Chapter 43: Back to the Realm

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Finding my way back alone seemed to take an eternity. I yearned to return to my world with Yoongi and my plush inflatable bed until my entire being was consumed by panic. I was gazing around when I noticed something hairy was approaching me. By holding my breath, I suppressed the temptation to scream. It was just a squirrel, indeed, who scurried up a tree and disappeared. 

Phew. While I was watching the squirrel leave, I observed something else. A dusty road buried beneath the fallen leaves could bring me back to the castle! I was filled with both excitement and fear. My mind was inundated with a thousand ideas. What if I was on the wrong track? What do you suppose my folks would say if they found out? What if I'm too late to save Yoongi? I had no choice but to take a gamble and give it a shot.

I hurried along the trail, and sure enough, it was the castle's back door! "Yes!" I muttered to myself, then recalled that it had been less than an hour and that I had arrived early. After a few hours of crouching in the dark, I realized I'd never been truly thirsty before. Drinks had always been delivered before I had even realized I wanted one.

The ice jingled and urged her to sip them since they were sparkly, refreshing, and flavorful. I had never drank to relieve my misery. But just now, even simple water would be a blessing. My thoughts were consumed by the desire to drink. Rachel was out there, so she should stay hidden, but the sensation was too much to handle. I crept out from behind the beer barrels, taking a cup from the kitchen.

Then I heard footsteps coming toward me, and I knew I had to hide immediately. I hid behind the huge barrels of beer in the kitchen and hoped that I wouldn't be seen by anyone. I closed my eyes and thought of Yoongi and how much I missed him.

Baby, dare to trap me. I need you to. That's how I feel safe. I can get out if I want to. I could make a door, make a key, or walk through the walls, "I murmured under my breath, softly, as I closed my eyes tightly.

As I hear two individuals approaching, I dive behind a sharp rock, attempting to shallow my breathing. I close my eyes and strain to hear what they're saying. Their voices indicate that these are two males who are bickering. I take a brief peek around the corner of the rock and see a short, stubby man and a taller man with a hood over his head, revealing only his eyes. The gaze of his partner goes close to where I am squatting. I crouch down when I notice his bird-like eyes examining my hiding spot as if he is aware that he is being watched.

Footsteps lead away from where I'm hiding, but I wait until they fade. I crawl out and, against my better judgment, I trail behind, monitoring my every step as if a single misstep would reveal me. As I stepped out of the hiding place, I turned back to head out of the kitchen, wanting to look out for Rachel. Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed my body and pulled me towards the body behind me, putting a sword to my throat. I could hear his breathing in my ear as he held his sword close to my neck.

"Why are you here?" he whispered into my ears.

Immediately, I knew who it was behind me with the sword to my throat. He didn't know that I came back for him and Rachel.

"Yoongi..." I murmured.

I realized Yoongi had lowered his sword from my throat and turned me around to face him. He quickly placed his sword back into his scabbard and hugged me.

Where did you run off to? Why did you leave me? " Yoongi wondered.

I didn't leave you, Yoongi. Someone sent me back to our world on purpose, and I think I know who it is, "I guessed.

Who can do that? Why didn't they do the same for me? "he said, his voice implying he was retreating, withdrawing.

Yoongi, listen. Rachel is here. I need to find her now. I need the stone she has so that I can bring you back safely, "I held his hand in mine slowly."

"Rachel? What-wait, what stone are you talking about? " Yoongi squinted his eyes in confusion.

"The red diamond from the necklace," I tried to explain.

Yoongi froze for a while and then pulled my arm, walking fast towards somewhere. Yoongi thought if he could bring me to his chamber and make me explain more about the red diamond from the necklace, he would have something to help me out with. He made sure I wasn't seen by anyone or his royal guards on the way to his chamber. I reached his chamber and I wasn't surprised to see AgustD standing beside his chamber hugely grinning at me. 

"Welcome back, sweetheart!" AgustD tittered.

I sneered at him and followed Yoongi from the back as AgustD followed us too. Yoongi closed his chamber doors and looked at me attentively. 

"I am glad that you are back, pretzy but I am confused at why Rachel is here and-" Yoongi's words got interrupted by AgustD laughing, "Don't you guys get it? Rachel, your beloved friend is who Yoongi is getting married to."

Yoongi and myself were taken aback by AgustD's words, "What?!".

"So, you didn't know about this too?" I questioned Yoongi.

"I swear I didn't know about this till now," Yoongi admitted.

"Look here lovebirds, Rachel is the queen of Gangwon, and she is supposed to marry me but it was too late. So, to keep the promise, the king of Gangwon who would be her father, wants to marry off his daughter to the King of Gyeonggi," AgustD explained casually to us.

"I have to find Rachel, Yoongi. I have to get that red diamond from her. If she is going to be in my way of getting you back safely, I will end her and get that diamond," I sounded agitated and desperate. 

"If you ain't troubled in troubling times, there is something wrong with you. Did you get stuck in "ice mode" or what?" AgustD asked me as he smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked him back curiously.

"I got to stay connected to my soul especially when it hurts. Because that's when I learn the most, that's when my empathy grows and creative solutions come," AgustD replied to me, beating around the bush.

"Stop the charades, AgustD! Say what you have to say here," Yoongi was impatient.

"Your language is so simple and low. You would have understood my statement the first time when I said it. Now, you will just have to wait and see what I meant," AgustD smirked at Yoongi.

"Well then, I am very sorry if we don't get it right away but I want to know where is Rachel now," I asked AgustD.

"Betraying Rachel is like betraying Satan," AgustD sighed hard.

"So, what could I do but not to betray Satan, not to start working against her no matter the cost? She betrayed me first, in the real world in our pasts too," I sarcastically replied AgustD. 

"What do you mean by our pasts? Do we have more than one past?" Yoongi looked at me in concern.

"Who did you think I sold your beloved diamond ring for the basket of mushrooms?" I replied the both of them. 

Yoongi was still confused but AgustD understood immediately. He knew the buyer at the market in their past was none other than Rachel herself. AgustD's diamond ring had a red stone on the top and it was the only piece left of his mother before she passed away. 

"Don't tell me you can't remember your past, Yoongi? AgustD and you are the same people in the past," I tried to jog his memory to remember his past.

Yoongi shook his head softly indicating he couldn't remember anything but AgustD convinced Yoongi that he would and he remembers his past, Yoongi would be on AgustD's side. 

"Am I not on your side?" Yoongi asked AgustD curiously.

"Not yet at least not in full yet, Yoongi. You have to remember your past for you to fight Rachel and free me from my past," AgustD explained.

I knew Yoongi was feeling confused and upset, so I pulled him towards me and hugged him, "It is okay, Yoongi. You will remember your past soon. I have faith in you." 

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