Thats (not) how you get the girl

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"You're insane" I said as Wesley told me his plan. Marco, Wesley and I were walking down the street towards my house.

"think about it if coach finds drugs in their system he'll kick them off the team" Wesley said. "how are we gonna do that?" Marco asked. "hey Luis it's time to use your charm" Wesley said and smirked. "what?" I asked. "you're gonna get Lyndsey to fall in love with you" Wesley said. "what?" I asked. "you're gonna get Lyndsey to fall in love with you and then you'll place drugs in their drinks" Wesley said. "you want to roofie them?" Marco asked. "its the only way to get our places back" Wesley said. "No" I said. "come only Luis she's just a girl" Wesley said. "no she's never done anything to me" I said. "Luis take one for the fricken team" Wesley shouted. "Fine,if this is the only way I'll do it" I said and took a deep breath. "That's the Luis we know and love" Wesley said.


It was two am and I was still awake. I was thinking about what Wesley had said.

"Make Lyndsey fall in love with you"

"Could I do that?" I asked myself. "my future depends on this" I said as I thought about the full scholarship that was offered to the captains. "I have to do it," I said and turned off the lights

//Lynn's POV//

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone beeping.

I groaned and reached for it. I unlocked it and saw a notification from Instagram.

@Luis_Coronel22 started following you.

I hit the follow button and locked my phone.

I closed my eyes again but opened them when I heard my phone beep. I unlocked my phone and saw a direct message from Luis.

@Luis_Coronel22:hey do you wanna hang out?

I ignored the message and placed the phone on the nightstand.

I groaned as I heard it beep again.

@Luis_Coronel22: for the project.

"It's Saturday morning what the hell" I groaned and typed a response.

@LynnPunkQueen: you do realize it's 9am

@Luis_Coronel22: not now later around twelve.


@Luis_Coronel22:I'll see you at three at Bluemoon café

I locked my phone and placed it on the nightstand.

I pulled the covers over my head and fell asleep.

Two hours later I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I got up and took a quick shower.

I changed into a black I killed the prom Queen cut off tee with a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a pair of red vans.

I styled my dark brown hair and added mascara. I grabbed my phone and placed my iPad in my brown messenger bag and walked out. "where are you going?" grandma asked. "homework" I said. "breakfast?" she asked. "no thank you" I said and walked out.

I walked down the street and plugged in my headphones and started listening to lonely girl by Tonight Alive.

I arrived at the café and walked in.

I saw Luis sitting in the back of the café.

"Hey" I said and Luis stood up. "hey" he said and pulled out the chair for me. "thank you" I said and sat down.

"Alright let's get started" Luis said and we both pulled out our iPad and went over our presentations.

"Alright that's it" I said and started to pick up my things. "wait" Luis said. "What?" I asked as I picked up my coffee cup. "it's barley two" Luis said checking the time. "what else is there to do?" I asked. "we could hang out" Luis said. "we finished the presentation" I said. "not about the presentation" Luis said. "What else is there to talk about between you and me" I said. "we could talk about our personal lives, get to know each other better" Luis said.

"Don't fall into their games" Kay's voice kept repeating in my head.

"I don't know, I should be going home" I said. "it's only gonna be for a little while" Luis said,"I'll be able to show you around" Luis said.

"No thanks, I have friends who can do that" I said and placed my stuff in my messenger bag and swung it over my shoulder. "but thanks anyways" I said and grabbed my coffee and walked towards the door. "I'll see you at school" I said and waved before walking out.

//Luis POV//

I was so close to convince Lynn to hang out when she just decided to leave.

"No thanks, I have friends who can do that" Lynn said and placed her stuff in her bag and swung it over her should. "but thanks anyways" Lynn said and grabbed her coffee and walked towards the door. "I'll see you at school" Lynn said and waved before walking out.

"This is going to be as easy as I thought" I said and let out a deep breath.

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now