Too Much To Bear

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Bakugou picks up a half-conscious Shoto, his quirk ready to carry on the fight. Midnight intervenes before he can continue. A shiver runs down my spine as I kick off the wall and head over to start melting away Shoto's ice. 

Both boys are removed from the arena to be checked on. I place my hand on the ice and immediately notice black plasma flowing from my hand. I flinch at the sight of it. It melts part of the glacier in seconds and I instantly recoil into myself. It is pulsing through my veins.

It's been a long time since I've seen it this color.

I carefully glance around the arena and notice a few eyes on me, watching me carefully. I drop my hand to my side and deactivate my quirk. Sweat beads along the top of my forehead as I slink back over to the side of the arena.

The whole arena is spinning now and sweat rolls down my face. It's like standing in a sauna. I gently fan myself with my hand, trying to cool myself down.

Bakugou is bought back out in restraints and shackles. My heart begins to thump hard against my chest. The sweating gets worse and black plasma bleeds from the palms of my hands. My breathing becomes hard and I can't focus on anything around me.

"Flare," A voice comes from beside me.

"Hold her down, make sure you don't touch the black plasma." A voice yells.

My head snaps in the direction it came from, eyes wide, heart hammering. Midnight stares at me with concern on her face. My whole body feels as though it's vibrating.

"You don't look so good," Another voice sounds from beside me.

"You would've killed him if we hadn't stopped you!" Someone screams at me.

I jump back, feeling like a cornered animal. My eyes dart over to the shackled boy on the podium. He starts to wake, confusion and anger written over his face. My breathing is so shallow now it feels like I'm not getting any air. 

Just like that day.

"How can she be a hero when she acts like a villain." 

Bakugou starts to fight against his restraints, causing a commotion. My eyes dart between the heroes in front of me and him. They are doing it again.

This is too much. I take a step back, tripping a little. A few heroes come running into the arena, all eyes focused on me. 

"Some restrain her," one of them calls.

I start shaking my head furiously as I raise my hands up before covering my head. I drop down onto my knees, no longer able to stand by myself. My whole body slowly turns numb. A shadow casts over me and I peek up at the face of All Might. There is no smile on his face.

"Stay back," I warn through clenched teeth.

"Let us restrain you." I hear someone say.

"Villain," Someone else whispers.

"Villain." The voice seems eerie almost like a chant.

"You'll never be number one now." 

Something in me finally snaps. "Leave me alone," I scream, plasma erupting from my body.

My knees come up to my chest and I curl into the fetal position. I can feel it pulsing through my veins, thick and full of hatred. 

"Touya," I mumble out as a tear slips past my eye. "Touya... help me."

A sweet scent hits me and I roll my head to the side to see Midnight standing over me with pity in her eyes. My eyes start to feel heavy and I can't fight the urge to sleep off. 

"Touya," I mumble one last time before drifting off.

The sun has long gone down and I stare at my own reflection in the infirmary window. I rest on my side in a dim-lit room.

Guess no one wanted to take the unstable hero home. Don't blame them. I sit up, my body aching with every movement. There are faint scorch marks over the blanket.

"So you're finally awake now?" A woman's voice says.

I look back over my shoulder to find Recovery Girl sitting on the side of the bed, a magazine in her hands.

"It's been a while since I've seen you in here in this bad of condition." She comments.

A smile actually comes to my face. "Never thought I'd be in here again."

"All the good heroes come back here eventually." 

I shift uncomfortably on the bed as I move my gaze away from her. "I wouldn't consider myself a good hero." I stand up. "Thank you for your assistance but I better get back home."

She goes to say something else but I'm already out the door before she can. I walk straight out of the gates of UA and into the dark world. I go down alleyways and avoid every person I come across. My face is probably plastered everywhere by now.

All those cameras.

All of those eyes.

Watching me, judging me.

A shiver runs up my spine as I turn down another dimly lit alleyway that smells far too questionable. 

The sound of footsteps following me captures my attention right away. I stop in my tracks turning on my heel.

"If you're gonna attack me, get it over with," I say.

A figure emerges from the darkness. It's just Dabi. He has a lazy smile on his face as he approaches me. The smell of burnt skin hits me. He's been out doing who knows what.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I was waiting outside UA for you. I saw what happened."

I roll my eyes before I turn my back to him and start to walk away. "Most of Japan did, do you want an award for seeing it as well?" I spit.

He slams his hand down on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks. "Cut the attitude."

I rip my shoulder away from his grip, not bothering to turn around and face him. "I'm not in the mood for Dabi's personality right now," I say, keeping my eyes fixed ahead.

A blue light illuminates from behind me, casting shadows along the alleyway. I let out a small snort as I half turn. Our eyes lock and he is glaring at me.

"You know those flames won't do anything to me." I sneer. "I'm sure you saw the plasma that came out of my body today. Those little sparks of yours will do nothing."

His eye twitches a little as we continue to stare at each other. He takes another step closer to me, his flames dying down. He closes the space between us, I feel the heat from his body pressing up against me. 

"I can see why I never bothered to tell you I was still alive." He whispers.

My heart sinks and I finally drop my eyes away from his. "Dabi is still alive, Touya's not," I say quietly. "See you around, Dabi."

I walk off down the alleyway and the peaceful silence confirms that he's not following after me. The walk back home is quiet, a little too quiet for my liking.

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