'ohmygod! who is she?' I get drunk on jealousy

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//Astrid's POV//

"Do you think its working?" Luis asked. "Oh yeah she's giving me death stares. Mentally throwing daggers at me" I stated as I looked over at Lynn.

"What should I do?" Luis asked. "Wait" I said," we gotta wait"

//Lynn's POV//

"Are you okay?" Alex asked. "Yeah" I lied," perfectly fine" I said and snapped a flower stem in half. "Its Luis isn't it?" Alex asked. "Yeah" I said and looked over at Luis and that girl that were talking. "Don't look at them, enjoy yourself" Alex said. "I'm trying" I said and grabbed my drink and walked out.

I stepped outside and let out a deep breath. "God I hate him" I scoffed and took a sip of my diet Pepsi.

"He's cute but you know whatever" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw the girl Luis was with. Except her hair was straightened and she was wearing a different dress. 

Probably going to be in the pageant, wow look at that he got himself a beauty queen, I thought.

"He'll be fun for a couple of days and then we'll throw him out just like the rest" she said and laughed.

  Ohmygod she's only playing with Luis! Even thou I hate him at the moment I still care about him, I thought, I gotta do something.

"Stay away the hell away from Luis!" I shouted and threw my drink at her. "What the fuck!" She shrieked. "I will not let you hurt Luis" I shouted. "Who the hell is Luis?" She shouted. "Don't play stupid you're the new girl he's with" I stated. "I'm Megan, my sister is the one who's with him, imbecile!" She shouted. "Oh my bad" I said quietly and started to walk backwards," just dab with water and the stain should come off" I said trying to help. "I have to compete" Megan shrieked. "Oh sorry" I said and turned around. "Really really sorry" I shouted as I ran down towards the street.

//Luis' POV//

"Fuck my life why did this happen to me! When I find out who she is I'm going to kill her!" Megan shouted as she walked in. She had a massive stain on her dress. "Shit" Astrid said and laughed. "What happened to her?" I asked. "We'll find out in a couple of seconds" Astrid said nonchalantly.

"Megan what happened?" Kathryn asked. "I was outside talking on the phone with Hayley and then some psycho girl throught I was Astrid and she said "stay away from Luis" and then she threw her drink at me!" Megan explained. "Lynn" I whispered and looked over at Astrid who was grinning. "We gotta get you a new dress" Kathryn exclaimed and walked off with Megan to the dressing rooms.

"I like this Lynn girl," Astrid said and grinned," now that you know that she still cares about you go! Run after her" Astrid urged and pointed to the door. "Thanks Astrid" I said and hugged her. "You're welcome, and thank you" she said and smiled. "Ill see you around" Astrid called out as I ran out the door.

//Alex's POV//

"I like this Lynn girl," the girl said and grinned," now that you know that she still cares about you go! Run after her" she exclaimed.

Fuck no, Luis was not going to get in the way of Lynn and I, I was so close to getting her to be my girlfriend He will NOT be getting in the way. Over my dead body!

//Lynn's POV//

"Lynn what's wrong?" Kay asked as she opened the door. "I did something bad" I said. "Come in and explain" she said and we walked into her kitchen.

"You did what?" Kay asked as she poured me a cup of tea. "I thought she was the girl Luis was with" I stated. "Oh Lynn you've got it bad" Kay said. "Do you think?" I asked. "You spilled coke on a girl's dress" Kay exclaimed. "Diet Pepsi" I corrected her. "Doesn't matter!" Kay exclaimed," I get drunk on jealousy" Kay said and smirked. "Where's Mae when you need her" Kay said. "I gotta tell Mae I left" I said and pulled out my phone.

PunkQueenLynn: had to leave early sorry

MaeLovesCatsAndTaySwift: it was you wasn't it?

PunkQueenLynn: maybe.....

MaeLovesCatsAndTaySwift: I get drunk on jealousy (;

PunkQueenLynn: come over to Kay's house

MaeLovesCatsAndTaySwift: on my way


"Lynn you either listen to what Luis has to say or you're going to live the rest of your junior and senior year attacking every girl Luis is seen with" Mae said. "Make up your mind " Kay said. "But he kissed Elizabeth" I protested. "What if Elizabeth kissed him" Kay suggested. "That's true, maybe that's what happened" Mae agreed. "Or maybe he did kiss her " I said. "You'll never know if all you do is sit here and drink all my tea and eat all my French pastrys!" Kay exclaimed. "You're right" I said and got up. "I'm going to go see Luis!" I exclaimed," actually let me text him instead" I said and pulled out my phone.

Hey, could we talk?

"Now we wait" I said and sat back and wanted for my phone to light up. "He texted back!" I exclaimed and picked up my phone. I unlocked it and saw his response.

Hey, yeah. Where?

"Where?" I asked. "Behind the skate park" Mae suggested.

Behind the skatepark

See you there in twenty minutes?


"So its going to be forever or its going to go down in flames" Mae said after a moment of silence. "We'll see how it goes" I said and let out a deep breath.



song used as title: blank space- Taylor Swift 

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