And I will captivate you, with everything I got

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//Lynn's POV//

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm. I got up and took a shower. I changed into a grey Marmozets cut off tee with a pair of black high waisted shorts with black ripped tights and . I dried my hair and left it wavy. I added mascara and eyeliner so that my eyes popped. I added a black nose ring and a black eye brow piercing. I applied 'hot coco' lipstick which was a dark brown with a hint of red. I walked out and woke up Alexa. "Get up and get ready" I told Alexa," I'm going to Luis' house" I said and Alexa nodded.

I walked out and walked down the street. Before arriving at Luis' block I popped in a piece of mint gum.

I pulled out my phone and sent Mae, Kay, Max, Leo and Kaiden a text.

PunkQueenLynn:preforming at Delilah's café at 8, and I expect to see YOU ALL THERE!

I walked up to his front door and rang the doorbell. "Hi Is Luis home?" I asked a woman. "Yes, who are you?" She asked. "Lynn Gunn" I said and stretched out my hand. "Come on in" she said after she shook my hand.

I stepped inside and the lady called out Luis' name. "Luis you have company" she said and looked at me. A couple minutes later Luis showed up. "Lynn?" Luis asked shocked to see me in his house. "Hey" I said. "I'll leave you guys alone" his mom said and walked off. "What are you doing here?" Luis asked. "I have a gig tonight" I said," and I'd like to invite you" I said. "What time?" Luis asked. "Eight, at Delilah's café" I said. "I'll be there" Luis said. "Okay, ill see you there" I said and walked out.

//Luis' POV//

"Who was that?" Mom asked interrupting my thoughts. "That was Lynn Gunn" I said. "Im sure she's a nice girl under all that makeup" mom said. "She is" I said and walked out the door.

"A rock concert" Marco asked as he pitched me a ball. "Yeah apparently she's in a rock band" I said. "Are you going?" Marco asked. "Yeah, you should come too" I said. "And risk bumping into Mae?" Marco asked," you know how much she hates me" Marco said. "You can't live the rest of your life in fear" i said. "Fine" Marco said. "Wait I don't have any rock style clothes" I said. "I know who can help us with that" Marco said and smirked.

"You say you gotta be up in the morning gonna have an early night, now you start to bore me baby why'd you only call me when you're high" Elizett, Marco's older sister sang on the other side of the door. Marco knocked on the door and a couple seconds later she opened the door.

Elizett was tall and had long black wavy hair. It looked like a lions mane because of all the volume she had. She had pale skin and hazel eyes, which she and Marco had gotten from their mom. She was wearing a black I killed the prom Queen cut off tee with a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and red vans. "What do you need help with?" She asked. "We need your help with clothes" marco said. "Finally" Elizett exclaimed and opened the door so we could step inside. All four walls of her room were covered with posters of rock bands, the occasional rapper, a James Dean, Audrey Hepburn and Elvis Painting, and various Polaroid pictures. "Okay so why are you looking for new clothes?" Elizett asked. "I got invited to a concert and I don't know what to wear" I said. "Okay do you both own a pair of black skinny jeans?" Elizett asked. "Yes" we both said. "Okay that's step number one" Elizett said and grabbed her keys," c'mon lets go shopping" Elizett said and we got up and walked out.

Twenty minutes later we were standing outside HotTopic.

"Go choose one band tee and then come back so I can see" Elizett said and we went our separate ways. I walked straight to the back and looked at the various band tees. "What's Lynn's favorite band?" I asked myself. "Need help?" A tall girl with bright blue hair asked. "No thanks, I'm just looking" I said. "Okay, if you need anything let me know" she said and turned around. "Wait" I said. "That was fast" she said and laughed. "I'm going to a concert, my friend's concert and I don't own any band tees" I explained. "Okay do you listen to rock?" She asked. "Not really" I said. "Okay, so we'll go with the classics" she said and walked to a different sections, the Beatles, The Who, Guns and Roses, Misfits, nirvana,green day or blink-182" she asked. "Nirvana" I said. "Okay here you go" She said and handed me a shirt. "Thanks" I said. "That's how you get the girl" she said and smiled. I smiled back and walked towards Marco. "Where's Elizett?" I asked. "I don't even know" Marco said. "You done?" I asked. "Yes" Marco said. He had bought a black green day T-shirt. "You guys done?" Elizett asked. She had at least ten band tees, three pairs of jeans, two crew necks, a denim vest and a denim jacket. "Are you done?" Marco asked. "Not really but we're on a schedule" Elizett said and we walked to the register. "All together?" The guy behind the register asked. "Yes" Elizett said. Once we were done we walked out.

"Sorry" a voice said as he bumped into Elizett. "Mitchell!" Elizett exclaimed and hugged Lynn's brother. "You know each other?" Marco asked. "Yeah, he's in my anatomy class" Elizett said. "He's your brother?" Mitchell asked. "Yeah, that's Marco" Elizett said. "We're gonna go" I said sensing the awkwardness. "Bye" Elizett said not taking eyes off of Mitchell. "Dude what if Mitchell and Elizett date?" I asked Marco. "Naw" Marco said brushing it off. "Could happen" I said. "Are you inviting Wesley, Tino and Austin" Marco asked changing the subject. "No" I said. "Why?" Marco asked. "They dont like her, so why bother" I said. "Okay"Marco said and we continued walking.


Lynn's concert was less then two hours away.

I took a shower and changed into the black Nirvana shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans with black vans. I dried my hair and styled it. I took a step back and admired my outfit. "Not bad" I mumbled and walked out.

"Ready?" I asked as I arrived at Marco's house. "Yeah" Marco said. He was wearing a black Green Day t-shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans and gray vans. "Let's go!" Elizett exclaimed and ran past us. "She's driving" Marco said and we followed her. She was wearing a black The Pretty Reckless cut off tee with a pair of black shorts and a black leather jacket with red vans.

Twenty minutes we arrived at the venue.

//Lynn's POV//

"And I can't take anymore, I've drawn the shades and closed the door. Everything's not alright and I would rather" I sang while Alexa played guitar. "That sounded amazing!" Alex exclaimed. "Show time in ten minutes" Kendall said. "Let's do this" I said and stood up. "Lets do this!" We chanted as we stood in a circle and placed our hands together. "Let's do this" Brian exclaimed and we grabbed our instruments and walked out.

I grabbed the mic and looked out to the crowd and spotted Luis. I smiled and started singing 'Captivate You' by Marmozets.



Song sung at concert -----> 

Song used as title: Captivate you- Marmozets

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now