In your life you'll do things greater than dating the boy on the baseball team

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//Alex's POV//

"This sucks" Parker stated as he looked around. "Let's bail and go out drinking up north" I suggested. "I'm down" Parker said. "Let's get out of here then" Brent said. "Wait" I said as I saw Lynn run out in tears.

I pushed Luis and some girl who had just finished making out. "Asshole" I growled at Luis and pushed him out of the way.

I walked out and saw Lynn running down the street.

I followed closely but she was too mad and upset to notice me.

"He never loved, he was such a liar" Lynn shouted. She sat down on the curb and cried some more

"I'm so fricken pathetic"she shouted and threw a rock at light post.

"Don't go destroying the town" I said and walked towards her. "Fuck off" Lynn shouted. "Don't lash out at me, I'm only here to comfort you" I said.
"Alex?" Lynn asked. "Yeah that's me" I said and sat next to her.

"I feel like such an idiot" Lynn said and wiped away her tears. "You're not the idiot, he is" I said. "I thought he loved me" Lynn said.

"Lynn I know I seem like the worst person ever, and I probably am. But let me tell you this. I may not have school smarts but I know a keeper when I see one. You're what we call the full package, you're smart, talented, you have charisma and you're absolutely beautiful. What I'm trying to say is that Luis is not worth your time. You may not see it now cause you're heartbroken but one day you're going to realize that what happened tonight is what defines your future" I said.

"You got me mixed up" Lynn said and laughed. "I know but at least I made you smile" I said. "Thanks" Lynn said. "Wanna get something to eat?" I asked and stood up.. "Sure, but don't try anything on me, I can still kick your ass" Lynn warned as I helped her get up. "I don't doubt that" I said and chuckled.

"On your motorcycle?" Lynn asked. "What did you want a helicopter?" I asked and crossed my arms. "Thats the Alex I know" Lynn said and laughed. "C'mon it wont be that bad" I said and sat on the motorcycle. "We'll see" Lynn said and sat behind me. "I could get used to this" I said and smirked. "Shut up" Lynn said and laughed. I turned on the engine and was about to drive off when we spotted Luis a couple of meters away.

"Lynn, I-I I'm sorry, I swear I didn't mean to kiss her" Luis stuttered. "Drive" Lynn said and buried her face into my shoulder as she tightened her grip around my waist.

I stepped on the gas and sped past Luis.

"Where do you wanna go?" I asked. "Somewhere far away" Lynn said.

I drove for a couple of hours until I reached a small dinner.

"This okay?" I asked. "Yeah" Lynn as we got off and walked towards the diner.

"Hi my name is Madeline and I'll be your waitress" a tall girl with long blond hair said and smiled. "I'll just have a cup of green tea, no sugar, no honey" Lynn said. "Ew" I said and the waitress laughed," I'll have some fries and a coke" I said. "Coming right up" Madeline said and walked off.

"So what do you wanna do after this?" I asked. "Go home" Lynn said. "Too early for that, the night is still young" I said. "Fine, where do you wanna go?" Lynn asked. "You'll see" I said and winked.

After Madeline brought our food, I shared my fries with Lynn. "That tastes disgusting" I said after I took a sip of her tea. "You get used to it" Lynn said and took a sip of it. "Nope" I said and shook my head.

Once we finished eating I payed and left a tip before walking out.

"Let's go" I said and grabbed Lynn's hand and we walked towards my motorcycle.

We drove for another two hours before arriving at our destinations.

"Is this legal?" Lynn asked as I lit up the fire. "We haven't gotten caught so yes" I said and tossed more leaves and branches into the fire.

"Here, you're cold" I said and handed Lynn my jacket. "Thanks" Lynn said and slipped it on," I'll return it when we get home" Lynn said. "Keep it, I have another one. Keep it for the memories" I said and smiled. "Thanks" Lynn said.

We sat for the next half hour in silence, it wasn't awkward silence. It was a silence well needed, so that we could comprehend what was occurring.

We stayed on that field until the fire burned out and the sun came up.

"We should get going" Lynn suggested as she checked her phone. "Lets go then" I said and we got up.

"Thanks for everything" Lynn said as we got into the car," for comforting me, especially when I needed it the most" Lynn said and smiled. "You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you, but that would be out of place considering what happened last night, so I'll wait" I said.

"Woah, what happened to the bad boy who steal kisses?" Lynn asked. "He's still in here, but he knows when its time to be a bad boy and when its time to be a gentleman" I stated.

"You really surprised me last night, now I know you're not a self centered douche" Lynn said. "Why thank you," I Said and laughed. "C'mon drive we gotta go home, I have to sleep" Lynn said and laughed.

Lynn made me feel what no other girl did, and I wasn't gonna let her go.

//Lynn's POV//

"I guess ill see you around" I said as I stood in front of my bedroom door. "You will" Alex said and smirked. "Well then bye" I said and opened my door. "Bye" Alex said and walked into my room.

I took a shower and changed into a white The Story So Far cut off tee with a pair of black spandex. I dried my hair and pulled it into a side braid.

Before going to bed I took a selfie in my full length mirror and posted it on instagram.

PunkQueenLynn: "go and fix your makeup girl its just a break up. Go and hide your crazy and start acting like a Lady" Life is too short to sit here with a broken heart #missmovingon #idontneedyoutobreath

I hit post and sat back and locked my phone. "I'm going go get over you Luis" I said and pulled the blankets over my head and fell asleep.



Hiii a massive thank you for the views

And the plot thickens with this story :)

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song used as title: fifteen- Taylor Swift 

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora