Fool Me Once, Fool Me Twice

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It's been a couple of weeks since Dabi and I returned from Hosu and I'm still on house arrest as I call it. Dabi thinks I'm just being dramatic.

I kick my legs over the end of the couch. We managed to find a less broken one someone had thrown out onto the streets. I had convinced Dabi that we needed it if I was going to be spending most of my time inside.

I activate my quirk and mindlessly play with a ball of plasma, trying to get it to balance on the tip of my finger.

"Am I going to be in here forever?" I ask.

Dabi lets out an irritated sigh as he puts down the newspaper. "If I have to listen to you complain one more day, I'm going to throw you out that window."

"At least I'll get to go outside that way." I snide.

He abruptly stands up, burning the newspaper in his hands. "That's it, I warned you." He snaps.

He marches straight over to me, the plasma ball vanished into thin air as I try to get out of his way. He grabs me around the waist and throws me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I yell at him.

"You asked for this." He says walking me to his room where the window actually opens.

"You wouldn't?"

"Oh, but I would. Just so I can get some peace and quiet around here."

"Put me down. This isn't funny."

"Okay." He says dropping me down onto the window sill.

The window is open and I can feel the warm afternoon breeze on my back. His fingers grip my waist as he holds me in place, making sure I won't fall backward.

"Are you really going to throw me out of the window?" I ask with a smirk.

He smiles down at me. "Not yet. Might have some fun with you before I do that."

"No, that's okay. You can push me out of the window now." I say trying to remove his hands from my waist.

He leans his face closer to mine. "I thought you'd be all over me, especially with what I read in those journals of yours."

I let out a sigh and turn my head away from him. My hands stop trying to pull him away and just rest on top of his. "I know that you're Touya but you're not him. If that makes sense."

"It really doesn't."

"I was in love with Touya, the passionate, headstrong hero to be. Dabi, you're a villain hell-bent on revenge." I explain. "I still see parts of Touya in you when you're with me. The joking around, the temper tantrums, even the smile but you're not Touya anymore to me."

I push his arms aside and he doesn't try to stop me. I slide off the window sill and walk out of the room and back to my spot on the couch. I cross my legs over and stare back out the window.

The couch moves beside me but I don't move. Watching the people below, I spot Endeavor. There is a sudden bearing presence over my shoulder. Dabi is leaning on me to see what I'm looking at. I feel his whole body go rigid when I assume he spots his father.

"He looks like a twat." He comments.

"With that flaming facial hair." I join in.

A dark chuckle vibrates from Dabi's chest. "I remember I always wanted to be just like him when I was a child."

"Even the flaming facial hair?" I question.

"Unfortunately, do you think I'd suit it now?"

I turn to examine his face. I grab the tops of his cheeks above his staples being as careful as possible. "Hmm, maybe not. I think the scars suit you though."

"I don't think I could grow facial hair even if I wanted to."

A knock comes at the door making both of us freeze up. We share a look.

"Are you expecting anyone?" I whisper to him.

He shakes his head. "No. Are you?"

"Who would I be expecting? I've been stuck in here the whole time." I whisper back at him. "Everyone thinks I'm dead."

"Okay, don't get your panties in a twist." He says standing up.

I follow close behind him as we make our way to the door. A blue flame appears in his hand and I get ready to activate my quirk.

The knock comes again. Dabi opens the door and I keep myself mostly hidden.

"Good afternoon," the man at the door says politely.

"Who the hell are you?" Dabi asks.

"Someone that has an offer you can't refuse." He says.

"That doesn't sound dodgy at all." I pipe up from behind the door.

"Ah, so she is hiding with you." The man says. "There have been rumors you didn't die in that fire."

I poke my head out from behind the door, looking at the man. He is an older guy with white hair and glasses. There is a crooked smile on his face. Dabi takes a protective step toward me.

"Tell me what you're offering and I might consider not burning you alive." Dabi threatens.

"I know a man who you may be interested in. Goes by Shigaraki. He is looking for other villains to join him."

"And why would we join him?" Dabi asks.

I think for a moment and the name finally clicks in my brain. "He's the guy that broke into UA not long ago, right?" I ask.

A smile grows on the man's face. "That was him indeed."

"When would this little meeting happen?" Dabi questions.

"Tonight. I'll see the both of you downtown by the old car warehouse. Make sure no one follows you."

Without another word, the man turns on his heel and walks away. Dabi is quick to close the door and lock it. He turns his attention to me.

"What do you think?"

I give a small shrug. "I've briefly met the guy once before and he seemed like a loose unit back then. What do you think?"

"I think we should go, see what he's all about and then make a decision from there." 

"And, if he's not what we want, we can dispose of him."

A smile comes to Dabi's face and he shakes his head a little closing his eyes. "Whatever will help you sleep."

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