I'm coming for your crown

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"You got that James Dean, daydream look in your eyes and I got that good girl classic think thing that you like and when we go crashing down, we come back every night cause we never go out of style" Kaiden sang as, Leo, Max and him walked out of the building. We were all waiting near the fence. "you got that long hair slick back white t-shirt and I got that good girl faith in a tight little skirt"Max sang and patted his thighs. "just take me home!" Leo shouted ending the song. "thank you we'll be here until three" Kaiden said and winked. "calm on let's get out of here" I said and laughed.

"Okay well my grandma isn't home, so we can we can hang in the patio" I said and we walked onto the back.

"Alright we'll be here until five" I said as I passed around the drinks. "why five?" Max asked. "I have to meet up with Luis in the library" I explained. "Luis?" Leo asked. "Luis Coronel" Mae said,"he's the baseball captain" Mae said and took a sip of her coke. "oh yeah he's friends with..." Leo said and trailed off. "So yeah I'm meeting him at five after baseball practice" I said quickly changing the subject. "so what are we gonna do?" Kaiden asked. "we're gonna talk about our feelings" Kay said and rolled her eyes. "Alright I'll go first" Kaiden said and stood up. "I'm in love with a stripper" Kaiden sang. "Same" Mika said as he walked up the stairs. "Channing Tatum is my man crush" Mitchell said as he walked up the stairs following Mika. "That's them" I heard Mae whisper to Kay. "Guys these are my older brothers Mika and Mitchell" I said and introduced them. "guys these are my friends" I said. "Mae" "Kay" "Kaiden" "Leo" "Max" they introduced themselves one by one, going around the table. "We'll leave you guys alone" Mitchell said. "Oh before I forget, Lynn we're going to the baseball field" Mika said and walked off with Mitchell.


"Alright I gotta go I'll see you guys later" I said and got up. "we'll see you tomorrow at school" Mae said and got up. "don't fall into their games" Kay whispered as she got up. I smiled and led them out the door.

I walked into my room and changed into a grey Marmozets cut off tee with a pair of black high waisted shorts. I slipped on a pair of pink vans. I styled my hair into its wavy normal state and grabbed my phone, backpack and skateboard. "lets go" I said and walked out bumping into Diego. "sorry" I said and took a step back. "no worries" Alex said,"where you going?" Alex asked. "to the school library" I said. "lame" Alex said and smirked. "we all can't be living the get high and fuck bitches life" I said and raised an eyebrow. "so you saw me?" Alex asked. "Yeah" I said. "not something I do regurarly" Alex said. "whatever" I said and walked past him.

"Ready to go?" I asked Mika and Mitchell. "yeah" they said and we walked out. They were both carrying duffle bags full of baseballs and two bats and a pitcher's glove. Mika was wearing a white Michigan State cut off tee with a pair of black basketball shorts. Mitchell was wearing a red Chicago bulls cut off tee with a pair of black basketball shorts. They were both wearing black and white Nike shoes.

"It's barley four-thirty" I said as I sat on the grass. "we're gonna run two laps and then come back" Mitchell said and Mika and him ran off towards the track. I took out my phone and sent Alexa and the guys a snapchat of the baseball team practicing.

"Boys " I typed as the caption.

I locked my phone and placed it in my pocket and laid on the grass.

Twenty minutes later I got up and saw that the guys were packing their equipment. I grabbed my bag and walked towards the stairs. "Lynn!" I heard someone shout. I turned around and saw Luis. "hey" I said. "hey, ready to work on this project?" Luis asked. "yeah" I said and we walked up the stairs towards the front door. Luis held the door for me while I walked inside. "thank you" I said acknowledging him being a gentleman.

Once we got into the library we walked towards the back and took a seat.

"Alright let's get started" I said and pulled out my iPad. "so we have to a presentation on the book 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' I said and pulled out my copy of the book. "When are the annotations due?" Luis asked. "in three weeks, so you have three weeks to read the book" I said. "three weeks?" Luis asked and sighed. "its a great book" I said. "you already read it?" Luis asked. "Yeah I've read all of Housanni's books" I said. "Alright I'll get started" Luis said and placed the book in his bag. "Okay now lets get started on the investigation on the Middle East that will go alo-"I said but was interrupted by Wesley. "dude you gotta see these guys play" Wesley said as he tried to catch his breath. "what?" Luis asked. "These two guys are playing baseball and they're are incredible, coach wants to put them on the team" Wesley said. "There's no room on the JV team" Luis said. "not on the junior varsity, but on the varsity team" Wesley said. "what?" Luis asked,"that's insane" Luis said. "That's how good they are" Wesley said. "who are these guys?" Luis asked. "They're outside playing baseball" Wesley said. "Oh gosh" I mumbled under my breath. "do you know them?" Luis asked. "yeah" I said and we walked out.

And sure enough Mika and Mitchell were being surrounded by the whole baseball team and by the coach. "names" the coach asked. "Mika Gunnulfsen" Mika said. "Mitchell Gunnulfsen" Mitchell said. "how would you like to play varsity baseball?" the coach asked. "Varsity?" Mika and Mitchell asked. "yes" the coach said. "but coach there's no space on varsity" Luis said. "there will be now, try outs again for varsity tomorrow at three. Luis I want you to try out too" the coach said. "why, I'm captain" Luis said. "you'll keep your position if you can fill it" the coach said and walked off. "if I can fill it? he's thinking about replacing me" Luis said. "we're all screwed" Wesley said. "Well you have some work to do, so imma just leave" I said and walked away with Mitchell and Mika following behind me.

"Dude just picture it, one of us as captain" Mitchell said. "Luis is captain, you guys can't take that away from him" I said. "like coach said he doesn't have to worry if he can fill his position" Mika said. "you guys gave up sports, why do you have the need to go back?" I asked. "why not?" Mika asked. "there's a reason behind all of this isn't there?" I asked. "yes" Mitchell said and Mika nodded. "what is it?" I asked. "Can't tell" Mika said. "but lets just say, there are people taking advantage of what they have. And now it's time for us to set things straight" Mitchell said and they walked off their rooms.



Hello a massive thank you for the views!!!! I have more fanfictions, so you if you like Kevin Ortiz check out "Eres la indicada" if you like Gerardo Ortiz check out "Eres una niña" if you like falling in reverse/bands check out "runaway love" and if you like the tv show Chicago PD check out "miss nothing" thank you it would mean a lot if you did ✌✌✌

Follow me on Instagram: escape_my_reality

song used as title: Still Sane: Lorde

Thank you

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