That The Blood You Bleed

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The day dragged on more than it should have. Every class I taught was torture because all the students wanted to talk about was the upcoming Sports Festival. By midday, I was ready to walk out. The afternoon only got worse as the day drew to a close.

My head hits my desk with a loud thump. My eyes can barely stay open. I have so much I need to do with no energy to do it with.

"Staying late?" Present Mic asks as he passes by.

"As late as I can. Don't know how much longer I can stay awake." I lift my head from the desk.

Aizawa walks in. "Just do it tomorrow."

"If I at least make a start on this, it will make me feel better."

"Some sleep will make you feel better." Present Mic adds.

I give off an exhausted laugh. "I think the Police Force would say otherwise."

His face drops. "Wait, is that paperwork from the Police Force? I thought it was just homework and assignments you had to mark."

"I shake my head. Every time I get stopped or pulled up by a hero, 10 pages of this crap gets handed to me to complete. And, I have to read every single word to make sure I'm not being falsely accused of something." I explain.

Aizawa picks up the top sheet and examines it. It was the one from last night. He raises an eyebrow as he follows the words.

"Caught engaging in a fight with a villain." He says the sentence out loud. He looks over the top of the paper at me. "Are they serious?"

I give him a small smile. "I really wish I was lying about this all."

He shakes his head and places the file back on the pile. "That's a little overboard if you ask me. It's a part of your duty as a hero to engage with villains. Have you spoken to anyone about this type of harassment?"

"I have and well it actually made it worse for a time."

"How long has this been going on?" Present Mic asks.

"Since I graduated UA..." I say quietly.

The silence is shared around the room. I look away from them and pull the bottom file free, opening it up.

"I better get to work, there is a lot I need to do," I say, no longer wanting to discuss it.

"Oh, (y/n)." Present Mic says softly. "If there is anything we can to do help, don't hesitate to ask."

I give a small nod but don't look back up at either of them. "I appreciate it. You two should head off, it's getting late."

"Don't stay too late," Aizawa says before walking out of the room, followed by Mic.

Once I know I'm alone, I lean back in my seat. A single tear runs down the side of my face as I try my best to hold them back. Why me?

It's like every time I go anywhere, there is a hero with a vendetta against me. We are on the same team. All I want to do is burn these stupid papers.

I snap forward and start reading over the files. There is no point in sitting around and crying because I already know that doesn't do anything.

As my eyes glide over the words, I can feel them grow heavier and heavier. It's almost unbearable. This shit is so boring that it's putting my ass to sleep faster than my sleep deprivation is.

"One more. Just one more." I mumble to myself.

My phone starts ringing, snapping me free from my zombie state. I shuffle through the mountains of papers scattered across my desk. I find it and notice it's an unknown number calling me.

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