Let's get out of here," Dabi says to me.

"Finally," I answer.

We walk out of the hideout without another word. The streets are empty and it must be early morning.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" I ask.

He gives off a small shrug. "He's a loose unit along with that other girl. I don't believe they have Stain's ideologies in mind. That purple dude seemed to be the only one with his head screwed on."

"He wants the death of All Might and you want the death of Endeavor," I say.

"Maybe we have more in common than I thought." Dabi corrects me. "So, what do you want?"

"To expose the hero community and how they basically drove me to be a villain," I answer.

"I can get behind that."

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