If we loved again I swear I'd love you right

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//Lynn's POV//

I went home and took a shower. I changed into a grey Paramore cut off tee with a pair of black running shorts. I lay on my bed and bed and face the ceiling.

"Am I willing to hear the truth?" I asked myself.

After staring at the ceiling for ten minutes I got up and changed into a black 'Austin Carlile or Die' tank top with a pair of dark green camouflage skinny jeans and a pair of black army boots. I slipped on a black and dark grey flannel. I tied my hair into a fish tail braid and walked out. I slipped on some circular sunglasses before walking out.

I got into grandma's old pickup truck and drove off.

Five minutes later I arrived at the skate park.

I walked out and walked towards the small park.

I walked towards the pond and saw Luis.

"Hey" Luis said as he saw me. "Hi" I said and took a seat at a nearby bench.

"I wanna know what happened at prom" I said after a moment of silence," did she kiss you...or did you kiss her?" I asked. "Lynn let me explain" Luis started. "I don't need your explanation!" I said and faced," did you kiss her?" I asked again. "Lynn" Luis started out. "I fucking knew it" I scoffed and stood up. "She kissed me. If I was the one who kissed her I wouldn't have chased after you" Luis said in his defense.

"I'm sorry she kissed me, and I'm sorry I let my ego take over. Let me tell you something Lynn if you were to give me another chance I would not hide my feelings from you" Luis said," just give me another chance" Luis begged.

"This is your last chance Luis, you mess you lose me for good" I said. "I won't I promise" Luis said and hugged me.

"Now let me ask you this" Luis said as we drove off to burger joint. "What?" I asked. "Did you spill coke on Megan at the pageant?" Luis asked. "I thought she was the girl you were with!" I exclaimed in my defense. "I knew you still liked me" Luis said and smirked. "So whered you get that girl?" I asked. "Found her in the park, and well it led one thing to another. I accompanied her to the pageant and she tried to make you jealous" Luis explained. "Why did she need a date for the pageant?" I asked. "Cause she's lesbian" Luis said. "What?" I asked and slammed on the brakes.

"She was lesbian?" I asked. "Yes" Luis said. "Wow, cleaver" I said and smiled.


"I had a great time today" I said and smiled as we walked down main street hand in hand. "Me too" Luis said and smiled.

"Lynn?" Alex asked as he saw us," what are you doing with him?" He asked. "We're back together" I said. "Seriously? He kissed another girl!" Alex exclaimed. "We cleared that up" I said. "You can't be serious" Alex  scoffed. "stop being salty and accept it" Luis said. "You're going to regret this, he's not worth your time Lynn" Alex said and walked off.

//Alex's POV//

I can't believe that Lynn and Luis are back together! But their days as a couple are counted. Their happiness isn't going to last long. Mark my words....


Hiii Omg my love for Taylor Swift is real I have like 12/35 chapters are her lyrics xp

So like I finally met a person who didn't like music and I'm just like..... WHAT?! I don't know if I'm over reacting cause I'm a music-crazed person but how does that work? when you're in the car is just silence? Music is like everywhere...but maybe hes not a big fan of music because he hasn't explored it all. And that's where I come in! Maybe his opinion will change when I show him a few bands ;)

I wanna say a massive thank you for the views :D

Stay tuned for more




Please and thank you :)

song used as title: Back to December- Taylor Swift 

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now