Love is a ruthless game, unless you play it good and right

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Lyndsey didn't believe in love. In the end all guys wanted one thing from girls and that was to add on to their heartbreak spree. So just like boys messed with girls, Lynn messes with boys.

Lynn thought if she fell in love it'd be with someone who was like her celebrity crushes. With tattoos, stretched ears, beards and a love for rock music just like her.

Luis Coronel is what they call multi-talented he can dance, box and play baseball. He has it all in life. Good looks, smarts and a great attitude. One thing thing that he doesn't have is the perfect girl. Luis knows its going to be hard to find, but he knows that she's out there. Clean cut girl with a perfect face, perfect body, perfect personality. A girl who loves sports just like him.

Both Lynn and Luis don't believe at love at first sight but their perspectives are changed when they meet one day. Lynn is the new girl, Luis is Mr.popular. Complete opposites, Lynn is lead singer of a rock band, Luis is captain of the baseball team. But something about each other makes them mesmerized and leaves them in awe.

Lynn and Luis must make the decision to hide these feelings or to take a chance and see who ends up losing in this game of love, Luis? Lynn? Or will they both get burned by this fire?



song used as title: State of Grace- Taylor Swift

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now