His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room

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After we got our room key we walked into the room.

WARNING: its about to get sexual so continue at your own risk!

As soon as Luis closed the door I grabbed him by the hips and pulled him closer to me. I took off his blazer while we kissed. His hands traced down to my hips while I unbuttoned his shirt. He started kissing my neck while he fumbled with my zipper. I slid off my dress and smirked as I saw Luis' look over my body. I smiled and pushed him on the bed. I straddled him and took off my bra. I started kissing Luis again, moving down slowly sucking at his neck, which made him moan. I moved down past his abs to the band of his pants, I grinded on Luis' clothed crutch and noticed that Luis' breathing starting to change and get heavier," goddammit Lynn" Luis moaned. He pushed me off and unbuttoned his pants he slid them off and grabbed me by waist and threw me on the bed. He straddled me and slowly started kissing down my chest. I let out a moan as Luis kissed my breasts.  While he kissed me his hands started moving down to my down to my sex. He started rubbing me slowly, pleasuring me while he kissed me. "Mhmm oh god Luis" I moaned. He slid off my panties and then took off his boxers. I tangled my hands in his hair as Luis kissed my neck before he positioned me so that he could enter me. I pulled him closer to as I beg to ride him. I dug my nails into his back as we both reached our high.

We both laid back on the bed catching our breath.

While I placed my head on Luis' chest and he ran his fingers through my hair, I realized that I had just lost my virginity to Luis Coronel.


//Luis' POV//

"Just smile will you" Lynn said as attempted to take a picture of me. Today was my graduation day. "Lynn you've taken like twenty pictures" I said. "One more" Lynn said. "Fine" I said and smiled. "Perfect" Lynn said" now one more of the both of us" Lynn said and took a picture of us. She was wearing a light blue mid sleeve dress with a skater skirt and her hair was pulled into a fishtail braid.

"Okay now lets go or we're gonna be late" Lynn said and we walked out.

My family would be meeting us there.

"Finally we're out of here!" Marco exclaimed as he hugged me. "This is amazing! We're finally done with school!" Kay shouted. Kay and Marco had worked their differences during Prom and now were trying to revive their relationship. "So ready to get out of here!" Mae exclaimed. "Party at the pier when this is all over!" Max announced. "Lets get this show started" Kaiden said and they all walked to their seats while I walked towards the bleachers and sat next to Elizett.

I would cheer when they called out of their names, but I think I cheered the loudest for Luis, can't blame me. 

Once the graduation ceremony was over and everyone had taken their pictures we all got into the car and drove off to the pier.

As soon as we arrived we were impacted by Lean on by DJ snake ft MØ (A/N: fave! love her) I quickly pulled Luis onto the dance floor and we started dancing.

It was midnight when I got a phone call from Alexa. You can say that, that phone call changed my whole life.



 I gotta go to church after writing this chapter! forgive me father for I have sinned. just kidding. 

I go back to school on Monday *sobs* Tina Belcher voice* "ughhhhh" *Dan Smith voice* "how am I gonna an optimist about this?" *blank space voice* OH NO! 

anyways I wanna say a massive thank you for the views <3 can we get more votes??? *slides dollar bill* "for you, buy yourself something nice" *wink* please! i know you guys can do it! the votes motivate me to write better...yes...no...maybe? 

since im going back to school I'll be keeping a schedule, I'll update every Wednesday 'cause...IN A WEDNESDAY IN A CAFE I WATCHED IT BEGIN AGAIN....fave song....anywaysssssss massive thank you for the views :D you guys are awesome! 




thank you :) 

p.s good luck to everyone who's going back to school, sending you positive vibes from my pitch black room

song used as title: Wildest Dreams- Taylor Swift (i am not ready for the music video!)

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now