Sparks fly whenever you smile

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//Luis' POV//

I walked out onto the patio and saw Lynn with her friends, they were playing beer pong. "Chug it!" one of the guys with black hair shouted to the guy with buzz cut blond hair. "Shots for the boys! shots shot shot shots!" Kay, Mae and Lynn chanted. I smiled but walked back into the party.

//Lynn's POV//

We had been playing beer pong for two hours and we were all tipsy. "I wish that I could be like the cool kids" Mae sang and danced around, obviously drunk as fuck.

"Hey Lynn could we talk?" Luis asked me. "sure" I said and stood up. "I got you" he said as I stumbled up. "Too much alcohol" I giggled. "Same" Luis said and smiled.

//Luis's POV//

I helped her up and we started walking down the stairs out down the street.

"So what do you like to do?" I asked. "I play music" Lynn said," Im guitarist for Long Live The Queen" Lynn said. "who's in your band?" I asked. "a couple of friends" Lynn said," Alexa, she's my best friend she plays drums.  Brian plays bass and Alex plays guitar" Lynn said. "Is that what you want to do with your life?" I asked. "Yes" Lynn said," what about you is baseball what you want to do with your life?" Lynn asked. "yes" I said. "sorry that my brothers took your place" Lynn said. "its cool, you had nothing to do with it" I said. "I just don't understand why they would want to take your place, they gave up on sports" Lynn said. "don't worry I'll get my spot back" I whispered. "what?" Lynn asked. "nothing" I said," so how are you liking California?" I asked. "it's okay, I still prefer Michigan but its okay" Lynn said and smiled.

I never noticed how beautiful Lynn's smile was, her eyes just lit up whenever she smiled.

"Luis?" Lynn asked and snapped her fingers. "Sorry" I said. "it's cool" Lynn said and laughed. Even her laugh was amazing. Woah Luis snap out of it! You're acting like you like her. El que se enamora pierde.


"I gotta go home" Lynn said as I checked my phone. "I'll drive you" I said as we walked towards my car.

"Well this is it" Lynn said as arrived at the Almada ranch on the outskirts of town. "your grandma is Ellena Almada?" I asked. "Yeah" Lynn said. "So you live with Alex Turner?" I asked. "yes" Lynn said. "has he ever lashed out at you?" I asked "what?" Lynn asked. "never mind" I said quickly. "alright" Lynn said. "wait" I said and got out and opened the door for her. "thank you" Lynn said and we walked down the half a mile long drive way towards her front door. "long drive way" I said and chuckled. "its a hassle" Lynn said and smiled," well I'll see you tomorrow at school" Lynn said. "yeah I'll see you tomorrow" I said and turned around to walk back down the driveway. It's now or never, I thought to myself. "Lynn wait" I said and turned to face her. "yeah?" she asked. "bye" I said after I kissed her cheek,"I'll see you at school" I said and walked off before she could say anything.

Once I got into my car I couldn't help but smile.



Song used as title: Sparks Fly- Taylor Swift 

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now