keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

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I watched as Luis pulled up into my drive way.

I walked up to the door and placed the suitcase in the back and got in.

"Ready?" Luis asked in almost a whisper. I nodded and we drove off.

"What?" I asked as we took a different route. "You'll see" Luis said and continued driving.
Ten minutes we arrived at the same empty field where he took me a couple weeks ago.

He helped me get out and we walked deep into the field.

"I-I can't let you leave, but I know I have to cause this is your dream" Luis said," all I ask is that you don't forget me" Luis said. "I will never forget you," I said and hugged him," remember me even if its in your wildest dreams" I said. "I will" Luis said and pulled out a Polaroid camera. "For good times sake" Luis said and smiled. I smiled back and pulled him into kiss while he took the picture.

"One for you one for me" Luis said and handed me the picture. I placed it in my pocket and we walked towards the car. 

I hesitated to open the door. I knew we were even closer to our goodbye.



song used as title: Photograph- Ed Sheeran (fave)

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now