If I Could Change The Way That You See Yourself

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The days drift by very slowly at first, maybe it had something to the constant feeling of loneliness even though Natsuo and Fuyumi are around. Or maybe it has something to do with the cool weather and not having a 5'7 personal heater following me around. 

Whatever it is, it's making me want to leave this place and go back to him. I thought I felt numb after he died but that felt like nothing compared to what I'm feeling now. Not being able to be with him, and help fight alongside him.

A gentle knock comes at my door.

"Morning, (y/n)," Fuyumi whispers as she opens the door.

"Morning," I say quietly, sitting up. "Is everything okay?"

She kneels down in the doorway, she can't bring herself to look me directly in the eyes so I know it's something bad. It's something she has always done.

"Endeavor called," she says.

"I can hide out in a closet until he is gone. I promise he'll never even know I'm here." I say, standing up.

She shakes her head. "That's not it. I need you to promise me something." 

I sit back down, crossing my legs. "Sure, anything."

She looks me dead in the eyes. "I really need you to keep this promise. I know it's going to be hard but lives are at stake if you decide to break it."

"What is it?"

"I think the heroes are going to make their attack on the villains in the next couple of days." She whispers.

My heart sinks and I look down at the tatami mat I'm sitting on. "How do you know? Did he tell you?"

"No, but he said he won't be able to contact us for a while and I know he has mentioned in passing that they were planning something."

I clench my fists. "I'm betraying my friends if I don't tell them."

"I understand that. I didn't want to put you in this position but Natsuo thought it was only fair that you know what's happening."

"Where is he?"

"I'm right here," he steps into the room. "I thought you'd take it better from her than from me."

"I could lose the only people that actually cared about me."

"That's kind of rough," Natsuo says.

"I didn't mean it that way, you're like family to me. It's different. These are people I can call friends, people who I didn't grow up with, people who barely knew me and accepted me and all of my flaws."

"We understand but if you tell them, more lives will be lost."

"So, you're telling me that those villains' lives don't matter. I understand some of them are disgusting human beings but there are others in that group that are so misunderstood and have been tossed aside by society. Not all villains are monsters and not all heroes are saviors." I say. "This is what we've been working on trying to tell the world."

"Heroes don't kill,"

"But they will lie, manipulate, and cheat the people they are protecting," I snap. "I don't expect the children of the number one hero to fully understand." I lie back down and grab my phone. I slide it along the floor toward them. "Take it so you can make sure I won't betray the very heroes that will probably end up killing my friends."


"I just want to be alone right now. Please leave before I say something that I'll regret." I mumble.

No Time To Die (Dabi X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن