Win her with your charm

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::a week later::

//Luis' POV//

"How's it going with Lyndsey?" Wesley asked. Marco, Austin Lawson, Valentino Gallegos and Wesley were all sitting in my basement playing video games and eating pizza.

"no way dude you're trying to get at Lyndsey?" Austin asked. "no" I said. "he's just trying to get his brothers off the team" Marco clarified. "she is pretty" Tino said. "She is" Austin said agreed. "She is but she's different" I said. "just because she doesn't fit in the cool kid crowd?" Marco asked. "Just like Kaycee" I said. "why do you have to bring her up?" Marco shouted. "Dude just get over it" I said. "You think it's that easy?" Marco asked. "hey stop fighting, they're just girls" Tino shouted. "we're not fighting" I said. "Sure you're not" Tino said. "plus Luis isn't looking to fall in love with Lyndsey just like Kaycee fell for Marco, he just needs to place a little something into their drinks. Coach will have us tested they'll come out positive and then boom we're back to being the stars" Wesley said and smirked.

"this is why you guys should've joined soccer" Tino said. "Less drama" Austin added. "You would do the same if someone had taken your spot as captain" I said and pointed at Tino," or your spot as goalie" I said and pointed at Austin. "okay I see your point" Tino said. "If you want your spot back on the team work your magic" Wesley said and handed me my phone. "call her" Wesley said and dialed Lynn's number. I had managed to get her number from the office.


"Hey Lynn it's me Luis"

"Hey how'd you get my number?"

"I asked a couple of friends"

"Oh okay"

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out"


"Tomorrow, there's going to be a party at Tino's house, you should come."

"I'll let you know if I can"


"Well I'll talk to you later"

"Yeah bye"


I hung up and saw the guys just looking at me. "party at my house?" Tino asked. "you're parents are out of town" I said. "fine but if the cops show up I will take you all with me" Tino warned. "if the cops show up we all bail, I'll have my mom cover for us" Wesley said,"This is your chance to sweeten her up" Wesley said and smirked.

//Lynn's POV//

"Luis invited me to a party" I told Mae. "Ohmygod a cool kid party" Mae exclaimed. "do you guys wanna come?" I asked. "yes!" Mae exclaimed. "call everyone up and tell them to meet us at the pier" I said.

We got on our bikes and rode of to the pier.

A couple moments everyone showed up.

"Guys we're going to our first cool kid party" I announced. "what?" Max asked. "we're gonna party with the cool kids" I repeated. "but how?" Kaiden asked. "okay so Luis invited Lynn to the party and she invited all of us" Mae explained. "holy shit this day is finally here!" Leo exclaimed. wait" Kay said,"isn't it a little weird that Luis invited Lynn to the party" Kay stated. "they were partners in English, they've become friends and now we're going to the party, can't we all just be happy!" Leo shouted. "I don't know guys" Kay said. "Kay loosen up, its just gonna be a party" I said. "let's hope they have nothing else planned" Kay said and crossed her arms across her chest.

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now