But My Head Was Underwater

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Fuyumi hands me my phone as I sit down at the kitchen table. I dial Dabi's number and it starts to ring. That's a good sign. It finally connects on the other end. 

"Dabi, where are you?" I ask.

"Dear (y/n), it's Mr. Compress here. Sorry to disappoint." He apologizes.

Fuyumi and Natsuo watch with interest as I interact with the villain on the other end like we've known each other for years.

"Compress, where is he?" 

"He's a little busy at the moment. Were you aware of his true identity?"

"Obviously, we didn't lie about how we knew each other."

He hums a little. "I guessed as much. He is currently fighting with Endeavor and the one he calls little brother."

"Is there any way you can stop him or at least interfere in the fight?"

"Even you should know that's a bad idea."

"I was afraid that would be your answer."

"I'll do what I can but I can't make any promises," he says. "How is everything where you are? Are you okay?"

"Everything is fine and I'm okay, just worried sick about him. Can you get that fiery bastard to call me if Endeavor and his brother don't kill him,"

"I'll be sure to pass that message along to him,"

"I appreciate it, Compress. Thank you. Please stay safe."

"You as well. I don't think the heroes are aware that you're not with us."

"Keep it that way for now, please. If Toga has any of my blood, she can use to be me. I need to keep them away from me at the moment."

"We'll do our best,"

I end the call and look back over to the Todoroki siblings. Their mouths are open a little with wide eyes.

"I feel like I witnessed something very illegal right now," Natsuo comments.

I laugh a little. "What was illegal about that conversation? I was simply passing along a message."

"You also told a villain that using your blood to be you is okay," he states.

"Just a normal day in the league." I shrug.

"He sounded so polite," Fuyumi whispers.

"You only see the villains from the way they are portrayed on the TV and what Endeavor tells you. I've lived with these people and they aren't always what you see on TV."

"Even Shigaraki?" Natsuo asks.

"He's got issues that one but I guess he's a little more relaxed in private."

Natsuo gets up from the table and walks over to the front door. Fuyumi takes my hand.

"We need to go check on mum. Are you going to be alright here by yourself?" She asks.

"I'm about to ask something really dumb," I say.

"Don't you dare go to that battlefield," Natsuo warns.

I shake my head. "I wouldn't do that. That would be putting even more people in danger." I say. "I wanted to ask if I could come with you guys to see Rei. If that's okay."

Both siblings stop and look at each other, sharing a silent conversation.

"What if someone sees you?" Fuyumi asks.

"What are they going to do? Call a hero that can actually stop me. Those ones are all a little busy at the moment."

"Someone thinks highly of herself," Natsuo mumbles.

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