That I'd Fallen For A Lie

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My whole body is shaking, my teeth are chattering, and I can barely move. The temperature has dropped even lower since I got back to the house. I slowly rub my hands together, creating some kind of friction.

I carefully activate my quirk, focusing on my hands. A small black plasma ball forms and I bring it in close to my chest. The heat tingles against my skin. I relax a little.

The futon moves from behind me and I jump at the feeling. An arm snakes around my waist, pulling me backward towards a source of heat. The plasma ball instantly vanishes.

"Your teeth chattering is driving me insane," Dabi says.

"I don't need you." I huff, still a little upset with him.

"You can say as much as you like but you're the one who is currently trying to intertwine your legs with mine." He chuckles.

Ignoring his comment, I carry on moving my legs against his, trying to find the heat I need. Once I stop squirming around, he draws me closer to him. I relax in his hold.

"Dabi?" I whisper.

"(y/n)?" He whispers back.

"Did I make a mistake?"

"You're cold and sleep-deprived." He answers. "Go back to sleep."

I can feel his body heat ushering me to sleep. I give my head a weak shake. "I'm asking a real question."

"I don't think it was a mistake." He whispers to me.

A yawn escapes me and I try to fight back the urge to close my eyes. "Why do I feel so bad about everything I do then? Why does this not feel right?" I mutter as my eyes close. 

"It takes... a while." He answers. "You'll be fine."

"But what happens if it doesn't? What then?" I mumble.

"Go to sleep," he grumbles.

"I missed you," I sigh.

He squeezes me a little tighter but doesn't respond. I let sleep take over me no longer wanting to ask silly questions about my existence.

Sunlight glares through the cracked and grime-covered window. I let out an ugly-sounding groan as I roll over. Dabi is still fast asleep. I stare at his face for a moment.

Under all the scarring and black hair dye, I can still see Touya. I move a little closer to get a better look. He stirs in his sleep but doesn't wake up. 

"Touya," I whisper to him.

He doesn't respond and I let out a sigh, lying back down. I don't even know why I keep trying, that boy I knew is long gone. 

Dabi reaches out his arm, dragging me closer to him. He peeks at me through one eye. "Go back to sleep, we can't leave until after dark."

"I have another stupid question for you," I mumble, staring up at the ceiling.

"I really don't have a choice in whether I hear it or not, do I?" He says.

"Don't throw a tantrum, I'm just curious." I start.

"Rude of you to assume that I would do such a thing." 

I turn my head to the side to look him in the eyes. "We've been friends for a long time, I know what you can be like. Plus, I saw how you acted last night."

"Fine, I get the point. What is the stupid question you're wanting to ask me?"

"Do you ever think about what life could've been like if you hadn't gone away? Do you ever regret it?"

"That is a stupid question." He responds dryly.

"I just wanted to know," I mumble, rolling over to face away from him. 

"I used to think about it a lot when I first disappeared. I remember watching you during the Sports Festival. I was jealous."

"Jealous of what exactly?" 

"Watching you becoming what I always wanted to be but once I saw how they treated you, I knew I had made the right choice. I felt no more regret after that."

I keep my back turned to him. Silence falls between us as I stare at a crack in the window. 

"Did I answer your stupid question?"

"You did, thanks," I respond.

I feel him move closer to me, he drapes an arm over my body. He holds onto me tightly.

"It will become easier soon enough." He whispers to me.

A hand gently runs down the side of my face and my eyes flutter open. A bright white engulfs the room. I find Touya staring down at my face, his hair is as white as snow. A smile pulls at the corners of his mouth.

"I thought you'd never wake up," He says.

"Where am I?" I mumble as I sit up.

"Safe with me," he whispers.

I place my hand on the side of his face, it's so soft and scar-free. "What happened to all of your scars?"

He chuckles before placing his hand over mine. "Are you having those nightmares again?"

I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut for a moment, trying to understand what's happening. "I must be," I mumble.

"They are only nightmares. They won't hurt you." He reassures me.

I peek through my eyes and find his blue eyes. He leans forward pressing his lips against mine and my breath is taken away. My body automatically responds and relaxes in his hold. He holds onto me tightly.

He finally pulls away and a shiver runs down my spine. I give off a happy sigh as I stare at him.

"(y/n)?" He says softly.

"Touya?" I mimic him.

He traces circles on my thighs and I feel the heat from his touch nip at me. "Time to go."

My head falls to the side. "What do you mean?"

He gives me one last smile. "It's time to go." He says again.

Smoke and fire start to fill the room as black goo bleeds down his hair. The purple skin and scars start to take over his face and his smile becomes maniacal. 

"Time to go." He snaps.

My whole body jolts and the wind is whipping through my hair. My arms are wrapped around Dabi's neck as he pushes himself to run down dark streets.

"Dabi?" I croak out.

"Nice of you to finally join the landing of the living."

"What's going on?"

"Someone caught us and your dumbass wouldn't wake up." He yells as he comes to a sudden stop. "Are you alright to run?"

I give a sharp nod still confused about what happened. 

"Great!" He snatches my hand and pulls me along behind him.

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