Don't Wanna Lie Here

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I step out into the sun, the air is still cool but winter is slowly coming to an end. I move away from the mansion a little wanting some peace and quiet to myself.

I find a sunny spot by a small flower garden. I take a seat on a small bench. Dabi is a little distracted with Hawks at the moment. He made a decision to no longer include me in their little meetings. As much as I wanted to argue with him, I no longer felt comfortable being in the same room with the two of them, especially after my little slip-up.

A sudden movement in the bushes makes me jump. Twice appears from the bushes, and there are flowers in his hands.

"Are you looking for flowers for Dabi?" He asks. "Dabi doesn't love anything,"

I laugh a little at his last comment. "No, just came out here for some peace and quiet."

He steps out of the bush, brushing off some small twigs. "Can I join you?" He asks. "I will leave you alone." He adds. "She's so pretty, Dabi is a lucky man."

"Thank you, Twice. You're a wonderful friend."

He runs over to me and embraces me tightly. "You smell nice," he says. "I'm glad you're my friend." He pulls away and hands me one of his flowers, a small white flower with a yellow center. "This is a suisen, there is a whole patch of them over behind those bushes."

"It's beautiful, thank you."

"Anything for a friend," he says. "See you later."

He runs off back up toward the mansion. I twirl the flower between my fingers watching it carefully. A smile graces my face. He really knows how to make me feel better. If only the world could see each of us for who we are, maybe then we wouldn't be labeled as villains. 

My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket and I pull it out. Natsuo's name is on the screen. It's been at least a month since I last heard from him.

My phone is swiped out of my hands and Dabi stands before me, glaring down at it. He answers it and holds it up to his ear.

"Hello, little man," he says.

"Dabi, give me my phone back," I say trying to take it from him.

"Who's this?" I hear Natsuo on the other end.

"Oh, she hasn't told you about me?" He says. "I feel heartbroken. I'm sure you know who I am, my face has been all over the news lately."

"C'mon, just give me the phone back."

He holds up a single finger. "Give me a second, I want to talk to your friend. Don't worry it isn't about anything bad." He assures me.

"Give the phone back to her. I need to speak to her now. It's urgent."

"Are you in danger?" Dabi asks.

"No, but it's a conversation that doesn't regard you, villain."

Dabi pulls a face. "Those are fighting words, little man. Here how about this? You tell me what you want to say to her and I'll give the phone back to her."

"No," Natsuo says. "There's no way I'm going to talk to you about this."

"Well, let me guess then. You called her again in hopes of convincing her to come to your safe place."

The phone line is silent and so am I. Dabi watches me with his blue eyes showing no sign of amusement or victory, just seriousness.

"How did you know?" He asks.

"She tells me everything. But I think she should take the offer." Dabi admits.

"What?" I yell. "Have you lost your mind?"

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