Faces From My Past Return

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My foot is propped up on the pillow in my new room. I listen carefully to the conversation that is happening just outside my bedroom door. Dabi left the door open a little when he left.

Dabi and I had barely escaped the heroes and made it to the abandoned bar. Shigaraki had been surprised to see us but accepted us.

"She's useless to us at the moment." I hear Shigaraki say.

"It's an injury. She will heal." Dabi defends.

"How long will that take?" Shigaraki snarls. "We don't have time to play doctor."

"Do you have someone will a healing quirk then?" Dabi questions.


"Maybe you should consider getting one," Dabi says before opening my door.

He walks in and slams the door behind him. He drops down on the end of the bed, jolting my foot. "What a dick," he mumbles.

My foot aches. "He's not the only one at the moment." I fire at him.

He glances down at my foot and then back up at me. "My bad,"  

"Your bad alright. I heard you talking with Shigaraki." I say quietly.

"I guess these walls aren't that thick." He says looking around the room. "That's not good news for us."

I give him a hard kick in the shoulder with my good foot. "Shut up. You left the door slightly open."

He laughs and moves to sit closer to me. "You got the room with the biggest bed, there's plenty of room in here for me."

"Nope, you have your own room."

"If we're going to survive here with these psychos we need to stick close to one another." He whispers.

I lean in closer to his face. "I know that but we don't need to be sleeping in the same bed."

He leans in even closer to me, our noses nearly touching. "But it would be more comfortable for the both of us."

The door slams open a man with a black and gray full-body suit bursts in. He looks between Dabi and me for a moment before speaking.

"Dabi, Shigaraki wants us to run an errand together." He says.

Dabi sighs and stands up. He glances back down at me. "We will carry on this conversation later." He says coldly before walking out the door.

The man in the suit gives me a small wave. "Nice to meet you. See you later." He says happily before leaving.

I get comfortable once again and close my eyes for a moment. A floorboard squeaks and my eyes flick open just in time to see Shigaraki leaning over me with an open hand. I jump up avoiding his hand and limp away from him.

The pillow I was resting my head on only seconds ago has been turned to dust.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask forming a plasma ball in my hand.

He turns around and looks at me with narrowed eyes. "Just making sure you're still going to be of use to me."

"By coming at me with those hands of yours."

He walks across the room and pauses at the door. "Follow me."

I hesitate for a moment. "If you're gonna kill me, do it here."

He rolls his eyes and sighs. "I know that, dumbass. Just follow me." 

I give up and I follow after him slowly. My foot is aching with every step. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see soon."

I go silent deciding that it might be the wisest choice at the moment. He leads me down multiple half-lit hallways. If I need to get away from him, I'm not going to remember the way back.

He stops in front of a door and looks back over his shoulder at me. "You're going to show me what that quirk of yours can really do."

"Why?" I ask crossing my arms. 

Irritation flashes through his eyes. "Because I need to know if you're what we are looking for."

I sigh and limp up to the door. "Do you want me to melt this?" I ask.

"Do what you must."

I place both hands on the door and activate my quirk. Black plasma quickly burns a hole through it, turning the metal into a liquid. It drips to the floor revealing a large hole that leads into a pitch-black room.

"Are you happy with that?"

"What else can you melt through?" He asks.

"Most things. I haven't really come in contact with anything I couldn't melt." I say.

He nods and turns on his heel walking back down the hallway. I quickly follow after him not wanting to get lost.

We get back into the bar area where Dabi has a flame in his hand, looking a little unhinged. 

"Where is she?" He says leaning across the bar.

Kurogiri turns and looks in my direction. "Right there."

His eyes land on me and the flame in his hand disappears. He straightens himself out.

"What the hell is going on here?" Shigaraki snaps.

Dabi ignores him and walks straight over to me. He grabs me roughly by the arm and drags me from the room. He takes me down the hallway and into my room, slamming the door behind us.

"Explain this." He says pointing at the pile of dust on the bed.

"Shigaraki nearly dusted me but got the pillow instead," I explain. "He wanted to see if I could be useful to him."

"I was gone for less than five minutes and you nearly died. I can't leave you alone." 

I roll my eyes. "You're being dramatic."

He takes a step toward me and out of reflex I take a step back. My back is now pressed up against the wall with Dabi still approaching.

He slams his hand above my head, bringing his face down to my level. "This is the second time you've gotten yourself into a bad situation in less than 24 hours."

I glare back up at him. "It's not like I've gone looking for it." I snap.

"I'm starting to think you want me to be around you."

I smack his chest but he doesn't flinch. "I think you need to get that head of yours checked. Your quirk is frying your brain."

"I didn't hear any denial from you."

I turn my head away from him, looking at a dresser across the room. "I like being around you," I mumble, not happy that I'm admitting it.

A deep laugh comes from his chest and I feel his hand on the side of my face. He gently turns my head so I'm looking at him again. I feel my cheeks start to flush and I can't look away from his gaze. Those beautiful blue eyes, that devilish smile.

"I like being around you, too." He says.

Before I even have a chance to think of something to say back his lips are pressed against mine. I instantly kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck and drawing him in closer. He pushes his body into mine, grinding against me. A soft moan leaves me.

He pulls away and I find myself trying to catch my breath. There is a smirk plastered on his face.

"If I'd known you tasted this sweet I would've done this a lot sooner."

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