But I Saw You There...

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My head feels like it's going to explode as I stumble into the teacher's room. I collapse down into my chair, I let out a shaky sigh as I let my head against the cool wood of my desk. I haven't used my quirk like that in years. I'm surprised no one pulled me up for it.

My phone starts ringing in my pocket. I use the little strength I have to pull it out. Dabi's name lights up the screen. I shake my head and roll my eyes as I click answer.

"What have you done?" I ask. 

"You need to work on how you answer a phone." He snides. 

"What are you, the manners police?" I snip back.

"Someone sounds a little cranky."

"I'm exhausted. Did you not see that huge glacier your brother made that I had to meltdown?" 

He sucks in a deep breath. "Let's not talk about him."

"Okay, so why did you call? Are you still lounging around my house?"

"I need to speak to you about something important. Are you alone?" He says.

"I am. I'm in the teacher's room."

"Good, I did some things and found out something that might interest you."

"You mean you did something illegal," I state.

"Yeah, yeah. Listen for a moment, just for once in your life. I managed to get some information from a... friend, let's say. He says that the hero council is wanting to pin some crimes against you, including the recent villain attack on UA."

"What?!" I shout down the phone at him. "You've got to be fucking kidding me? How would I have anything to do with that?"

"Don't yell at me," he snarls. "I'm just passing on what I've heard."

"Is there a chance that what your friend told you is a lie?" I ask.

"I don't know but I thought you might like to know just in case. I would be on my guard if I was you."

"Like I don't feel paranoid working here already. Thanks for adding to it." 

"You're welcome. Also, you're out of milk."

"I'll get some on the way home."

"Not if they lock you up first." He jokes before hanging up.

I sigh loudly and let my eyes drift over to the TV that's showing the sports festival. All the happy faces, cheering on their favorite students. A small smile graces my face as I remember how similar faces once looked up to me.

The crowd desperately calls out my name to get up. My body lies broken and beaten in the middle of the arena. My uniform is covered in my own blood and I don't know how much more I can take of this.

Touya pops into my mind, all those days we spent training. All of those days we spent dreaming about being at the top. I can't just waste it lying here.

I slowly pick myself up from the ground. My opponent watches me with a mixture of disappointment and curiosity.

"Aren't you dead yet?" he taunts.

"That doesn't sound very heroic of you." I spit the blood from my mouth.

My body wobbles from side to side as I stand up. He snorts before turning his arm into a crystal blade. That's when the cheers turn into demands to stop the fight. 

"Looks like this is the end of the line for you. It's going to be so embarrassing for you when you lose and forever live in my shadow."

A smirk grows on my face. "Quit the talking and fight me already."

His eyebrow twitches and he charges at me, his arm aimed for my chest. Mild panic takes over my body for a split second, he really isn't messing around.

I dodge his attack just in time to avoid any permanent damage but that doesn't mean he misses me. His jagged crystal edges slice across my chest and I hiss at the sudden searing pain.

"Stay still so I can end this." He snaps, keeping his eyes trained on me.

"Go fuck yourself," I yell over the crowd.

The heat surges through me as I take a step toward him. I place the palm of my hand over the cut on my chest, cauterizing it immediately to stop myself from losing any more blood. His eyes grow wide.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing a change in pace in this battle." The announcer calls out.

"Bet you didn't know I could do that," I say, giving off a half-hearted laugh. 

The veins in my arms are now pulsing black with pure passion and anger. I take a shaky step toward him. He instantly takes a step back away from me.

"You want to fight dirty, let's do it!" I yell. 

"You're crazy!" He yells back. "Someone stop her."

Raw plasma drips from my body, eating away at the arena floor as I slowly move closer to him. The bottoms of my pants start to melt like cotton candy in water. 

"So it's okay if you try to kill me but once I show signs of  fighting back with the same determination, I'm the crazy one." I snort. "Should've kept your mouth shut."

I raise my hand up, ready to let go. A wall of earth erupts between the two of us, throwing me backward. The wind is instantly knocked out of me as I crash to the ground. I roll on my side, desperate to breathe.

A feral scream rips through the air and I come to the realization that it's me. The plasma is out of control and I no longer have control over it. Every limb is shaking violently as I  grip my head.

"Someone restrain her!" A male voice comes from the other side of the arena.

A roar of cheering and applause comes from the TV waking me up. I rub my eyes, sitting up. Bakugou's and Shoto's photos are shown on the screen for the final battle. I stand up from my desk stretching my arms out. Guess I'll be needed for this battle.

The sun is shining so bright in the arena, that I squint as I enter. Midnight has a look of disappointment on her face as I approach her.

"Where have you been?" She asks.

"A friend had an emergency," I lie. "He was quite upset."

She gives a small nod. "Well, at least you're back for the last battle."

The two boys walk onto the battle arena, passion and determination written over both of their faces. A shiver runs down my spine as I remember that feeling. A jolt of hot plasma surges through me and I feel like throwing up. I push the feeling back down and lean against the wall for support as the battle starts.

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