Stumble through the long goodbye, one last kiss then catch your flight

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"The wait is killing me!" Alex exclaimed as we all sat on the carpet in the den. "Can't they call already?" Alexa asked. "I think that's Luis" I said as I heard the doorbell. I got up and walked over to open it.

"How'd it go?" Luis asked after he kissed me. "I don't know yet" I said and we sat on the carpeted floor.

"Its ringing!" Brian exclaimed. I picked up the phone and answered.




"Congratulations you made the top twenty bands, you will be flying to London to attend the contest"

"Ohmygod thank you!"

"You will need to prepare one song for the first round, An acoustic version, choose wisely bands will be eliminated in the first round. That will leave us with fifteen bands by the end of the day. The next day we'll say goodbye to five more. Once we have our top ten you will need to leave your heart and soul on the stage. Once we have our top three bands you will have a fight to the death, speaking metaphorically of course. Band that comes in first place will play download and get a record label with Hopeless Records. Our contest starts in two days. So we would like you here by tomorrow"

"You'll be there"

"That's it, see you in London"

"Bye and thank you!"


I hung up and looked at the guys.

"We made it!" I exclaimed. "Are you serious?' Alexa asked. "We made the top twenty bands!" I exclaimed and hugged Luis. "Holy shit" Alex whispered as Luis picked me up and spun me around. "We're going to London!" Brian exclaimed. "we gotta pack, we need to be there by tomorrow" I said as Luis placed me back on the ground.

"Tomorrow?" Luis asked. "Yeah we need to be there before the contest starts" I said. "How long will you be gone?" Luis asked. "A week" I said. "A week?" Luis repeated. "Yeah" I said. Luis sat on my bed and looked down at his hands. "We're gonna go pack" Brian said and walked off with Alex and Alexa following close behind.

"It will only be a week" I said and grabbed Luis' hand," and not even that you can fly out on the last two days to catch our final performance, so only five days" I said. "Okay, I can deal with just five days" Luis said. "And I'll call you everyday and let you know what happened, okay?" I asked. "Okay" Luis said. "Luis this isn't the fault in our stars!" I exclaimed and hugged him. "I'll miss you" Luis said and kissed me.


I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm. It was barely four am. I looked to my right and saw that Luis was still sleeping. I slowly got up trying not to wake him.

I took a shower and changed into a grey knit sweater with a penguin on the front, a pair of dark velvet skinny jeans and a pair of black doc martens. I dried my hair and left it down I slipped on a dark velvet coloured beanie with the word 'gnarly' in white block letters.

While I was fixing my bag I heard Luis get up. "Good morning" he mumbled as he made his way towards the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later he came out wearing a red and black flannel with a black Glamour Kills muscle tee underneath and a pair of black skinny jeans with grey vans. "Ready?" He asked. "Yes" I said and he helped me with my bag.

We walked out of the room and saw Alexa, Brian, Alex, Mae, Kay, Leo, Max, Kaiden, Marco, Mitchell, Mika, Grandma and even Alex waiting out in the living room.

"You guys came" I exclaimed and ran to hug Max, Leo, Kaiden, Kay, and Mae. "Couldn't let you leave for a week without saying goodbye" Mae said and gave me a slight smile. "I promise I'll let you guys know what happened" I said and hugged them again.

"Go show them what Lynn Gunn has to offer the music industry" Mika said as he hugged me. "You have talent show it, so don't come home unless its to tell us that you're playing Download" Mitchell said and he joined our hug. "Don't worry I will" I said and smiled.

"You go out there and show them that music is coursing through your veins" grandma said and hugged me. "Thank you" I said.

"You'll be great, why tell you something you already know" Alex said and walked back up the stairs to his room.

"Let's go or you're going to miss the flight" Luis said as he checked his phone. "I'll see you guys in a week" I said and Luis, Marco, Alexa, Alex and Brian walked out the door.

"We're going to London!" We chanted as we walked to the car.

"I'll see you in a week" Luis said and hugged me. "Less then a week" I corrected him and buried my head into his chest. "Bring back the prize" Luis whispered. "I promise you I will" I said and kissed him. "See you in a week" Luis said after our kiss. "See you in a week" I said and started walking towards the hallway.

"Lynn!" Luis shouted. I turned around and faced him. "I love you!" Luis shouted. "I love you too!" I shouted. "I'll see you in less than a week!" Luis shouted. I nodded and turned around so Luis wouldn't see me cry. It was so painful to walk away from someone you loved but I needed to make my dreams come true.

//Luis' POV//

I watched Lynn walk away, down the hallway to catch her flight. It hurt so much to watch her leave. I placed my hand over my mouth so I didn't cry but I couldn't help it, Lynn was for a leaving a week.

Its only five days, I'll be with her in a couple of days, she's going to be with you soon. Just like I fulfilled my dreams, she's going to make hers come true. Its going to be okay, I kept repeatedly telling myself as I walked out of the airport.

"Are you okay?" Marco asked once I got back into the car. "Not really, but this her dream" I said as Marco started up the car and drove off.



song used as title: Come back, Be here- Taylor Swift 

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin