I miss the old you the one I used to talk to

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//Lynn's POV//

"Do you wanna hang out later?" Alex asked as he parked in the garage. "I have exams tomorrow sorry" I said as I grabbed my bag. "Its cool, some other time" Alex said. "See you tomorrow, and thanks for the ride" I said and got out.

"Alex really? He's your rebound?" Mitchell asked as I met up with him at the top of the stairs. "Move I gotta study" I said. "I told you to stay away from him Lynn" Mitchell said. "Move," I said. "He's got a temper straight from hell" Mitchell stated. "He hasn't lashed out of me" I said. "Not yet, why don't you ask him about his ex" Mitchell suggested. "Mitchell you're not my guardian so move, and stay out of my life" I said and walked past him.

As soon as I got into my room I slammed the door and sat on my bed and cried.

I wanted to move on with my life but I couldn't not without Luis. 

It was three am when I woke up.

"You're such a fucken mess" I shouted at myself as I took one look in the mirror.

I walked up to it and punched it. There was so much anger in that punch that the mirror shattered.

I took a step back and grabbed a notebook and pen.

I opened it and started writing a few lyrics that had popped into my head.

"But you don't know what its like to wake up in the middle of the night, scaring the thought of kissing razors"

After I played it once on guitar I closed the notebook and went back to bed.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm.

I got up and took a shower. I changed into a black counterparts T-shirt. I rolled up the sleeves and tucked it in into my denim high waisted shorts with a pair of red Doc Martens.

I dried my hair and left it wavy. I pulled it into a ponytail. I rolled up a red bandana and wore it as a headband.

My makeup was quite simple. Just mascara, did the cat eye effect with the liquid eyeliner and blood red lipstick.

I cleaned up the cuts left from the shattered mirror and wrapped my knuckles in a bandage. I would tell everyone I scarped it while I was cleaning the shed, a complete lie but nobody needed to know the truth.

I grabbed my bag and walked out.

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" Grandma asked. "I'm not hungry" I said and walked out.

Once I arrived to school I avoided everyone again and walked to the library.

I sat down in the back and placed my head on the table.

"You missed the first five periods" a voice whispered.

I looked up and saw Kay.

"I completely lost track of time" I said and gathered my things. "It was that bad?" Kay asked. "He kissed Elizabeth" I said. "I know how you feel, him and all his friends are all cut from the same cloth" Kay stated. "You were right" I said. "Its not about who was right, its about facing the facts and realizing what the mistake was" Kay said as we stood up," now that you know what you did wrong you learn from that and move on" Kay said. "Its hard" I said. "It is, but its worth it" Kay said," now let's go to lunch" Kay said and we walked towards the lunch room.

"Where were you in the morning?" Mae asked. "In the library I had to finish a project" I said. "What happened to your hand?" Kaiden asked. "It got scraped while I was cleaning the shed" I said quickly. "Oh okay" Kaiden said.

After lunch Kay and I walked towards English.

"Ready?" Kay asked. I nodded and we walked in.

First thing I spotted was Luis taking to Elizabeth and Faith. I rolled my eyes and took my seat. "Don't let it bother you" Kay whispered. I gave her a slight smile and faced the front. It killed me to see Luis with some other girl.

As soon as class was over I ran out towards my next class hoping the day would go by faster.

After school I walked to my locker where I saw Mae waiting.

"Hey" I said. "Hey" Mae said," what are you doing on Sunday?" Mae asked. "Nothing, why?" I asked. "My cousin is in a pageant and my aunt is making everyone go, wanna come?" Mae asked. "I don't know" I said. "C'mon, if you don't come ill be bored out of my mind" Mae exclaimed. "Okay fine I'll go" I said. "Yay! Come to my house at four on Sunday wear a dress" Mae said as she walked off.



Song Lyndsey was playing, Original Artist Pierce The Veil------->

song used as title: Mt. Diablo- The story so far

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now