Chapter 9- The Obsession

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"My class starts at 2 pm, mom. I will take my lunch after that," I said to my mom over the phone.

"Do you want me to send you to university today? Maybe bring you your favorite chicken noodle over for lunch?" my mom asked me.

"It is okay, mom. I have money. I have an extra class after lunch too. So, it is fine, mom." I said as I looked at my timetable on the fridge.

"Okay then. Call me once you are over with classes," my mom said as she hung the call.

I told Rachel that I was leaving for my 2 pm class early because I wanted to do my revision done before attending the lesson. I told her that we will see each other in the class and reminded her about the extra class too. With exams around the corner, we couldn't miss any classes because all the topics that the lecturers are going to revise on are coming put for our finals.

"If he calls you, you better talk to him about everything. He deserves to know, you know," Rachel said as she got up from her bed.

"If at all he calls, he wouldn't because he is a busy man, you know. Unless he wants something from you, he wouldn't call you. So, let's see," I replied.

I took my jacket and opened the front door to leave when my phone rang. It was from an unknown number but I decided to pick it up anyway.

"What time does your class be over today?" the voice asked me over the phone.

"Yoongi? Err, sorry, Mr. Min?" I stammered a little as I answered the call.

"You know, I don't know why you keep calling me Yoongi. I don't know who is that. But let's say if I find him, I will kill him," Yoongi said.

"I said I am sorry. Clearly, you are not the Yoongi I know of. Now, why do you ask when my class be over?" I asked him back as I wore my shoes.

"Just answer the damn question, will you?", Yoongi replied in annoyance.

"Around 5 pm. I have plans after that," I quickly said to avoid meeting him.

"I will pick you up at 5 pm then. Be ready and don't try to escape. If I find you, the deal is off," Yoongi threatened me as he hung up the call.

"He doesn't go well with being considerate and sensitive to people's feelings now, does he?" I mumbled under my breath as I walked to my university campus.

The university is only 30 minutes from the apartment I was staying in with Rachel so I usually prefer to walk than to take a cab. My mind was so blocked with Yoongi's call just a moment ago as I was wondering what does he want this time? I reached my university campus and walked through the guardhouse and to the library straight. Students had to place their university cards over the scanner to enter the library so, I scanned mine and searched for a place to sit and revise my chapters.

As I was revising my work in the library, one of my lecturers came by and sat across me. He asked me if I needed help and I said it is fine and we would be meeting in class but he insisted on staying on and helping me. I chuckled awkwardly at him and let him sit with me in the library. Since there were fewer students in the library, he shifted his seat next to me and had his hand on my thighs. At first, I thought it was just a mistake but when he kept placing his hand on my thighs and kept rubbing it up and down, I felt I should just leave and skip his class instead.

"You know, I had always admired you in class. With the amount of dedication, hard work, and discipline you have for my class, I am very touched," my lecturer, Mr. Bing said as he kept rubbing my thighs.

"That is really nice of you, sir to say but you know your hands are on my thighs right now, right sir?" I pointed out to him.

"Don't you want some sugar here? I will make sure you pass with distinction for my subject," he said as he smiled at me creepily.

"Sir, I think you are acting weird today. I will just leave, sir. I feel really uncomfortable," I said I got up.

"No, where are you going? We haven't even gotten to know each other. Sit down," he said as he pulled my hand back.

"The only thing that would be sitting here is your ass!" Yoongi appeared suddenly in front of me.

"Yoon...Mr. Min! How did-Wait! Calm down-" before I could finish my sentences, Yoongi pushed Mr. Bing back in his seat harshly.

"Who the hell are you? Students have no right to manhandle lecturers, you do know that right?," Mr. Bing panicked a little.

Yoongi smirked at Mr. Bing and said, "I am not your student nor from this university. I am her husband!" Yoongi gave his cold death stare to Mr. Bing.

"Actually, it is to be husband, but, it is fine, I guess," I said as I knew it wasn't the right time to correct anyone.

"Now, shall we talk outside now?" Yoongi asked Mr. Bing in a cold tone.

"Look, it is just a small misunderstanding. I did not mean to do that. I am sorry," Mr. Bing apologized to me.

"He said he was sorry. Let him go and don't create a scene here," I said as I pulled Yoongi.

Yoongi followed me out from the library but he kept looking at Mr. Bing. I told him it was alright and I am sure he wouldn't dare repeat his mistake again.

"What are you doing here? I told you I will come after class," I was curious.

"I wanted to-you know what? Just forget it. Call me once you are done," Yoongi said as he left the library.

I was so confused at Yoongi's behavior and took a deep breath as I entered the library again to see Mr. Bing was nowhere to be seen. I thought of not attending his class today but it would look really immature of me to do so. So, I packed my bag and headed for his class on the next block. There was another class going on in the lecture hall so I had to wait outside the lecture hall for the class to be over. My heart skipped a bit when I thought it was really a close call for Mr. Bing to report Yoongi and me for manhandling him in the library since there was no proof or eye witness to say Mr. Bing harassed me sexually in the library.

Once the class was over, I walked into the lecture hall and took my seat at the back of the class as I reserved a seat for Rachel too.

"Hey! I thought of skipping his class today," Rachel said as she sat beside me.

"Oh, why? This is his last class before the finals. he may give up some tips," I said.

"Oh, you did not hear that Mr. Bing was admitted to the hospital just a while ago?" Rachel said as she looked at me in surprise.

"He what now? I mean how did this happen?" I asked her even though I might have a hint of whose doing was it.

"Apparently he went over to his car to take some files and he was walking with his box of files in his hands when some guys just punched him. Right on his nose!" Rachel demonstrated in the air with her hands.

"Oh, my God! Did he broke his nose?" I was shocked.

"Who? Do you know who did this?" Rachel asked me curiously.

"Huh, why would I? I mean how is that-No, Rachel, I don't!" I panicked a little.

"Okay, just relax there," Rachel pouted.

"Just his nose, right? Nothing serious right?" I asked out of concern.

"I am pretty sure, it is just his nose. Someone here like Mr. Bing. Trying to get good grades?" Rachel teased me.

"What, no! He is supposed to give us tips, remember? Maybe later, I could just talk to him if he wasn't that serious with his injury, you know," I said as I wiped my sweat off my forehead.

"You and your nerd ways! Share with me if he gives you any by the way. I need to pass this class because this is my third time taking it," Rachel complained.

I chuckled at Rachel sheepishly and pretended to read my notes in front of me. I know I have to talk to Yoongi about this because he could get me into trouble if he goes on behaving like this.

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