Long live the reckless and the brave

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I checked my phone for the fiftieth time. It was midnight.

I grabbed a grey Miami state hoodie and slid it over my black sports bra and black skinny jeans. I slipped on a pair of grey vans and tied my hair into a ponytail. I stuffed my clothes into a bag and grabbed my phone.

Me:I'll be at Alexa's house in two hours.

I slowly opened my door and saw Mitchell and Mika outside their rooms. "we'll cover for you" Mitchell whispered and smirked. "I owe you guys big time" I whispered and hugged them. "go you're gonna be late" Mika said and I tiptoed down the stairs.

Once I got outside I ran down the street.

Once I arrived at Alexa's house I walked to the back and threw rocks at Alexa's window. A couple minutes later Alexa opened the window. "bit early aren't we?" Alexa said as I pulled myself up to her room. "better early then late" I said. "come on let's get some sleep before we leave in four hours" Alexa said and I crawled in next to her.

We awoke to the sound of Alexa's alarm.

"Let's go" I said and got up. I took a shower first and changed into a red Chicago red bulls hoodie with a pair of black sweats and a pair of black Nike shoes. I tied my hair into a bun and grabbed my bag and sent the guys a text.

Me:Wake up! I expect you here by four!

"Lets go!" Alexa exclaimed. She was wearing a black Chicago Blackhawks hoodie with a pair of grey sweats and a pair of white Nike shoes and her hair was pulled into a pony tail. "the guys should be here any minute if they're here on time" I said and grabbed my bag and we walked out.

The guys started arriving around six o'five. "alright let's go" I said and we got into Brian's car and drove off.

After nonstop driving we arrived in Tennessee.

Once we arrived on the grounds where Rockfest was being held we parked in the back and walked out. "we have two hours before the festival begins" Alex pointed out. "Let's get ready" I said and opened the trunk. I pulled out a black Long Live The Queen cut off tee with a pair of black ripped skinny jeans. Alexa pulled out a white Black Veil Brides cut off tee with a pair of black skinny jeans. "we'll take a walk while you guys get dressed" Brian said and walked off with Alex.

We quickly took off our hoodies and sweats and slipped on t-shirts and jeans. I slipped on a pair of red vans and Alexa slipped on a pair of grey vans. I sprayed hairspray on my hair and styled it. "Perks of having short hair" Alexa said and smiled. "don't be hating on my locks" I said as I saw the guys walk towards us. "Are you guys ready?" Alex asked. "yes now you guys hurry up" I said and Brian and Alex took off their shirts and jeans. "At least wait for us to leave" Alexa said. "a free show" Brian winked. "no thank you" I said and we got up and left.

"So many bands" I said and looked around. "oh my god! look its Jenna" Alexa exclaimed as we saw Jenna McDougall from Tonight Alive walk by. "this is paradise" I said as I saw Brandon Hoover from Crown The Empire walk by. "we made it!" Alexa exclaimed. "Hold that thought" I said as I got a message from Mika.

Mika:leaving for the cabaret, mum hasn't figured it out yet.

Me:let's hope she doesn't figure it out until later.

Mika:are you in Tennessee?


Mika:break a leg


I turned off my phone and we walked back towards the guys.

//Mitchell's POV//

I fixed my black hair and spiked it up. "Alright let's do this" I said and fixed my red bow tie and black blazer. I grabbed my phone and walked out. "Lets get out of here" Mika said as he saw me walk out. He was wearing a black bow tie with a black blazer. We were identical except for the bow ties.

We got into the car and drove off to pick up Megan and Taylor. "Taylor looks beautiful" I said as I saw Taylor. "Don't even get me started on how beautiful Megan looks" Mika said. "got ourselves some gold winning girls" I said and we pulled up in front of them. We got out and opened the door for them. "I gotta take this" I said as we arrived at the cabaret and my phone rang. "I'll see you inside" Taylor said and kissed me before walking inside.


"Mitchell Gunnulfsen!"

Before Mika walked inside I pulled him by the shoulder and pulled him aside. I put the speaker on and continued talking with my mom.

"Hi mom"

"Where are you"

"Where are you?"

"Mitchell don't play with me, where are you"

"At the cabaret"

"After I told you not to go"

"Mom I'm sorry but I was not gonna leave Taylor alone"

"And mom i wasn't gonna leave Megan alone"

"Mika Gunnulfsen!"

"I'm sorry mom but we're not gonna be rude and ditch Taylor and Megan"

"Where's Lyndsey"

"She's home"

"No she's not"

"Whaaat, last time we checked she was there"

"Tell your sister that when you guys get home you will be in so much trouble!"

"By-" I stared to say but mom hung up. "this is gonna be our last free night so lets enjoy it" Mika said and we walked inside.



Picture of Mitchell and Mika-------->

Name of song used as title: The reckless and the brave- All time low 

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now