Chapter 15- A Heartbreaker

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"Yoongi, you got to listen to me. I have something important to tell you," I said to Yoongi that night in his room.

Yoongi was changing his clothes before he wanted to send me back home. He looked out from the bathroom with his half-naked body as he wiped his face on the towel.

"Your brother is not whom you think he is. I don't trust him," I said as I tried to look at Yoongi.

"Nobody is asking you to trust him. He is my half-brother and I think I know him more than you do, pretzy," Yoongi came out from the bathroom without his shirt on.

I noticed a huge scar on his abdomen area as if someone had hurt him deeply. Although the wound seemed like an old one, I wondered how did he live through the pain of that deep cut. I quickly looked at him and sighed.

"I thought I had the right to say this. Guess, I am not. I am sorry," I looked down as I bit my lips.

Yoongi placed his towel on the bed and walked towards me. He pushed my chin up so that my eyes could meet his eyes. He took my hand and made me feel the scar on his abdomen. My heart was beating fast, and I was nervous as he handheld mine. The sexual tension that radiated from Yoongi was heavy, and I could feel his warm breath on my hand as he placed it on his scar.

"This is for protecting my brother from getting stabbed by another mafia," Yoongi said as he looked at my fingers touched his bare skin.

"I am sorry, I did not know about this," I said as I tried to remove my hand from his.

"So, tell me why you said that my brother couldn't be trusted?" Yoongi asked me as he looked at me in cold.

"I was wrong, I guess. I should have said you have to be careful instead of cannot be trusted," I tried to cover up.

"I can take care of myself if anything would happen between my brother and myself. You don't have to worry. I asked you to marry me because of our deal, nothing more than that. So, don't get involved in my family issue too much," Yoongi coldly replied.

I looked at Yoongi in shock and I couldn't make myself come up with words to argue with Yoongi. I knew Yoongi was a hard shell to crack, but I did not expect him to be mean to me. I was trying to warn him about his half-brother and what I have heard in the room that day but Yoongi seemed to be colder and mean when I tried to say anything about his brother.

"I am sorry. I will wait outside," I said as I turned around to head to the door.

Yoongi came closer to me and leaned in for a kiss and as soon as his lips touched my lips, I backed off a little.

"I can't do this. I am sorry. I deserve real love too, Yoongi, ah, sorry, Mr. Min," my tears were rolling down my chubby cheeks.

"What makes you think love could be real or fake? We had a deal, right?" Yoongi said thinking he outsmarted me.

"Then, shouldn't we just stick to the deal instead, Mr. Min?" I said as I opened the room door.

Yoongi stepped aside as he saw me walking out of the room with tears in my eyes. I walked down the stairs as I wiped my tears so that people wouldn't notice it. I waited for Yoongi downstairs in the hall as I noticed most of the guests that came for the party have gone back home. So, I decided to clear up the place by throwing away plastic cups and plates into the trash can. Meanwhile, Yoongi's brother came into the hall to help me, but I ignored him.

"Looks like Yoongi is running late on you. Do you want me to send you back instead?" he asked me purposely.

"No need for that. I am here now, aren't I, hyung?" Yoongi said as he walked down the stairs fixing his watch.

He looked cool in his black t-shirt, black leather jacket, and his black skinny jeans. Black suited him so well because it made him look sexy and spicy at the same time. I had to shrug my thoughts many times just to stay mad at him. I did not want to fall for Yoongi and regret my decision later. My thoughts were snapped when I heard Yoongi thanking his brother in the hall.

"Thanks for the offer," I said to Yoongi's brother politely.

I followed Yoongi out as I grabbed my bag and hand phone. Yoongi opened the car door for me and I sat in the car without hesitating. The drive from his house to my house was silent and awkward as I was still hurt by how Yoongi acted and said to me before. I could sense that Yoongi was pissed at me for spilling the truth about his brother and how I turned his kiss down. As we reached my house, Yoongi turned into my house compound and waited for me to get down from his car.

"Get ready by tomorrow evening. I will come to fetch you for the Daegu trip," Yoongi said as I got down.

"What if I say I don't want to follow you?", I purposely provoked him.

"You don't have any say in this, princess. Just pack enough clothes for a week," Yoongi said as he looked at me sternly.

"Why do you need me? You said you could take care of yourself, right?" I provoked him again.

"We had a deal, right princess? Do you want me to break it instead? You know what happens if I break it, right?," Yoongi tried to threaten me.

I sighed hard and stared coldly at him. I glared at him as shut his car door. Now I am stuck with a mean cold-hearted childhood friend, a possible murderer, and a gold digger for the Daegu trip. Now that I have no choice but to follow Yoongi for the trip, I have to be on alert all the time so that I could save my childhood best friend from getting murdered by his older brother and his gold-digger girlfriend.

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