You Were My Life

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My alarm screeches from beside me and my body snaps forward. My body is drenched in sweat and my hands are trembling. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to get a grasp on reality. 

After a few moments, I finally shut my alarm off and share at the wall across from my bed. Just another nightmare, yet I can't remember what it was about.

I glance down at my sheets, it must've been bad because there are scorch marks over my blankets and pillowcases. I let out a sigh, this is becoming too frequent for my liking.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and limp into the kitchen. Every muscle in my body is burning hot right now. Each step I take is pure agony. 

Even though he wasn't around for long, I kind of miss Dabi being here. I miss the company of another person being here for me to talk to. I miss having someone familiar. 

I run a hand through my hair. I was an idiot for snapping at him last night. He didn't do anything. He was even considerate enough to wait for me. 

Living in this existence is lonely for me. 

My phone sits on the kitchen counter, exactly where I'd left it last night when I got home. I pick up and notice there are no missed calls or messages. What did I expect? 

I put it back down and stare out the window. It's still early and the sun is only just beginning to rise. Why am I even up?

I take a seat in front of my laptop and bring up a blank document. The typing bar blinks at me impatiently as I decide what I need to write. I should've done this a long time ago. I think it's finally time I set myself free.

To finally disappear...

I slump forward from exhaustion as I continue to stare at the blank screen. The time in the corner is telling me I'm already late for work but I don't care anymore. I just can't bring myself to write or do anything. Yesterday was some kind of horrible wake-up call for me. 

All of those eyes were on me, watching as I basically broke down. Mentally exhausted from all the years I was on guard, watching my every step. 

An irritated sigh leaves me and I slam the laptop closed. Heat starts to pulse through my body, I remove myself from the room and go outside. The cool morning air greets me as I sit down on the concrete. I bring my knees up to my chest, folding my arms over the top of them, just to rest my head on them. Comfort in holding myself like this.

The sky is perfect today, not a cloud to be seen. The smallest of smiles graces my face as I stare into the great blue. People chatter down below on the street, living their normal lives. 

The heat pulses through once again and I am reminded of what I really am. 

Not a hero.

Not a villain.

Something confused and lost in between.

The tears spill over the sides of my cheeks and drip onto the concrete. Not a sound escapes me. 

A loud explosion comes from a couple of blocks away. My head lifts at the sound. A large plume of smoke rises into the air and voices can be heard screaming. The windows in my apartment vibrate as another explosion follows the first one.

I lift myself off the ground and stand right on the edge of my balcony. The smell of smoke finally hits me. I throw myself off the side and land with ease on the street below. 

My bare feet slap against the sidewalk as I sprint down the road in my sweats and a tank top. My mind is filled with everything that's happened to me. 

The dirty looks.

The way I've been treated.

The way I've been looked down upon.

I'm sick of it all.

No more. I'm not going to take it anymore. This is my chance. My chance to change everything. Show them that I should've never been looked down on.

I skid to a halt, the bottoms of my feet are raw from the run. I stand panting as I watch heroes fight a group of villains.

"Flare, get out of here." One hero yells down at me.

"You're no help to us in your state." Another says.

A blue flame shoots out of the smoke and haze hitting one of them. The hero drops from the sky like a dead bird, landing with an unnatural thump, no longer moving. 

Another blue flame shoots out, this time grazing past my cheek. A figure steps out of the smoke. Dabi raises an eyebrow as he sees me. His usual smirk appears on his face.

"About time you showed up." He comments.

"I'm done," I yell at him. 

"Done with what?" He asks.

I begin moving toward him. "I'm done with all this. I just want to disappear. Make me disappear just like Touya."

A few heroes look down at me. I keep my focus on Dabi as I approach him. Voices start calling out my name in panic.

He gives a simple nod. "Gotta go out in a blaze of glory though. " He holds his hand out to me.

I drop my hand in his and he grips me tightly. He pulls me into the thick of the smoke. Flames rise up around us. He motions for me to do the same. The plasma bleeds from half of my body and intertwines with his flames.

The heat pushes and pulls at my body and my clothing. It nips at my skin and my eyes never leave Dabi's for a moment.

"You're finally free." He whispers to me.

The sweet darkness takes over me...

No Time To Die (Dabi X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant